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Three Rivers Region

Started by dedgren, December 20, 2006, 07:57:49 PM

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Hope Heather and the family are holding up well, you will be in my thoughts and prayers... Along with the real road development ;)
The Constitutional Monarchy of Ichigamin

Terraforming Update (8/25/09)


A bridge? Well, it certainly has my attention. I'll keep an eye out for what was planned to follow it, but in the meantime, I'm glad to hear Heather is doing better. Hope the trip goes well for you two, or three since I'd expect you're bringing the dog, and keep us posted on how she's doing.

Albus of Garaway

I hope Heather is doing well, David. Take your time with this RealRoads project, we can all wait! Real life is more important that SC4 life (As much as we all wish it wasn't so ::))



Hope Heather is doing well David, but, don't rush yourself with the RealRoads, They'll be fine no matter what.



Amazing Progress!

Unfortunately, I have to restart my SC4 collection... 3RR was the first on the Hit List of my must haves!

Congrats on all the development!  &apls

Edit: Best wishes to you and your family, hope Heather gets better soon!
737s, Air Force, Australia... what next?


Please, show us what's in that placeholder! %%Order?/

My Guess is November the 7th!

Ryan :thumbsup:
Sendona... Coming soon!


Well...I have to go with November 15 at 7:00 PM (EST), since that is my birthday! Whenever it is, though, David, it will surely be the biggest milestone we've had here at SC4D!

Enjoy your weekend, my friend!



Looks like I missed alot...

Prediction: November 12 1:38 PM EST which is about 9:38 AM Alaska Time.
Rednecks aren't country Music Stars, they're Rocket Scientists.



I missed whatever post(s) you made regarding Heather's health, I hope she is OK and recovering from whatever had her down.  Being one of the millions of uninsured folks in this country, I live in total terror of falling ill or becoming seriously injured.  I thank all the many dieties humanity has invented over the millenia that I have an almost bullet-proof immune system and take much care to prevent injury to myself, but one can never plan for the random accident that could represent serious decline.  At the age of 55, such things keep me awake at night.  They also serve to keep me careful.   

I am attempting to create a TOC for my MD and while it looks great in Word, it doesn't cut/paste very well into the forums.  The TOC you have looks excellent and so I'm wondering if you could refer me to the TOC guru who does yours for you, maybe he/she could give me some pointers.

Thanks a bunch and enjoy the weekend!



Somehow, I get the feeling that this is a non-SC4 bridge.  ;D  On a more serious note, I hope Heather has a quick recovery, David.  Take as much time as you need, because health is important.
Find my power line BAT thread here.
Check out the Noro Cooperative.  What are you waiting for?  It even has electricity.
Want more? Try here.  For even more electrical goodies, look here.
Here are some rural power lines.



I know you are a busy man with a very busy life, but knowing Heather has been ill and your silence for the past few days has me feeling very uneasy.  I have little to do with my life these days, so worrying about my friends take a primray spot in my mind.

Please post and let us know Heather is fine, you had a great Labor Day Weekend, and that your schedule is keeping you from doing more than lurking on your own MD.  I am near frantic with worry...my over-active mind is running down all these horrific scenarios.



Back from the mountain!

Thanks Lora and all who wondered what was up.  Things are OK, and I'm back at work today.  I'll catch everyone up in the next post or two.


D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren

Ryan B.

I'm glad everything seems to be sorting itself out.  What a mountain that is!

Albus of Garaway

I second Ryan on both counts! You and Heather have been in my thoughts these past couple of days. I hope you enjoyed your trip, and I'm also hoping that Heather is doing well. :)



Good to see you back David. Hope you and Heather are doing well.


I second (fourth!!!) Ryan, Jason and Matt...
It really is good to know that all is well.

If you have a closed mind, do the same with your mouth


Welcome back! I'm looking forward to your next update about the RealRoads and stuff. As I kinda forgot the 500.000 posts contest, I haven't yet found the time to calculate the most likely time for that post to be made as I need to solve a rather big equation to get a formula to predict the time it takes, and getting everything converted might be a problem.



Korot: Its a 500.000 VIEWS contest!  :D
You can call me Grif

--Currently out of the office, will resume SC4 7/19


 ??? What ?
It's not 500.000 PAGES ?  :D




Thank you for posting and setting my mind at ease, I appreciate it.  My mother trained me too well, I am a consummate worrier.  On those rare occasions when my roomie doesn't come home at night, instead of assuming he found a likeable lady to curl up with (he is single), I of course assume he got mugged waiting for his bus and is lying dead or hurt in the bushes somewhere.  I have to REALLY work hard to control my impulses to call the cops and have him tracked down.  Most of the time when he sleeps away from home he stays overnight at work because he closes the kitchen one night and opens it the next day.  I know this, but his back-to-back shifts vary from week to week and he doesn't post his schedule on the fridge here at home anymore, so his overnights away from home are kinda random.  I hate asking him to keep me apprised of his sleeping plans...he is a 39 year old man and I am not his mother...so I don't.  Instead I sleep poorly on nights he doesn't come home, waking up and checking his room to see if he's home yet and trying to very casually inquire, when he does come home, if he slept at work the night before.  I mean, I am curious about his love life, what roommate isn't, but I would never intrude into his privacy so much as to ask him if he got laid last night. 

But I have reason to worry about him.  He is an insulin shooting diabetic and a very heavy drinker...he does not take very good care of himself.  That's his choice and his biz.  But he needs to shoot his long-acting insulin before he goes to sleep at night.  He has a little pack of paraphenalia beside his bedside he eupemistically calls "his pancreas" that contains his insulin needles and doses.  He has a Humolog pen for the short-acting insulin he shoots before eating that he carries with him all the time, but he leaves "his pancreas" at home.  So spending the night away from home means he doesn't get his nightly insulin dose...and that makes me worry.  What if he IS at work, but has lapsed into a diabetic coma or gone into insulin shock?  As hard as I try not to mother him, I am 16 years his senior and I know his family (especially his mom and sister) are counting on me, at least a little bit, to try to keep him from stupidly doing harm to himself.  In the end, I am really powerless to change his behavior and I know it.  But that doesn't stop me from worrying about him. 

I think he is beginning to tune in to the anxiety he causes me when he unexpectedly spends the night away from home.  His back-to-back shift this week was Wednesday/Thursday and he told me Tuesday evening he wasn't going to come home Wednesday night.  I hope the gratitude I expressed to him for telling me ahead of time (rather than after the fact) will be enough to encourage him to continue letting me know his sleeping plans, when he knows them himself.  And maybe, if he decided spontaneously to spend the night away from home, for whatever reason, maybe he'll call and let me know.  Nah...THAT would never happen. 

But anyway, just a short little story to illustrate the way I worry when friends act a little out of character.

And David, is that Mt. Denali you posted a pic of? 

Lora/LD, who worries less when she has other, better, things to do

EDITLora, thanks for the illustration, which brought home why I need to stop by here at least once a day, no matter how grinding RL gets.  And, no- there actually officially is no Mount Denali [linkie]- according to the USGS, it's Mount McKinley, and if the Ohio congressional delegation (the state where President McKinley was from) has anything to do with it, it will always be Mount McKinley. -DE