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Three Rivers Region

Started by dedgren, December 20, 2006, 07:57:49 PM

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Hope the trial is going well, and again Happy birthday. Coming up on 7:30pm around here. I hope you got to spend at least part of the day celebrating when you weren't in the courtroom.
-edit- Also, you now have 1800 posts.


Dave, if you still consider birthdays a cause for celebration, I sincerely hope yours was extra special.

Until next time...


David that is a sweet looking pic and matt congrats on hitting the 1800 marker

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


Well, there's a birthday present for you, David--1800 comments! Congrats, my friend!


Hi David-

Phew!  I made it just barely in time to wish you a happy birthday/Dave's Day.   :)  Hope you managed to find some time when you weren't in court to enjoy it.  Excellent map, by the way--I've downloaded it and plan to study it. ;D  You're a regular Rand McNally.  You should have some new RHW stuff  to use on those highways soon as well, shortly. ;)

Congrats on the very fitting CML as well!

-Alex (Tarkus)


Congrats for more than 1800 comments! &apls Again looking forward to more...


Here's a "bare bones" road map including interchange numbers.

The full-size one is here [linkie].  It's in .gif format, is .82Mb and will open in a new window.

A note- as I've explained to a few by PM, 3RR freeway exit numbers run from low number to high from the south on north-south (odd numbered) routes, and from low number to high from the west on east-west (even numbered) routes.  The beltway, F-637, is considered an odd-numbered route based on its "parent"- F-37.  Where freeway routes are duplexed (i.e.: F-37 and F-60 from Brooks Ferry to vicinity of Thunder Bay) the even numbered exits are continued in that stretch.  Exit numbers are entirely kilometer based, and are figured to the nearest km from the point of origin.

Other trivia- I calculated by kilometer every segment of secondary and primary road (about 220) and every segment of freeway (another 40+) during the boring portions of a jury trial this past week.  I have also straightened and aligned perfectly to a 16px by 16px grid all of the road segments, which was tedious.

* * *

The big brief is submitted, the (as it turned out) three day jury trial is over, and I plan to be back here over this weekend catching up.  First, though, Heather and I are going to Hatcher Pass [linkie] to take some fall color pics.  We did that last year to good effect, and today is even a nicer day than we had back then.


D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


really interesting map  &apls &apls I really like it  :)


yes, a really great map there! :thumbsup:


D'ja ever wonder where 3RR actually is?

They're working up the Streets and Trips [linkie] maps for the 2009 edition, and I took a sneak peek at the work done to date.


D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren



You once again raise the ante. I doubt any one expected, well, ANY of the maps you have done and by showing us where 3RR "fits" in the real world blows me away. I assume that U.S. I-35 is extended to the border and a new freeway from Winnipeg arrives at the Western Border of 3RR? I'd love to see how 3RR's highways and railways connect to the US and Canada.  ;)

Keep blowing everyone's socks off!



I agree with Kevin above, even I wouldn't have expected something like that, David! Very clever, and very well done! You just keep pushing that envelope!


Referencing what Kevin (and thundercrack) just said, I actually brought out google earth to see if the rivers and all actually matched up like you've shown... move over Rand McNally. Was that intended at the outset, or was it really good photoshooping (or neither/both)? Hope rl is calming down for you and that it's a while before a jury trial springs up like that again.


Wow, I thought that was a real water system (the rivers) until I too brought out google earth, nice job!

Ryan B.

David, I finally got the map situation figured out.   :)  I will have pictures of the first signs soon!

EDIT:  Would you mind pointing out for me which freeways and primary roads connect to their real-world counterparts, so that I don't royally screw that up?  Thanks a ton!


Amazing work David!  I'm envious of your maps.

I was so suprised at seeing that map that I needed to check Google Earth out, too.  :)
You're telling me I get to be home for more than 12 months?


Wonderful map David!!! Actually I fired up Google Earth and Google maps to look the fitting of your map :D

It first I really thought it was a real map yours !!  :thumbsup:


Just wanted everyone to know I'm out here reading all these great replies.  I have some additional info, which I'll put in a post tonight.

In the meantime, I did get out to 3RR this weekend to shoot some "leaf peeper" pics.  Here's Ash Creek, in Elbert Township.


D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren



And other "B" words as well!

Always looking forward to more here, my friend! Always!


Wow. Alaska really is a beautiful place. I've always wanted to ride my motorcycle there, taking routes other than the Alaska Highway.
