SC4 Devotion Forum Archives

SimCity 4 General Discussion and Tutorials => SimCity 4 General Discussion => SimCity 4 on MacOS Discussion => Topic started by: RivalsFC on August 24, 2010, 05:55:53 AM

Post by: RivalsFC on August 24, 2010, 05:55:53 AM
Hello all!

I know this could fit into a couple different forums, but instead of making two posts I'll just combine them here.

First off, I'm new to the site but I love all the things you guys have done so far.  I played this game for a LONG time a few years back, had a few mods, but nothing too serious. Well, I've forgotten most of the things i knew about modding the game, and to compound the issue I just got a new Macbook a week ago, so I'm running into issues installing ALOT of this content on my mac.  I tried a forum search but couldn't find anything relevant to my needs...any one want to try and help me a out a little?  I would REALLY appreciate it.  I hope once I get up and running I'll be able to contribute some really nice stuff to the site as well!  Thanks in advance!
Post by: Indisguise on August 24, 2010, 09:58:34 AM
if your looking for help with mac installation of maxis or lex material you'll need a file called file juicer, this allows the auto-installers to work on a MAC. Personelly I don't use a MAC but theres a whole section on Mac user help.

Take a boo through these topics, most likely answer most if not all of your questions: