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SimCity 4 Devotion Custom Content Showcase => Independent Development Projects => Independent LOT Editor Projects => Topic started by: Myself.or.? on August 02, 2010, 06:34:04 PM

Title: Myself in Simarillions LOT Workshop
Post by: Myself.or.? on August 02, 2010, 06:34:04 PM

  :-\  OK, here we go.  :-\

After a bunch of frustrating and embarassing attempts &ops I've finally kind of understood how the PIM-X functions &mmm.
So it's time to start letting you folks have your say. %wrd

But, before I let you see anything (I'm bad, I know $%#Ninj2) two questions.

1) I'm still not quite sure about the Stage system.
Anybody got a simple explanation or tutorial on how exactly it functions and how the various values are related?

2) Since I won't be using any 'homemade' stuff there is the point of 'other people'.
Provided that I'll give the due credit, link the dependencies and won't include any models in the DL's, is there anything I just mustn't use without the consent of the creator? And would it be considered a polite duty to actually ask anyway before using somebodies stuff?
Title: Re: Myself in Simarillions LOT Workshop
Post by: Indisguise on August 02, 2010, 06:55:57 PM
take a look at the Cam section of the BSC creation threads, the main ones you will be looking at are the posts by Ripplejet

main threads you seem to looking for are:



some of the threads deal with other things as well, but you'll want a basic understanding of most of them as most of them are interconnected

As for releasing lots that don't have any self created models, general rule is a:  have direct permission from the original creator to be able release any of their models with an upload, or more commonly done is

B: In a Readme file direct either written or by a link to where the original model file can be download and list it as a dependance for the lot in question giving prop due to the original creator. After that your sort of free to use whatever you wish to create or mod files and share them with the comunity

Most cases the later is done as to aviod others from downloading the same model files over and over again and having multi files of the same models in their plugins folder  After a while they can add up and slow down your game, as only 1 copy of a model file is needed in your plugins folder reguardless the number of lots that use the model file. Once released openly.
GL  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Myself in Simarillions LOT Workshop
Post by: Myself.or.? on August 07, 2010, 08:49:53 AM
Thank you Indisguise.  :thumbsup:
Since I didn't plan to make anything above Stage 5 (for now) the one thing I didn't even think of checking was the CAM.
Still, it looks kind of chinese to me, but I'm sure I'll get there (sooner or rather later).

In the meantime, a first outing for my first (kind of) serious Lot. So far it's a plopable I-M, producing Apples and Strawberries.

( (

( (

Any comments, critcism, suggestions,... are obviously welcome!  :-\
Title: Re: Myself in Simarillions LOT Workshop
Post by: Indisguise on August 07, 2010, 10:31:56 AM
The lot looks nice.  might want to add a car or tractor, or if it more of an amish type a horse drawn waggon to it

I guess if your making a region where you like to have Manf ind lots for demand purposes but keep the rural type look it. it be alright.

Not sure a lot this size would justify the # of jobs and wealth type a manf ind gives be more of an Agri type zoning. I find it odd that a Manf. Ind lot is growing apples and strawberries, seems more like a farm or Agr type lot, might fit in better in that type of zoning, as most manf IND lots are , well more for manufacturing not actual growing of the items. Manf Ind be more of a company using grown items to make strawberry jam or apple juice, that sort of thing.

If the lots just for presentation purposes I guess making a plopable only lot is ok, but theres is an issue with plopables, they can't start commutes, making IND and RES lots of this type cause issues while simulating play in the city or region.

IND lots never start freight trips therefore they never complete freight trips and this disrupts IND cap and may cause abandoment or cap issues and issues of not being able to grow more in the city later on.

RES do the same as they don't start comutes and sooner or later the building become abandoned cause the sims can't leave the building to find work and any sims in the building never part of the cities population, though the numbers do count against the cities cap.

If your looking for any help in making Farm lots I suggest you talk with Barby, shes a very good lot maker and specialty is farms.

Title: Re: Myself in Simarillions LOT Workshop
Post by: Myself.or.? on August 07, 2010, 06:34:32 PM
First of all, thanks for calling the Lot nice. I feared different. I'm kind of feeling like a small child, first time showing it's produce to the adults.

The main Project I'm working on right now is SimMedieval (, which means that, as far as possible, nothing invented after 1600 can be used. The project has gone kind of quiet lately, but...

As far as Farms, RES and COM go, there are a few things around that could be adapted, but IND for that time period are somewhat of a challenge. That's why I temporarily decided that plucking, sorting and cleaning Apples and Strawberries was an I-M activity.

The Lot is still a plopable, because I was simply too lazy to wait for it to grow (and too eager to actually show it to you guys). Once I'll decide to keep it (and what to make out of it), it will turn growable.

Thanks also for the additional advice, any help and support is always welcome.
