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City Showcase (All games welcome) => Mayors' Diaries => Inactive Recently Published => Topic started by: p_kitaro on October 26, 2010, 12:05:22 AM

Title: Kingdom of Aoyama
Post by: p_kitaro on October 26, 2010, 12:05:22 AM
Sakura City (Part 1)

I've decided to make a version of my Simtrop Journal here on SC4D.  Since this forums runs on BBCode, this will be different from the original.  In some cases, this version may omitted pictures since typin' in BBCode is such a pain :D

If you want to see more pictures, as well as an Introductions and Background about Aoyama, and if you want to take a peek at the stuff that will be posted later here on SC4D, they can be found back archived on the new CJ section on Simtropolis (

Anyways, a quick summary of the Kingdom of Aoyama is that it's an Asian country governed by an constitutional elected monarchy.  It's situated between Sakhalin and Hokkaido.  In recent times, this country has become one of the unluckiest countries on the planet filled with absurdity.

Imagine "Grand Theft Auto: Asian Cities".

Alright, here we go!

Of all cities in Aoyama, only one is mecca of all...

About Sakura City

Sakura City, home to over 5 million residents, is the political, financial, and cultural capital of the entire country.  It houses parliament, hundreds of international blue-chip companies, and much more.  In this update, I'll be covering the first 3 districts of the Sakura Federal District (SFD), home to 2.2 million residents.

Quick Statistics
--Metro: 5,000,000*
--City: 2,200,000
-Economy (City)
--GDP: USD: USD 158.4 billion
--Per Capita: USD 72,000

*Since last update

Parliament Park


The heart of Aoyaman politics, Parliament houses 150 representatives in both the House of Commons and 50 in the House of Lords. Outside surrounding parliament is Parliament Park, a one acre field, with 8 white cherry blossoms blooming by the side.


In front of Parliament stand 8 illuminating pillars, near the statues of the first ruling family. Like the 8 cherry blossoms, they represent good luck (8 is a number commonly represented for good luck in Asian cultures). It's been said however if all eight lights are lit, and one light suddenly breaks, the light must either be replaced immediately, or another light has to be broken. If not, an undetermined time of suffering will befall Aoyama. This rumor started since the sudden death of Former Prime Minister Taro Isei died on the day over 20 years ago when one of the pillar's lights broke. To this day, the coroners haven't concluded if he was assassinated.  The case to this day, is still a mystery.

In December 2007, one light did break, but repairs for the light were postponed for nearly a week. That was said to have caused the global credit crunch.

And please, don't ask "what if one of cherry blossom die?"
We don't need any more bad luck as it is!

The Financial Capital[/b]



The financial powerhouse of Aoyama. Where only the toughest of Aoyamans survive.

Here, Aoyama's ruthless business CEO's and ambitious salaryman commute to their offices in black luxury Toyota Crown's, ready to take on the next corporate takeover, financial merger, backroom deal, and government bailout.

That's however, is only true in the world of "The Apprentice: Aoyama". While it is the most powerful district in all of Aoyama, it is the most boring. In reality, if you've met real businessman, trust me, they are seriously, seriously boring.


...Let's move on shall we.

TBH, It wasn't supposed to be there...[/b]




Shinatama is home to nearly 300,000 of Sakura City's residents. Like most of Sakura City's architecture, it comprises of tall, slim, greenish-blue glass buildings.

Shinatama is a multiuse area, with residential and commercial property near at close vicinity between each other to save commute time. This however, was accidental. Shinatama was supposed to be Sakura's enlarged financial capital, but the engineers didn't read the plans right. This is what happens when you live in a place where people are forced to speak 5 languages, and make them read a blueprint in one.

Multiculturalism is nice, but in reality, it really doesn't work...and a lot of people here are convinced.



Alright, that's it for now. ;D
Title: Re: Kingdom of Aoyama
Post by: TheBluejay on November 07, 2010, 02:04:28 PM
Gawd, tell me about it! You spend ages crafting an update, upload with great relief and then you remember that you have to reformat the entire thing! Murder xD

As for the update, absolutely stupendous pics. You've managed to create a high-density area which doesn't just end up as featureless tracts, which is always difficult to achieve. I particularly like the Parliament buildings - May is ask, what is that fence?
Title: Re: Kingdom of Aoyama
Post by: kalvar on November 12, 2010, 05:46:54 AM
wow, I love this city, the park shopping area, are excellent, congratulations.