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Bipin's BAT Boutique

Started by Bipin, November 20, 2011, 01:24:35 PM

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Psst... that's what Aaron and I are talking about  ;) (hence why I told him where he can contact me in my last post). I am planning on doing more versions, as is Aaron possibly.


Pardon the poor picture quality, just take my latest development for what it is; a proof-of-concept:

Driveways that are actually, well... "driveable", are now here! They are extremely easy to make and completely user-friendly. All that needs to be done is add a single prop to a lot. That has implications outside of my own BATs, for anyone can add these props to their house lots in order to connect them with the street. Also note the little detail in them where one can see how there is a slight depression in the driveway as it enters the road. Regarding details, I've been wondering if any way exists in which I may remove the wealth-specific grass associated with streets. I've tried a number of wealth removal mods (e.g. Sithlord's/Swamper77's) but none seem to work.


Are you looking for a No Grass Mod such as this one http://community.simtropolis.com/files/file/22267-no-grass-mod/

These houses are looking great by the way.


Thanks! I've tried those though, and they haven't worked, albeit they don't produce exactly what I want anyways. I'm looking to keep the yellower grass texture characteristic of low wealth; I'd rather not have this ugly, oversaturated green.


Awesome work on the driveways Bipin  &apls

If I understand right you could only remove those wealth textures by converting streets and their sidewalks from a texture-based network to a model-based network.


The wealth grass textures have been annoying me for years.  So much so, that I know often consider modeling everything, including streets in LE and making an entire city plopable and thus unfunctional.


I suppose you could retain functionality by adding 3D-modeled props as T21's along the network. I'd say this is the "next big thing" in terms of a SC4 revolution. While not suggesting that I solely am up to the task, the concept works; look at my grungy highways.  ;)


The easiest way to extend the low wealth grass is to make two duplicate sets of the low wealth transit textures and apply them to medium and high wealth respectively, by changing the 7th digit in the ID which is the wealth indicator. It would probably take less than a minute to do in the Reader.
time flies like a bird
fruit flies like a banana


If you could inform me as to what must be done in a bit more detail I'd be happy to give it a try!


Textures with "1" as seventh digit in their ID are for $. "2" is $$ and "3" is $$$. You need to replace all the textures that have "2" and "3" with the ones that have "1".

The only complicated thing is that the textures are in different files. In case of the streets, you'll need zNAM_Retexture_and_Cosmetic_Mod_Streets_Superhands.dat and zzzNAM_Retexture_and_Cosmetic_Mod_Culdesac_Plugin_Superhands.dat in z__NAM and NetworkAddonMod_Diagonal_Streets_Plugin.dat in the main NAM folder.

Then copy all textures that have "1" as their seventh ID digit to a new file and use the Reader's TGI editor to batch-rename them to "2". E.g. 5f500214 to 5f500224. Repeat it with "3". Of course, make this file load after the above mentioned.

For reference, textures with "4", "5" and "6" are for higher densities $, $$, and $$$.



Thanks Swordmaster. I'll look into it now, but I seem to of been able to solve the problem myself. One other thing I'll need to know for this project is how to create MMPs. The location of the guide has seemed to of escaped me; I cannot find it anywhere. :(

EDIT: Problem solved!


Sorry for the double post, but I couldn't hold back from posting these lovely new driveways:



Looking good.  It is kind of surprising that real driveways have been this long in coming.


BLaM Overpath Props have been around for quite a while but hasn't found broad use by lotters it seems. Nor did the idea caught hold of batters either. Strange though, I imagine a general set of HD driveways could make for a useful prop pack. ;)
time flies like a bird
fruit flies like a banana


Thanks for the kind words, but I actually posted the wrong pictures in haste as I didn't want to be late for my grandpapa's 90th birthday party. I think this is more like what you're looking for...



I have to say, you really do some creative stuff. Not just with these houses, but overall. Always neat to see what you've been up to. Oh, and I love the decks on these houses, really well done!


Thanks for the kind words Whatevermind! Now, there's not much of a change other than the addition of concrete driveways, besides the tan ones shown prior to this post. These new driveways better match with the streets native to SC4; the vanilla version, if you will. Furthermore, these are designed to function with concrete and asphalt sidewalks characteristic of North America, which is where my houses would be found:

Now is the stage in which I begin to wrap this up. A few more versions of these houses, besides those in red and tan brick, will be created. I will also add additional wealth levels besides the current "$$". Furthermore, additional props will be created, such as hedges, which are integral to the realistic portrayal of suburbia, albeit found in few other places, especially at odd angles such as 18.44, 22.5 and 45 degrees. This is also the stage in which I could really use your help in deciding on more colour and material schemes.

I hope you enjoy the progress thus far. On that note, be sure to keep your eyes open for futuristic BAT releases. Certain items in that genre are in desperate need of being released, partly thanks to a few members reminding me to do so. ;)


~The time to test is here!~

This beta version of my houses provides a
chance for you; the end user, to give my
BAT's a test run independently. It also
provides me with a chance to gather data
on the BAT/lot performance in scenarios
mimicking their real use once released.

I strongly encourage you to try out this
content, for this test is integral to me
​continuing the project. If major errors
are to be found and not addressed at this
stage, some substantial time delays will
occur. No one wants that so give them a
try: http://tinyurl.com/BIPINTEST-houses

Large files, I know. However, I assure
you the download is certainly worth it!


Outstanding work on the house and driveways Bipin  &apls  Are you planning to implement the diag and FA houses as plopables?


I suppose I could.  ;) Right now, you can grow everything, and if need be, you can always use the buildingplop cheat.