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City Showcase (All games welcome) => Mayors' Diaries => Inactive Best Sellers => Topic started by: ThomasK on April 09, 2011, 01:10:12 PM

Title: Cattala | Last Update: 21st November 2012
Post by: ThomasK on April 09, 2011, 01:10:12 PM

"Where Imperialism meets the Mediterranean."


Welcome to the United Kingdom of Cattala, my first MD to feature here on Sim City 4 Devotion. I hope this is the right place for me to post this, if not, I apologise. This is actually the 42nd update of this MD, and the previous 41 updates are available at Sim Mania, Simtropolis and the AIN. I will be posting the previous five updates here over the next few days, just so you get a sense of what Cattala is like.
Today's update is an overview, as requested by a viewer! So we'll be looking more at Cattala as a nation, it's location and we'll take a general look at all of it's major cities and towns.

Below is the most recent map of Cattala. Most of these cities we have seen, and the map is quite self-explanatory.


Here we see all of the provinces of Cattala, and their flags. Jennai Province is the most populated, whilst the Ionian Province is the smallest and least populated province. Rhodes is the newest province, having joined the Kingdom in September 2010.



Now we'll take a quick look at the major towns and cities that we've already seen in Cattala, with brand new images from each one!


First up is the capital city of Cattala, Celeste. The historic capital was heavily developed during the British colonial era, but was heavily damaged by both the Italian invasion of 1861 and the Second World War. Since then, Celeste has been reconstructed into it's former self, keeping the imperial charm that makes it unique.


Next is the second biggest city of Cattala, and former capital Calora. This city is defined by it's massive urban sprawl, which occurred when it was home to the island's largest port. Nowadays the docks are redundant and most people commute to Jennai or Celeste, or work in the industrial and commercial district of Lagos.


Moving east, the town of Seina is a traditional Mediterranean community that has been barely influenced at all by colonists and modern life. Some of the country's wealthiest people live in sheltered mansions in the forests surrounding Seina.


San Pietro is the southernmost town on the main island of Cattala, and is found in a mountainous valley. On a clear day, you can see the industrial city of Jennai from Saint Peter's Church.


Now we're travelling off of the mainland for the first time, to visit South Ontano. This region is home to Brunswick town and dozens of small farming villages and is the most fertile part of the Holy Regno.


To the north of Brunswick is the area known as Aldoak, the British name for the largest town in Ontano. The north of the island is considerably more mountainous and less populated than the rolling valleys of Brunswick.


One of the most northerly villages is Eurellia, a small community in the north east of Ionia Island. Eurellia was one of the first places that was bombed by Italian forces in the Second World War, and the population relies heavily on agriculture and tourism for it's income.


To end with, a few more facts about Cattala. To find out more, visit the Cattala forum at the AIN, or visit the AIN Wiki and select Cattala.
I hope you all enjoyed this first Cattala update here at SC4Devotion, and if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me.  :)
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: netmod on April 09, 2011, 01:13:41 PM
Welcome Thomas, I hope your stay is awesome

Nice Overview  :D
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: io_bg on April 09, 2011, 02:25:19 PM
You're off to a great start! A small tip from me - before taking pictures, unpause the game so that traffic appears on your streets :) They're quite empty now.
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: kwakelaar on April 09, 2011, 03:49:14 PM
An impressive start here at SC4D and I look forward to your next posting.
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: Jmouse on April 09, 2011, 07:25:30 PM
An interesting start you have here on what looks like it will be an excellent MD. There's a lot of variety which is always a good thing. I like the way you've used the reference map in the lower right corners, and if I might add one little suggestion, too, number your photos. This makes it easier for us to comment on individual pics. :)

Good work...
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: Reikhardt on April 10, 2011, 02:02:10 AM
Hey Thomas, great to your Journal/ Diary over here!
Always loved Cattala, can't wait to see what you do in future!
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: ThomasK on April 10, 2011, 05:31:09 AM

Netmod: Thank you very much, and thanks for being the first to comment.  ;D

io_bg: That's a really good piece of advice... I'm going to try and remember to do that from now on. Thank you!

kwakelaar: Thanks! The next update will be later today, as I'm going to show you updates 37 to 42, so you see more of Cattala.

Jmouse: Thank you, I'm glad you like the maps and variety. I've now updated the graphics for future updates, so you should see numbers in the bottom right corner from Update 43 onwards.

Reikhardt: Hey there! A familiar face. Thanks for commenting and I'm glad you liked it.
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: Tomas Neto on April 10, 2011, 07:17:53 AM
Awesome start, fantastic work!!!
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: ThomasK on April 10, 2011, 12:05:12 PM
Tomas Neto: Thanks! Welcome to Cattala, btw.

Now, I'm having a few technical issue establishing which update is Update 37, which is five updates ago. The technical issue is that Simtropolis is down, and that site obviously has a list of update numbers on it and is the only place where I've actually recorded the numbers of Cattala updates on. However thanks to advice from SC4Devotion members, I now have numbers on all future updates. So I believe that the update I'm about to show you is update 37, however I won't be entirely sure until Simtropolis returns.



Welcome back to Aldoak, in North Ontano. We saw Aldoak for the first time here on 'Devotion in Update 42, which you can see above this post. Aldoak is the central town on Ontano Island, and lies at the foot of a mountainous peak. It's a very traditional, Mediterranean town.


Today we're starting off in the south-west of Aldoak, in the small farming community to the south of the main village.


The land around the Fiume Ontano is fertile and ripe, and historically, Aldoak has been an important area for food production.


In recent years farmland has been sold off for property construction, which has been highly profitable since the turn of the century.


The Fiume Ontano flows through the centre of Aldoak and is the reason that the village was initially built. It flows from a source in the mountains north of Brunswick.


The village centre is dominated by apartments and traditional Mediterranean homes, which are seen across Almae-Ontano Province.


Much of the village has been built around the Fiume Ontano, and the series of streams that flow from it. To end with, an overview of Aldoak. I hope you liked this update, and Update 38 will be online tomorrow, hopefully. Once again, if you have any questions or suggestions please tell me.
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: netmod on April 10, 2011, 04:13:09 PM
I saw it before but I still love it  &apls I hope you do Jennai in another update
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: Tomas Neto on April 10, 2011, 04:16:58 PM
Fantastic small city, and awesome rural area!!!   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: peter007 on April 11, 2011, 10:16:40 AM
Haha started here to?

Well that's great. I will surely follow your MD here!

Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: ThomasK on April 11, 2011, 12:00:40 PM
Netmod: Thanks! Jennai is going to be a massive project... It's a city of 1 million people, which is nearly half the population of the country. Jennai is truly huge, so I'm probably going to hold off on starting work on it until after my exams this June, so I'll probably start work on Jennai this summer. Sorry if that's a disappointment, but I've made lots of improvements just from working on other cities, so hopefully Jennai will be my best yet when I make it this August.

Tomas Neto: Hi again! Thanks for the compliment, I'm glad you liked Aldoak.

peter007: Thank you, and yep, I've heard lots of good things about the SC4D forums and from what I've seen so far, the activity and kindness here far exceeds Simtropolis. Plus Devotion doesn't crash as often (touch wood). That's a bonus.



Welcome back to Aldoak, in North Ontano. Today we're taking another look at the village of Aldoak, although mainly the north of the village.


Here we see Aldoak's central railway station – it's small, but it does the job well and is one of the more efficient stations in Cattala.


In the western fringes of the village, many homes are suburban and were constructed after the liberation of Cattala. This part of the village housed British servicemen after the 1943 attack on Sicily and Cattala.


The main road through Aldoak traverses from the northern coast of Ontano, and heads through hundreds of acres of land to the far southern town of Brunswick.


Along the railway line, many industrial complexes have been built and are the largest employer in Aldoak. The railway link to the mainland means land rental is cheap, and transportation is as well.


To end with, a wide shot of the border between the village, the river and the vineyards that traverse the eastern side of the Ontano river. Tomorrow we return to the mainland for an update from Celeste!
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: peter007 on April 11, 2011, 12:10:51 PM
Well, keep it updated.

It's always nice to have another great MD here.

Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: scott1964 on April 11, 2011, 06:01:55 PM
 :o WOW looks nice.  :D
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: ThomasK on April 12, 2011, 04:21:34 AM
peter007: Thanks! I'm going to try and keep updating. I'm on my Easter holidays right now, so I've got plenty of time on my hands.

scott1964: Thank you! I'm glad you like Cattala.



Good morning and welcome to Celeste, the capital city of Cattala,  where today we're starting off early in the day, in the eastern fringes of Vittorius, a northern suburb of Celeste.


Near the railway line that signifies the end of Vittorius district, is a modern Gallery that has hosted expositions and special events for over a decade.


Here's an overview of the east of Vittorius, built around the Fiume Celeste. This area is located due north of Franogei, so the apartments were constructed at the same time.


Here we see a view of the river from the top of Lassereth House.


And here is the centrepiece of Vittorius – the palace. Victoria Palace was dedicated to Queen Victoria, and was home to the Governor of Cattala during the imperial years. Now it is the main residence of the current royal family. The palace lies on the southern edge of Vittorius, and on the fringes of Franogei.


Here we see the embassy of the Atlantic Federation, which is located on the edge of the Fiume Celeste, which navigates straight through Vittorius.


To end with, an overview of the Veratlantian Centre and the Vittorius Gallery at night.
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: mave94 on April 12, 2011, 05:44:41 AM
Looks great so far.
Only your roads seems to be a bit empty?

Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: peter007 on April 12, 2011, 05:50:00 AM
 &apls Great update.

Enjoy your time here <-- I have forgotten to say that  ;)
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: ThomasK on April 12, 2011, 07:35:02 AM
MrMAvE94: Thanks, and the situation with the roads is being resolved. This is an old update (two more of those to go) so the changes suggested here will be implemented from update 43 onwards. The roads will have cars on them in a few updates time.

Peter007: Thank you, I'm sure I will! I've had loads of great suggestions and guidance already, which is fantastic.  :)
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: Tomas Neto on April 12, 2011, 09:42:03 AM
Your cities are amazing!!! Another fantastic update!!!   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: netmod on April 12, 2011, 11:50:52 AM
Aww... I missed a few updates, nice work  :thumbsup:

Jennai's 1 million wow! I can't wait for it now  :'(
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: kelis on April 12, 2011, 11:55:59 AM
Amazing region my friend  &apls &apls Keep up the good work.
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: Nanami on April 12, 2011, 12:05:52 PM
Hey Thomas!
nice update there!
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: ThomasK on April 12, 2011, 12:20:57 PM

Tomas Neto: Thanks! I hope you like the NEW! update, which is actually new, coming up below.

netmod: Thank you, and welcome back. At the moment updates are coming thick and fast, since I'm catching you guys up to what's been happening lately. Soon they'll slow down again.
And Jennai will be a massive project. I'm quite anxious about how it will come out.

Kelis: Thank you, and welcome to Cattala. I hope you stick around! :)

976: Hi Dryan! Thanks again! Now it's time for Update 43: Bringing Up the Past.

Today we've got a slightly different update. Recently I updated the History thread (http://"") with some images of the past in Cattala. For this update, I'm going to show you those images, without the boring text. I hope this follows SC4Devotion rules, I know that you frown upon getting real life nations involved in events, but since this is a history that's very much based on Sicily/Malta, most of it is realistic and things such as unification and the 1943 liberation did occur in real life, in places around Cattala's location.

Here we see how most Cattalian's lived in the early 19th century. Most people were employed in agriculture, and the very poorest were subsistence farmers.


Once the British colonised Cattala in 1814, Ontano Island's agricultural industry boomed as local delicacies became popular with the wealthy immigrants, and vast swathes of the island was renamed as two central towns were created – Aldoak and Brunswick.


Celestine, now known as Celeste, had lost its status as the seat of the Royal Family, and much of the north of the city was absorbed by Calora, and only the northern town of Vittorius remained affluent as the rest of the city lost it's wealth and aristocratic citizens.


Following Italian unification in 1861, Cattala was seized by Italian forces and spent half a century in poverty and depression as the wealth of the British Crown dried up. Cattala continued to descend into economic ruin after the First World War, and a violent uprising took place. The Rome-employed President of Cattala was publically executed and the Union Flag was hoisted above his residence as a symbol of this declaration.


Harvests picked up in the 1930s, as the rural population levelled out and drought ended. However the next war would devastate Cattala.


Following Axis invasion, occupation and devastation, and a counter-invasion in 1943 by British and American troops, Cattala was liberated and reconstruction began. Here we see the repaired Parliament, with most of Celeste having been rebuilt so that work on creating a new Government and economy could begin.


The monarchy was also re-introduced, with Marco Bonnecelli, the grand-nephew of the former King, taking the crown.


The Church of Cattala was reformed and brought into line with the Catholic Church, and entered full communion with it's Roman brother for the first time in over two centuries.


In the Sixties, the country moved away from agriculture as it's main industry, and new technologies such as nuclear and finance grew rapidly as Cattala became a modern, Western society, with massive English influence.


By the 1990s, the public sector was lagging behind and was inefficient. A new political party, Il Popolo, took control of the country for 10 years, and made massive investments are reforms to education, security, healthcare and the military.

Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: Nanami on April 12, 2011, 12:30:31 PM
wow.. nice detailed history! &apls
(Pertamax!! ()stsfd() )
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: peter007 on April 12, 2011, 12:35:59 PM
Great pictures.
The picture with the flag blended in it is very nice.

Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: Reikhardt on April 12, 2011, 03:21:51 PM
I think that's my favourite update that you've done, some fantastic photo editing, I really love the one with the super-imposed Union Jack  &apls  &apls
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: Tomas Neto on April 13, 2011, 09:56:20 AM
Great update again!!!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: ThomasK on April 13, 2011, 12:09:46 PM
976: Thanks, I'm glad you liked it.

Peter007: Thank you, and I really like that image too. It's also in my favourite area of Cattala.

Reikhardt: Thank you! It's great to hear that you enjoyed this update and the editing on it.

Tomas Neto: Thank you for commenting. I hope you enjoy today's catch-up update - Update 40: Rocking it up to Fourty



Good evening and welcome back to North Ontano for a quick update. Today we're starting off east of Aldoak, in the small hamlet of Olieva Rock. Olieva is a tiny, coastal place where only a few farmers and their families live. The local railway station is the only real link to the outside world.


Now it's time to see a mosaic from Aldoak village itself. I hope you enjoy it.


To end this 40th update, we're taking a peek at all of the Cattala cities ever featured – Aldoak, Brunswick, Calora, Celeste, Eurellia, Rhodes, Seina and San Pietro.
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: peter007 on April 13, 2011, 12:15:10 PM
Great Update.

Nice overview BTW

Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: ThomasK on April 14, 2011, 11:49:23 AM
Peter: Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. Now it's time to take a look at Update 44: Celeste | Amadeus without Mozart.


Starting off today's proceedings we have a short mosaic of Franogei, and Victoria Palace. Now we get a sense of how close the Palace is to Cattala's wealthiest district.


However Victoria Palace is not a part of Franogei. Welcome to Amadeus, the pinnacle of Celeste. Cattala's three most powerful families currently live here.


Victoria Palace was constructed by Prince Amadeus of Celestine in 1865, and was dedicated to Queen Victoria. Amadeus reigned and died here, and ever since then, this Palace has been the home of Cattala's head of state. It was reclaimed by the monarchy in 1919 following the revolution, and again in 1951 when the monarchy was re-instated.


To the south-east of Victoria Palace is the home of the Divine Soul of the Church, the head of the Cattalian Catholic Church. He is the third most powerful person in Cattala, behind the Queen and the political leader, Lord Celestine.


Prince Amadeus also constructed a vast manor house for his wife, Marie, to live in once he had died. The Solium is now the home of Lord Celestine, the head of the Cattalian Government.


Here we see the vast estate that is the Solium, and the view from the grand windows of the manor house. The wealthiest homes of Franogei also border this land. In the 19th century, the Lords and Ladies of Cattala lived in these homes.


To end today's update, we see the view from the northern sides of both Victoria Palace and the Solium. I hope you enjoyed seeing the fourth district of Celeste.
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: Tomas Neto on April 15, 2011, 01:05:56 PM
Wow...!!! Fantastic work!!! I liked a lot both updates, my friend!!!   &apls
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: netmod on April 16, 2011, 09:36:24 AM
Very Nice  &apls

But the sea wall looks upsidedown  :D
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: peter007 on April 17, 2011, 08:13:05 AM
Spacy(¿) area. Nice job Thomas.

I enjoy every update form you

Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: ThomasK on April 21, 2011, 01:50:10 PM
Replies: Thank you Tomas, Netmod and Peter. It's great to see that you all liked the new area of Celeste. I hope you like this new area too; this is Update 45: Marcillera Mornings.


Welcome back to Cattala's second largest city. It's been three months since we last visited Calora, and today we're looking at the south-eastern suburb of Marcillera.


Marcillera is an old beachfront town that hugs the eastern coast of Cattala. It's a very popular area with tourists, but at this time of the morning the town remains very quiet.


The majority of Marcillera's income comes from tourism and therefore the funding for coastal defences, such as the sea wall that we see here, are dependent on how successful the town is during summer months.


To end today's update, we're going to take a peek at Marcillera Beach first thing in the morning. I'm trying something new here with the tree line, so advice and guidance on how to improve that would be great.

Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: Tomas Neto on April 21, 2011, 02:38:31 PM
Great update, very nice city!!!
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: RickD on April 22, 2011, 02:41:22 AM
Nice pictures. Love the beach.
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: peter007 on April 22, 2011, 06:06:05 AM
Nice update.
I like the terrocotta color houses. They look very good

Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: rooker1 on April 22, 2011, 05:02:27 PM
Some great work here. 
You're an updating machine! &apls

Robin  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: kwakelaar on April 23, 2011, 12:36:42 AM
The tree line looks good to me, I am not sure what you are trying to achieve.
Both last updates shows some very ordered cityscapes, looks nice.
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: ThomasK on April 23, 2011, 05:59:49 AM

Tomas: Thank you!

Rick D: Thanks, and welcome to Cattala.

Peter: Thanks for commenting again, I'm glad you liked it.

Robin: Hi there! And yeh, I'm on my easter holidays at the moment so I'm doing lots of updates. And here's another one for you!

Kwakelaar: Thank you, I'm glad you like it. I've never done a tree line leading to a beach like that before, so it was my first time trying that out.



Welcome to Ionia, the capital town of the Hellas province, in northern Cattala. Today we're taking a look at ongoing construction in the suburb of Tilia.


Tilia is built around a natural lake that is fed by the same river that flows through Eurellia to the north-east. Tilia Lake is used for pleasure boating and recreation during most months of the year, thanks to it's warm, plentiful waters.


On the northern shore of the lake, a 5-year construction project is entering it's final phase. The construction of Tilia Waterfront Hotel has rejuvenated the local economy, and is due to open later this year.


The views from the hotel extend for miles across the island – with splendid views of both the lake and Ionia itself. On clear days you can see past the town harbour and out to the Hellas Strait.


The hotel isn't the only part of the complex though – luxury apartments and lakeside offices have also been built. Some of the penthouses were sold for over half a million Ainero last year.


To the west of the hotel complex is another major construction site. Western Lake is currently only in it's first stage of construction, but the three-year long project is expected to expand northwards and will become a sprawling estate of homes and apartments.


Here we see an overview of Western Lake. Flood defences, landscaping and waterfront beautification still need to be completed both in Western Lake and in Tilia Waterfront, ahead of the first residents moving in next month.

Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: peter007 on April 24, 2011, 09:31:41 AM
Very nice,

You did a splendid job on the nature around/in the lake.

Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: Huston_N7 on April 25, 2011, 11:21:21 PM
That is some Marvelous work!!
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: kelis on April 26, 2011, 01:20:54 AM
Great work my friend, I Like the use of those ponds  &apls &apls
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: ThomasK on April 29, 2011, 02:14:56 AM
Thank you Kelis, Republic and Ernst.  :thumbsup:


Once again today we're looking at Amadeus and Franogei. I've made a few additions to Franogei, so I thought I should show them to you. I hope you like this mosaic.


We're also going to take a look at a couple of overviews of Amadeus and Franogei, so that you get a better view of the size of the two areas.


Here we see an overview of Franogei – at the top right you can see Lower Columbia Street and in the upper-middle of the image you can see the headquarters of Royal Media International. In a few updates time we'll see what happened when Rmi's modern offices were built here in the historic heart of the city.


To end with today, a dedication image to the wedding of Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, and Catherine Middleton. Being from the UK and being a monarchist myself, I thought I should add a bit of Royal Wedding fever to Cattala on this special day. Thank you for viewing Cattala.

Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: wallasey on April 29, 2011, 04:47:54 AM
Rightly so! It was a great day.
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: Tomas Neto on April 30, 2011, 05:44:27 AM
Very nice work, great work on this mosaic!!!
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: peter007 on May 01, 2011, 05:53:34 AM
Great Update.
Maybe you should add some more variation to your cities.
Like trees and grasses or other buildings.

Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: netmod on May 01, 2011, 10:22:42 AM
Nice update  &apls
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: marsh on May 01, 2011, 04:10:24 PM
All the palaces are beautiful. Fantastic work!  &apls

Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: kelis on May 02, 2011, 04:14:28 AM
Great job with those canals !!
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: ThomasK on May 02, 2011, 09:08:38 AM

Wallasey: It definitely was. Thanks for the comment.

Tomas Neto: Thank you again!

Ernst: Thank you, but I'm not sure exactly what kind of trees or buildings you'd like to see. I've already used Mediterranean, Parisian, modern and aristocratic.

Netmod: Thanks!

Marsh: Thank you. That's a big compliment coming from you. Especially in this area of SC4D. :P

Kelis: Thanks! I like the canals too. I hope you like them in this edition too...


Welcome back to Altura, in Calora. I've decided to completely rebuild Calora, so I hope you like the new-look Altura. We'll start with a mosaic.


Here we see the southern and eastern part of Altura. The first image we saw was south-facing, this image is west-facing, towards the sea.


Here we see an overview of Altura. The hospital for the centre of the city, the local police station and a local school are all based here.


To end with today, another south-facing mosaic that takes you right to the edge of Altura.

Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: peter007 on May 02, 2011, 09:51:12 AM
That last update looked nice.
Maybe a pack from Chrisadams?

Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: ricardomiranda on May 02, 2011, 11:46:57 AM
Nice update Thomas !
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: netmod on May 02, 2011, 04:56:05 PM
Nice Update  &apls

Copy Paste a phobia
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: Tomas Neto on May 02, 2011, 05:22:11 PM
Very nice work!!! Great city!!!   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: scott1964 on May 02, 2011, 09:10:50 PM
Wow  :o Where did you get the construction props from a few posts back? Nice update.  :D
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: Sciurus on May 03, 2011, 04:39:53 AM
Very nice city :thumbsup:

Guillaume :thumbsup:
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: ThomasK on May 07, 2011, 12:10:48 PM

Ernst: I'll take a look into chrisadams. Thanks for the suggestion.

ricardomiranda: Thank you! I'm glad you liked it.

Netmod: Thanks! What does copy paste a phobia mean?

Tomas Neto: Thank you for those kind words.

scott1964: Thank you, it's good to see new faces around Cattala. Here's a link to the two types of construction lots I have:

Sciurus: Thank you for commenting on the new-look, new-layout Calora.


Welcome back to Seina, in the Monte Calida province of Cattala. Today we're going to be looking at a recent development in the east of the town.


In this area of Seina, small streams and rivers navigate their way around, and in some cases under, homes. Here we can see the small pond that was featured last time we were in Seina.


To the south of the development is a small farm, that benefits greatly from co-operation with the local industry. The olives that you see here will spend part of their lives stored in the local warehouses of Seina.


Moving north again, we see construction is ongoing on another development of homes and workplaces. But because of this work, the stream that flows eastwards has been blocked off. Needless to say, local environmentalists have been very angry.


After that brief trip north, we head to the west of the village. Do you remember that concrete structure that was under construction? This is it.


Seina Church now towers over the village, and the statue of the Virgin Mary above it looks towards the west coast of the country, past the newly-built gardens in front of the church.


Here we see my first piece of major editing in a while, I hope it's not over the top. This shows how the church is a new addition to the town and stands out.


To end with today, I'd like to know what you want to see built here, and whether the stream should be allowed to run it's course again, or remain blocked up.

Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: Tomas Neto on May 08, 2011, 12:46:04 PM
Wow my friend, your cities are awesome!!! Fantastic update again!!!
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: Kergelen on May 08, 2011, 02:26:41 PM
Nice update! I like the small canals.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: Terring7 on May 09, 2011, 04:54:37 AM
Very interesting :)
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: peter007 on May 09, 2011, 10:47:13 AM
Great Pics everywhere.
I like them very much

Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: ThomasK on May 21, 2011, 01:09:18 PM

Tomas Neto: Thank you! And apologies for the long delay - I've been busy with school lately.

Kergelen: Thank you for commenting, and I'm glad you like the canals. :)

Terring7: Thanks! And welcome to Cattala.

peter007: Thank you again. Sadly I think the updates will be intermittent from now until mid-June, since I have some big exams throughout next month.


Welcome to Daernos, in Monte Calida province. To celebrate this milestone, we're looking at how one small Cattalian village has adapted to modern challenges.


Daernos is a village that has flooded over 240 times in the past two centuries, with 40 major floods in past fifty years. Now the provincial Government has been granted a ₴425 million flood defence program, which will allow for the flood defences of dozens of small villages like Daernos to be upgraded.


Before the funding was agreed, the only defence the farms and village had from flooding was a few small trees that had been planted on an abandoned farm 20 years ago. All the farmhouses you can see here were flooded three times in 2009 alone.


Even in the village, the most important road in and out of Daernos was regularly flooded by the unguarded tributaries that feed the Romeggi.


The Daernos Agricultural Association had petitioned the provincial Government for money for twelve years before it was approved. They argued that six villages have been abandoned in the past 25 years as a direct result of flooding.


One of the first improvements made to the flood defences was the construction of a series of artificial dykes along the river. These will protect the farms from flooding until industrial-scale dredging and concrete embankments can be constructed.


Trees have also been planted along the banks of much of the river, to encourage afforestation and to secure the banks from erosion.


Bridges, sluice gates and road upgrades are also being planned for much of the river. An ambitious dual-lane bridge is also planned for the Romeggi, which will relieve congestion across the Ambaccia Bridge.


Thanks to the improved flood defences, Daernos now has it's own power station, which will provide electricity for the entire village when it comes online next year, after further dykes are constructed.


Thank you for viewing Cattala's 50th update! :)
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: peter007 on May 22, 2011, 09:21:17 AM
Succes on your exams.
I'll catch you later on skype th hear how difficult it is.
BTW congrats on your 50th beautiful update!

Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: Tomas Neto on May 23, 2011, 06:52:12 AM
Awesome update, fantastic!!!   &apls
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: ThomasK on May 24, 2011, 10:01:12 AM
Thank you both.


Welcome back to the capital of Cattala – where today we're focusing on the Alder Hill district of Celeste. Here we see the nation's historic police HQ.


Since we last visited the political heart of the Kingdom, I've made a few changes to the layout of it. All the buildings we see here are Government owned – in fact every single thing you see in this mosaic is managed and run by the Government.


These offices were once part of the British Empire's colonial offices here in Cattala – now they're administration buildings and offices for Assembly Members and Lord Senators.


Near the Parliament building is the Alder Hill Market– the most prestigious outdoor market in the entire Seven Provinces. Every Saturday this market is bustling with tourists, locals and travellers from across Cattala.


To the north of the market we reach the centre of Alder Hill. The rows of imperial buildings seen here stretch on for half a mile, and are the residences of ambassadors, Lord Senators and Assembly Members.


In the heart of Alder Hill, we see the numerous Ministerial offices, and in the top of the image the six Provinicial Consulates, representing the other provinces of Cattala here in the capital. Alder Hill Green was developed after the buildings in it's location were destroyed during the Second World War.


To end this update, we're taking a look at Crimson Tower in Franogei. It was also built after the war, and used to be the headquarters for Royal Media International, before they moved to their state-of-the-art complex in central Franogei.

Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: kelis on May 24, 2011, 02:24:49 PM
Beautiful city, is very European, I like it  &apls &apls
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: Terring7 on May 26, 2011, 01:59:08 PM
It looks like a mix of Berlin and Paris :thumbsup:
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: ThomasK on May 27, 2011, 11:04:46 AM
Thank you both - that's pretty much the image I was looking for. :)


Thank you for visiting Cattala today – and welcome back to Ontano Island! Today we're visiting the coastal village of Lucigno, which is the most southerly place in Lessito Province, shown on the graphic in green.


Lucigno has some of the best views of the Roumeli Strait, however it's spectacular views have been a help and a hindrance over the years.


This south-eastern coastline often suffers from strong storms and coastal flooding during winter months, and this has lead to the village needing it's coastal barriers upgraded in the past decade.


However in summer months, Lucigno is one of the region's most popular rural resorts, due to it being home to three main beaches.


To end with today, a quick look at Plemora village again. I hope you enjoyed this return to Ontano.

Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: Reikhardt on May 28, 2011, 11:11:51 AM
Nice update, good use of the irrigation channels on the last shot  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: bat on June 02, 2011, 01:26:20 AM
Wonderful work on your MD!
And fantastic pictures of all your cities!
Looking forward to more... ;)
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: peter007 on June 03, 2011, 05:03:30 AM
Wonderful pictures (again)
Still updating the thing when your exams are still on.
You're a real Die-Hard.

Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: supremec on June 03, 2011, 08:44:44 AM
So famous , I like your pictures  &apls
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: ThomasK on July 04, 2011, 11:26:07 AM

Reikhardt: Thanks, and I'm glad you like the channels. I do too.

bat: Thank you! It's wonderful to see such a long-serving member commenting on my little MD. :P

peter007: Well I kinda had to stop in June - the exams just swamped me. It was crazy. Sorry about the delay in this update though!

supremec: Thanks, I'm glad you liked the update.


After a long time away, it's time to return to Cattala. I'd like to begin by apologising for my absence – my exams really did prevent me from even touching my Simcity game, let alone building anything. We start off today at Altura Town Hall, home to the local parish council and some city offices.


Moving along the coast this fine morning, we can see the sun is beginning to rise over a new area of Calora – Oviglio. Well, it's not actually new – just new to us!


But before we see Oviglio in more detail, we're returning to Altura just before the morning rush hour begins. Here is the western fringe of Altura, an area we didn't visit in the last update. State-owned flats were built here in the 60s and some of the city's poorer residents have to live here.


Along the waterfront, many of the city's most famous and sought-after tapas bars and restaurants are found, with the lucky few who manage to get tables having wonderful views of the Bay of Calora.


Here we see a small mosaic showing off some of the western points of Altura, which we've visited today. Piazzas, politics, boutiques and businesses co-exist side by side on the western coast of Calora.


And finally, to end today's update, a look at the coast of Oviglio late at night. I hope you enjoyed the return to Calora. We will be back later in the week with another update. :)

Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: Ol.S / Benoit on July 06, 2011, 10:41:03 AM
Picture 52.5 is amazing :)
Last upadate is also really nice, keep up the good work :)
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: ThomasK on July 06, 2011, 12:07:55 PM
Ol.S/Benoit: Thank you, and welcome to Cattala!


Welcome back to the capital, where today we're taking a quick look at a couple of edited images. To start with, a panorama of Franogei. This is my first big panorama, so please be as critical as possible so I know where to improve. Please click to see full size - it is much bigger than shown!


And for our second and last image, a view of the state-of-the-art Vittoria Hospital in northern Celeste. Thanks for visiting Cattala today!

Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: Dantes on July 07, 2011, 02:32:40 PM
Hello, great pictures.  :)  I like your use of the Paris set. What would be a tramway would still fit. I like your historic streets very much.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: ThomasK on July 10, 2011, 08:30:15 AM
Thank you Dantes.


Welcome back to Altura and Oviglio, two districts of Cattala's second largest city, Calora. Starting off we can see Altura Town Hall in the evening.


Once again I'm trying a panoramic image – You can see both Altura and Oviglio in the late evening here. One place to note is the train station in the centre of the image. This is one of the most congested stations in Cattala, and is due an upgrade in the coming months. LINK:


Here we can see another image of Altura's industrial buildings, social housing and private housing, spruced up with a bit of colour.


To end with today, a larger image showing the shoreline of Oviglio.

Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: Reikhardt on July 10, 2011, 10:17:09 AM
Nice update, your photo looks better and better each update, I particularly like the border effect on the 3rd picture.
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: Tomas Neto on July 13, 2011, 04:09:04 PM
Really fantastic updates!!! Great work!!!
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: ThomasK on July 16, 2011, 09:54:33 AM
Thank you both.


Jennai. Cattala's largest city – home to over a third of the country's residents and the economic powerhouse of the nation. Welcome back to Cattala, where today we begin in the far south-east of the province of Jennai, in Santa Cecilia.


Santa Cecilia is a modern town on the south east coast of the Jennai Bay. Historically, it was the last Cattalian town seen when people fled the country during World War Two, and was the first town to be liberated by the British 6th Army in 1943.


The town's main industries are fishing, and tourism. It's waterfront is the central attraction, and a lot of money has been invested in repairs and renovation over the years.


Away from the shore, many of the residents and visitors to Santa Cecilia enjoy themselves in the town's park, which is home to a plaza, some small café's and a lake.


To the south of the park, is a sprawl of houses, apartments and hotels. The closer to the bay you are, the more expensive the houses and hotels become.


The city of Jennai is protected by the Metropolitan Police, who have a station in the centre of Santa Cecilia, and are the largest police force in the country.


To end with today, I was asked recently about what hotels there are in Calora – so here's the Viemi hotel, in Marcillera.

Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: Reikhardt on July 16, 2011, 11:21:33 AM
Another good update!
Can I ask where you got those pedmalls with in the 3rd pick, I love the umbrellas!
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: Tomas Neto on July 16, 2011, 03:28:10 PM
Awesome update again!!!   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: RickD on July 18, 2011, 05:00:45 AM
Beautiful pictures. :)
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: ThomasK on July 20, 2011, 09:18:35 AM

Reikhardt: Thanks! If you mean the umbrellas in Cecilia Park, they are by Mickebear here on the LEX - I think. I just tried looking for them and couldn't find them. Sorry. I know they're Venetian plazas though. :)

Tomas Neto: Thank you for commenting - I'm pleased that you liked it.

RickD: Thank you. ;D
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: peter007 on July 21, 2011, 03:03:26 AM
Great update.
I like your marina. What kind of water do you use it looks very strange ;)

Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: ThomasK on July 21, 2011, 11:46:42 AM
Strange in a good way? Or a bad way? It's a new water mod I'm trying - SimPEG's Hawaiian Holiday Mod, I think. Although I might be changing it to Clipper for the next update.
Do you have any better water mods you can suggest? I'm open to any suggestions. :)
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: peter007 on July 21, 2011, 01:41:58 PM
Well I don't have any better mods in my mind at the moment.
And to be honest I don't think it looks too best, but that's my opinion. If I were you I would go for another water mod rather then one from Simpeg. Try to look on the STEX if there are some mods. We also have a list somewhere deep inside our SC4D forum. So if you can find it it will help you very much.

Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: ThomasK on July 24, 2011, 08:13:47 AM

Welcome back to Seina, in the province of Monte Calida. Today we're seeing how the village continues to grow and prosper and also a few special images of the village will be shown.


Construction work alongside the main road in Seina had been on going for a while now. Here we see an old image of the early stages of the development, where the first new homes completed were apartments.


Fast forward a few months and the initial community, which is on the right of this image, is now complete and people have begun moving in. The woodland on the other bank of the stream has now been removed and construction is about to begin.


A new farmer has built a lavish home for himself and his family, with views over... the construction site at the moment! Let's hope the fumes from the trucks don't kill off his harvest.


And now onto to the special images for this update – my first real night shots of Seina! Here we see the boundary between the new estate and older buildings.


Here we see the new homes that have been built alongside the stream. Now they've all been built and nearly all the families have moved in.


To end the night shots, an overview of South Seina at night.


But finally to end the update overall, a glance at much more of Seina in the daytime.

Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: supremec on July 24, 2011, 11:15:42 AM
It is excellent!  &apls
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: rooker1 on July 25, 2011, 05:34:18 AM
Very quante little city, great work.

Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: ThomasK on July 26, 2011, 03:52:41 AM

supremec: Thanks! It's good to know that you like it.

rooker1: Thank you. I really like Seina - it's quaint, but growing well at the same time. I remember when it was tiny! :P
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: art128 on July 26, 2011, 09:05:18 AM
Excellent updates there, I love the feel of your MD. ;)
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: Tomas Neto on July 27, 2011, 07:01:06 AM
Nice rural area!!!
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: Sciurus on July 27, 2011, 09:44:46 AM
Excellent! &apls

Guillaume :thumbsup:
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: threestooges on July 31, 2011, 09:41:44 PM


and on behalf of the SC4D Staff, welcome to OSITM for August.
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: Tomas Neto on August 01, 2011, 02:40:03 AM
Congratulations, welcome to OSITM for august!!!    &apls &apls
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: bat on August 01, 2011, 02:46:32 AM
Congrats on the OSITM!
And fantastic pictures of your city.
The beach is looking nice...
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: Reikhardt on August 01, 2011, 03:01:26 PM
Congratulations, well deserved OSITM  &apls
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: rooker1 on August 02, 2011, 05:38:51 AM
Congrats on getting your MD into OSITM!  &apls
I look forward to seeing how you make this month special. ;)  With updates like you have been giving us lately it shouldn't be any problem at all.

Robin  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: Battlecat on August 02, 2011, 12:02:17 PM
Congratulations on your OSITM!   &apls &apls &apls

I look forward to seeing what's next!
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: Terring7 on August 02, 2011, 12:09:27 PM

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: wallasey on August 02, 2011, 12:24:53 PM
Well done on your OSITM!

I can feel the heat coming from your images!

Your building set is wonderful. I like the variances between the rural and urban landscapes.

All the best for August!
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: Skimbo on August 03, 2011, 05:04:05 AM
Congrats or OSITM =)
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: ThomasK on August 04, 2011, 01:42:41 AM
Thank you all very much for your kind words. I can assure you that I definitely will be updating shortly, after my brief holiday this past week. :)

But, whilst I work on the next update, here's two quick maps of Cattala with some images from each of the seven provinces. I hope you like it.


Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: noahclem on August 04, 2011, 03:41:32 AM
Congratulations on OSITM!  &apls  Looking forward to the next update  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: rooker1 on August 04, 2011, 03:56:10 AM
Interesting photoshopping.

Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: art128 on August 04, 2011, 04:04:42 AM
Photoshopping is looking great and is interesting as said Robin, Can't wait to see the full pictures! :)
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: ThomasK on August 04, 2011, 10:34:02 AM
Thank you Noah, Robin and art128 - here's the update I promised. :)


Welcome back to Hellas Province, the northern-most province of Cattala. Today we're visiting a town downstream from Eurellia – Amano Bridge.


Clearly Amano Bridge has been built on the banks of a river, which once carried coal, wood and other fuels from Ionia to the northern towns and villages of Hellas Island.


However these days, it's used more recreationally. Strict rules are in place to protect water quality in Hellas, so this river is used for swimming in the summer!


Amano is still a popular place to live, even though industry and manufacturing left the area decades ago. As you can see here, more dense housing is being built along the shoreline, but planning regulations mean that they have to be built in traditional styles.


As is commonplace in most Cattalian towns, the skyline remains dominated by religious centres. Amano's 19th-century cathedral was built at the height of it's wealth, when the town was flourishing and looked likely to become the biggest city in Hellas. This never happened, but the town is still highly regarded in the islands.


Thank you for visiting Cattala today. :)
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: Framly on August 04, 2011, 11:07:49 AM
Great Update &apls

Congrats on getting your MD into OSITM!
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: bat on August 05, 2011, 02:08:52 AM
The town is wonderful!
And nice work on the river...
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: art128 on August 05, 2011, 02:26:01 PM
I like how that compact town is looking between the river and the mountain/forest. Great job!
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: ThomasK on August 06, 2011, 09:26:37 AM

Framly: Thank you - and it's a great honour. :)

bat: Thanks! I'm glad you like it. It's part of the Diggis pond and stream series, so I have been reluctant to use it in the past. :thumbsup:

art128:Thank you very much, and you're spot on - it's in between two hills and as I mentioned in the update, it was hoped that Amano Bridge would grow considerably bigger, but it's expansion stopped because there was no more flat land. I agree that it seems quite compact - I actually didn't notice that until after I posted the update. :P
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: supremec on August 07, 2011, 05:37:52 AM
Very beautifull city  &apls
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: apeguy on August 07, 2011, 02:38:30 PM
Very nice mediterranean city! The river is very nice. :thumbsup:
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: ThomasK on August 11, 2011, 08:27:08 AM
Thank you both. :)

Today we have a special update, not based on any particular cities. At the moment the AIN Expo 2011 is ongoing, and as part of that I'm showing how the Cattalian education system works. So, here's some images of schools and universities from across Cattala. :)


There are five stages to education in Cattala – Viviao, Elementare, Secondaria, Accademia and Università. Cattala has State, Private and Religious schools but all follow this system. State schools are fully funded by the Government, whilst religious schools obtain up to 50% of their funding from their religious community.


Viviao is the first stage of education a child enters. Between the ages of 2 and 4, children are offered part-time places at Viviao Infante schools. Between the ages of 4 and 7, children are offered full-time places at Viviao schools. In 2010, 96% of Elementare children had attended Viviao, and it is an informal introduction to learning, mainly through playing and fun activities.


Elementare is the first stage of compulsory education. Children join Elementare school in the academic year of their seventh birthday, and leave at the age of 11. At Elementare school, there are no formal examinations, and it is focused on teaching children basic skills.


Secondaria Scuola is the second stage of compulsory education. Students attend Secondaria school from the age of 11, after finishing Elementare, and leave at the age of 16, to go to an apprenticeship or Accademia.


Accademia is the last stage of compulsory education. Accademia is the equivalent of college and is normally attended by people aged between 16 and 18. In Accademia, students study subjects of their choice which are provided by that Academy and they are much more specialised than at Secondaria level.


Università is the Cattalian name for University, where adults who have finished compulsory education can study for degrees. The largest Universities in Cattala are Jennai City, Celeste, Italia Gennaio, Calora and Lessito. A full update is in the pipeline, so normal service will be resumed soon! :)
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: nedalezz on August 12, 2011, 06:07:17 AM
Well, I can see why this MD was chosen for OSITM!

In the previous update (the one before this), the second picture had me staring for no less than 5 minutes, just admiring how beautiful it is.

As for the last update - another great post!
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: ThomasK on August 12, 2011, 08:08:34 AM
Thank you nedalezz! I'll try and make more like that for you to stare at. :D
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: supremec on August 12, 2011, 08:54:48 AM
Wow! Wonderfull  &apls You already used the Paris Rivoli's BATs  ;D
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: bat on August 12, 2011, 10:03:32 AM
Welcome to page 7!

Nice pictures of the school buildings!
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: Ol.S / Benoit on August 12, 2011, 11:45:08 PM
I like your pictures !
Very interesting and inspiring work :)
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: ThomasK on August 13, 2011, 11:04:40 AM
Thank you all. :)



We begin today's look at Cattala's media outlets in the heart of Celeste – Franogei. Royal Media International, or RMI, is Cattala's public service broadcaster.


Here's a close up of the main offices of RMI One and RMI Two. Cattala's two most-watched channels are produced, broadcast and often televised from these two buildings.


To the south of those offices is the main production facilities for RMI Three, the digital channel that was launched recently.


Here we see the main broadcasting centre for RMI News 24 – Cattala's oldest and most watched news channel. 24 hours a day, news from around the world is broadcast across the Mediterranean and beyond from this building.


Cattala's fourth channel is Quattro, which is based in Vittoria, Celeste. Quattro is owned by the MIP group and it broadcasts Italian language shows.


Leaving Celeste, the head offices of Channel 3, the main rival to RMI, are based in the centre of Altura. Channel 3 is bigger than Quattro, and was launched before RMI Three, meaning that it is ahead of that channel in the television guide.


To end today, a look at the headquarters of CNS, a rival news channel to RMI News 24. It is based opposite the RMI Three building and is part of the Media Village that was created from excess land owned by RMI during the redevelopment of the Franogei Riverside area.
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: bat on August 14, 2011, 05:31:24 AM
Nice new views there! And great night shots!!!
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: ricardomiranda on August 16, 2011, 08:53:03 AM
Beatiful city, pictures very nice !
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: ThomasK on August 16, 2011, 10:47:31 AM


Welcome back to the town of Seina, in Monte Calida province. Before we start today's tour of new areas of the town, let's look at the local Church at night.


The centrepiece to the new area is the Palace of Seina, which is home to the Duke of Monte Calida, currently Prince Paulo Bonnecelli. The palace is one of many owned by the Crown across the province, but this is the principal residence of the Duke.


The Palace was still under construction when we last visited the east of Seina, as you can see in the grey image. The river has now been allowed to follow it's natural course again and a village has been built around the palace.


The community of Idrico Arco was built rapidly after the completion of the palace and has continued to expand. Many people wanted to live in an area regarded as affluent and wealthy, and living near such an example of that is a unique opportunity outside of Celeste.


The river is the heart of Idrico Arco – it's name means comes from the Italian for Arch of Water – and links it to the rest of Seina. For the village to be built, bridges had to be constructed and it took large amounts of resources and time to divert the flow of water and assemble the series of bridges on-site.
Below is a mosaic of Seina, looking in a western direction.


Seina is a different project to all of my others in this journal – it's not based in a specific time, it just grows. So I hope you liked today's update.
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: Tomas Neto on August 18, 2011, 02:49:58 AM
Fantastic update!!! Great work!!!   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: supremec on August 18, 2011, 02:53:35 AM
It's incredible, as always  &apls
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: dedgren on August 18, 2011, 05:45:41 AM
Thomas- very nice work on Seina.  The warm colors are very easy on the eyes, and your time and effort taken is apparent.

Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: noahclem on August 18, 2011, 08:36:40 AM
Nice update  :thumbsup:  I like the diagonals and Mediterranean feel.
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: ThomasK on August 19, 2011, 02:29:26 AM

Tomas: Thank you again!  :thumbsup:

supremec: Thanks, it's good to see that you liked Seina.

David: Thank you very much - warm is exactly the effect I wanted to put onto my pictures. It's taken a long time to get it right, but I'm using the best series of effects I've used on Cattala since I started, in my opinion.

Noah: Thank you! I'm glad you like it.
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: wallasey on August 19, 2011, 03:30:06 AM
Great set of updates there! I love your mixture of buildings! The old and new go hand in hand with each other!
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: bat on August 19, 2011, 05:04:27 AM
Another great update! Looking forward to more... ;)
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: ricardomiranda on August 21, 2011, 05:35:48 PM
Amazing update, beautiful pictures!
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: ThomasK on August 23, 2011, 03:08:36 AM

Welcome back to Ontano, in Lessito Province. It should be the middle of harvest season now, but heavy rains have forced farmers to push back their harvest date.


Driving conditions overnight have been hazardous, and the smaller roads have become impassable. Rain has been falling throughout the night and visibility is very low.


But, by this morning, the rain had eased and dawn was a welcome sight. Unfortunately in La Marchie, some of the farms have lost their harvests this year, and land has been abandoned in some cases.


Thank you for visiting Cattala today.
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: bat on August 24, 2011, 05:32:59 AM
Nice rain effect! Looking forward to the next wonderful update... :thumbsup:
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: supremec on August 24, 2011, 02:02:21 PM
The rain effect is perfect  &apls  &apls But the sunrise is a bit strange.
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: RickD on August 26, 2011, 01:28:53 AM
Beautiful pictures and I liked the captions.
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: wallasey on August 26, 2011, 05:25:32 AM
Good work with the rain!

You could feel the warmth of the new sun on the last image!
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: ThomasK on August 28, 2011, 08:07:03 AM
bat: Thank you very much - and I hope this next one lives up to your expectations.

supremec: Thanks. What do you suggest I do to improve the sunrise?

RickD: Thank you, I'm glad you like it.

wallasey: Thanks! It's good to see that you found it realistic.


Welcome to Fieranti province – where for the first time we aren't in Calora. We're up in the north of the province, in the small town of Allea. This is Allea, viewed from the east.


Here is the centre of Allea – a small community made up of a series of hamlets. The community is reliant on its agriculture, and hasn't changed in centuries.


Fieranti is home to much of Cattala's cattle stock, and most of the beef and milk found in markets and shops are from Fieranti's cows.


One of the hamlets in Allea is Norbestia, north of the main town. Here you can see the harvest is underway, with the villagers busy collecting their crops for this year.


Finally, a glance at the village lake during the night.

Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: nbvc on August 28, 2011, 08:13:32 AM
Nice updates. &apls
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: bat on August 28, 2011, 10:40:48 AM
All 5 pictures are wonderful! Nice small lake and rural town. :thumbsup:
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: ThomasK on August 31, 2011, 06:40:32 AM
Thank you both. :)


Welcome back to Cattala, and to Seina. Today we're starting off in the east of the town, in the industrial park near the new estate that we saw last time we visited. This area is surrounded by small rivers and streams, and is known as Aqueina.


In the heart of Aqueina, is the pond that we saw several entries ago. It's fed by two streams – one coming from the south, and another from the east. Local wildlife thrives in this part of town.


Here we see Seina's main train station. It's small, but on weekdays it gets very busy with commuters travelling to Calora, the nearest of Cattala's three largest cities.


To end today's update, a panorama of Seina town. Since making this update, I have changed my street side mod to a better sandstone mod by Paeng. Click the link to see the image in better quality.



It's been a privilege to have Cattala as one of the OSITM MD's, and I hope that those of you who hadn't seen Cattala before this month continue to view and comment. Thank you very much.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: bat on August 31, 2011, 10:39:24 AM
Fantastic new update! Looking forward to more in September... ;)
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: ThomasK on September 12, 2011, 11:14:42 AM

Welcome back to Jennai, the most populated region of Cattala. Today we're in the north of the province, in the city of Confini.


Confini is a large town in the north of Jennai province, and is the closest town to the border with Monte Calida.


Confini used to be a major trading town between Jennai and the north of the country. In recent decades, the town has grown denser thanks to it's strong transport links to Jennai city.


The town remains reasonably industrial, with a small yard where freight trains stop after travelling from northern and eastern Cattala, before travelling on to Jennai.


The town isn't just an important railway route – it is also an important stop on the A1 motorway, which links Monte Calida to the M3 motorway between Jennai and Calora.


But the town is most defined by its sprawling residential areas. Several thousand people live in the old 18th century homes that were built as the town's population rose sharply after the first trading route opened up.


I hope you liked Confini – next time we visit there will have been some changes made, so if you have any further suggestions please tell me and I will try to include them as I develop Jennai Province.

Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: ThomasK on October 01, 2011, 12:46:54 PM

Good evening and welcome to Ontano Island once more. Unfortunately, you seem to have arrived on another wet day. You would've been better off going to sunny old England, which is warmer than anywhere in Cattala this weekend.


Early autumn has been cold and wet in Cattala this year, with little respite for farmers to take their crops to market. Roads across Ontano have been damaged by the heavy rainfall in recent weeks.


The local streams and irrigation ditches have also struggled to cope with the amount of rain falling. Some areas in the valleys in central Ontano have seen over 25mm of rain falling every day for a week. The provincial government has had to call in environmental engineers to help prevent flooding.


However bad the weather, local residents are still venturing out. The village restaurant in Desulo has recently opened a second pub further down the road, due to a rise in customers from nearby towns and hamlets.


"Summer ends when the fields of Ontano are empty" is a famous saying in Cattala, which has led to October becoming known as the "Silent Field" month. All the bushes and fields you see here have had their crops harvested for this year – now the many farmhands have left and the orchards are bare again.


To end this 66th update, our sixth image is an overview of part of South Ontano at night. Good night from the farming island.

Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: rooker1 on October 03, 2011, 12:23:52 PM
Fantastic looking city.  I really like the over all feel.

Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: ThomasK on October 07, 2011, 01:53:26 PM

Welcome to Confini once again. We begin our journey in the centre of the city, on a busy Friday night.


Confini is a sprawling town surrounded by the southern tips of the Calida Mountains, that stretch from the far north of Cattala to the southern plains, where we are today.


Historically, the town was centred around the Convetus Monastery. All that remains today of that once vast monastery is the village of Convetus, in the south east of the town. It is still home to the town's oldest church.


Convetus has become the poorest area of Confini in recent years. Whilst the centre of the town has grown and become modern, the edges have become run down and Convetus Fini is symbolic of this poverty.


Much of the city has been kept modern and up-to-date though. Despite their old exteriors, all of these properties have central heating, fast internet connections and most have off-road parking. Rare in an old town, but crucial to keeping it viable.


The town is also a thriving tourist destination. Many people want to leave the hustle and bustle of Jennai for a day or so in their holiday, and visiting the Palazzo D'Arte in Confini is one of the most popular choices. Classical and modern art are shown side-by-side in this neo-classical building.


Confini is also home to one of the most prominent relics of British imperialism in Jennai province. The famous Confini Market was built in 1834, and once occupied a site of over half an acre. Nowadays it's more modest, but the original building remains and is still one of the most popular farmers markets around.


Confini is also an important commuter town, with the Inter-City line linking Jennai, Celeste and Calora running through the city. The north, and formerly industrial area of the city is traversed by the busiest train line in the country. At peak times, 12 carriage trains rush through five times an hour.


The city itself has tried to stay true to its heritage. Despite the encroaching post-war buildings, the old heart of the town has escaped untouched from most reconstruction and redevelopment efforts. The Quattro Building, seen here in the right, has remained tall over west Confini for nearly 300 years.


To end today's update, a final look at central Confini during the evening rush hour. Over the next few weeks, I am planning to take a break from updating and work on some more mini-series for Cattala. So I hope that you enjoyed this update, and look out for some specials in the next month or so!

Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: ThomasK on October 23, 2011, 09:17:38 AM

Hello and welcome to Elloria, a small town in the north west of Jennai. Elloria is the final town between Jennai City and the Bosco di Celeste, which forms the natural border with Amosseri province.


Elloria is a modern town, built predominantly in the 1960s and 70s, as urban sprawl from Jennai continued northwards. Much of the town is in an American style and is very different to other areas of Cattala.


In the heart of Elloria is the town's market, which is one of the oldest buildings in the town and remains a very popular provincial market.


Nearby is the town's central library, which was built in the 1980s and is a centrepiece of culture in the town. Education in Elloria is well funded and it's infrastructure is recognised nationally as exemplary.


Near the library is the town's main secondary school. It was built in the 1970s alongside a lot of the town, and has a large athletics track and football pitch inside the grounds. Most Cattalian schools, built in the traditional Mediterranean style, don't have these facilities.


Elloria is also home to a large business park in the south-west of the town. The park is home to numerous international offices and employs much of the towns population.


In the wealthier south of Elloria, the prominent building is the Cormiar Library, named after a prominent Jennian. It looks out onto the local park and is one of the centrepieces of the Ellorian education system.


Elloria's main church is in the suburbs, and was built in a neo-medieval style. It's a landmark building in the community and is symbolic of the fact that even though Elloria is more modern and Westernised than the rest of Cattala, the traditional faith is still popular here.


Persephone School is the largest "elementaria" school in the town, and is also found in the sprawling suburbs of Elloria. On school days traffic on these roads is terrible, with parents parking up and down the roads.


To end today, a brief overview of South East Elloria, including a small group of shops, more suburbs and a little park.

Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala
Post by: Huston_N7 on October 27, 2011, 04:05:19 AM
That is simply Impeccable! I really adore Cattala, I hope you do some more updates!!!  ;D
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala | Last Update: 23rd October 2011
Post by: ThomasK on October 27, 2011, 12:58:09 PM

Last time we were in Elloria, we looked at the city centre and the modern urban sprawl that had occurred over the past 50 years. Today, we'll be looking elsewhere in the town.


As you move out of the suburbs, the forests begin enveloping the town and encroaching on the American-style homes.


Out, east of the fringes, you will find the grand estates of Elloria, including Venmoor Hall. Rising out the forest, this neo-Georgian manor is one of the largest homes in the city and also the most expensive.


Vehicles travelling towards Venmoor Hall have to navigate winding, unpaved tracks that are unlit and unsafe during the night. Farms and fields surround this part of the road, close to the main town.


The road carries on, past the great hall, on to smaller hamlets nearby. In the forests of Jennai, the sharp junction up the house is a welcome sight to any lost visitor. In the hot days of summer the smell from the cattle farm can be less than pleasant, to say the least. At least now, in the autumn, the fresher winds from the Roumeli Strait keep the air clean.


Here is an overview of the Venmoor estate. All the lands you can see here, including the farm, are owned by the aristocratic Venmoor family, who have lived in this forest for centuries. You can also see where the gravel track to Elloria itself ends, and joins the sandy track to the manor house and beyond.

Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala | Last Update: 27th October 2011
Post by: Dantes on October 28, 2011, 04:19:28 PM
I missed a couple of really great updates.  :'( Great pictures from your cities.  :) I like the mix of building special.
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala | Last Update: 27th October 2011
Post by: rooker1 on October 30, 2011, 07:48:20 AM
Some really nice updates.
I like how East Elloria looks with those houses you choose, the dirt roads and those trees.....they all fit together very well.
Great work.

Robin  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala | Last Update: 27th October 2011
Post by: vester on October 30, 2011, 10:17:12 AM
Great update.
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala | Last Update: 27th October 2011
Post by: Nanami on November 01, 2011, 04:07:06 AM
How long I missed these all?
I like the city look of your country! ;D
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala | Last Update: 27th October 2011
Post by: ricardomiranda on November 01, 2011, 06:33:10 AM
Wonderful cities you make friends, continue your great work!
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala | Last Update: 27th October 2011
Post by: ThomasK on November 04, 2011, 01:19:13 PM
Dantes: Thank you very much, and it's good to hear from you again. Hope things are well. :)

Robin: Thank you - your comments are always valued and taken on board.

vester: Thanks!

976: Thank you once again for your support and comments.

ricardomiranda: Thanks, I hope you will like this update as well.


Welcome to Roumeli Province, in the far south-east of Cattala. This is a brand new province that we haven't explored before, so I hope you enjoy it.


Roumeli is a completely separate island to Cattala, and has developed quite differently. Guila is quite a dense city compared to other regions, but also has many newer buildings and developments mixed in with the old.


However much of the town remains old and here we can see the town's central square and it's original station from on top of the city's cathedral.


As I said earlier, parts of Guila are modern and recently developed. This apartment complex was very controversial as it was built in the historic centre of the city in the 1970s. Despite this, it has remained and is seen as another part of the city now, not a sore thumb.


Parts of old Guila were once a monastery, and the Chiesa Theatre was a central part of the religious order's community. It's now become a theatre and restaurant.


The hub of the city is it's canal front commercial areas, including the central plaza featured here. The town's main shops are based here, and on a summer evening the canal and shops are buzzing with people seeking refuge from the heat and swimming in the canal is commonplace.


Here's an overview of the old town centre, including the railway line, some of the shops and the edge of the theatre. This update is dedicated to my old friend and Roumeli's original creator DC. If there's anywhere else that you would like to go please post a request and we'll go there.

Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala | Last Update: 4th November 2011
Post by: nbvc on November 05, 2011, 12:45:06 AM
Great work with a nice mix of modern and old buildungs. :thumbsup:
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala | Last Update: 4th November 2011
Post by: Kergelen on November 05, 2011, 11:23:00 AM
I like the constrast between new and old buildings, too. :)
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala | Last Update: 4th November 2011
Post by: Terring7 on December 24, 2011, 05:33:37 AM
Nice cities :)
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala | Last Update: 4th November 2011
Post by: ThomasK on March 24, 2012, 11:55:24 AM


No photo editing. No trimming. Pure, Cattala.

Welcome to the Holy Church of Calora, at the heart of the Realm's divine faith. Behind these walls reside the most powerful men in Cattala, that can empower a revolution or wipe out a government. This city has the ability to cast a cloud over the whole country.

In such a majestic and significant city, I deemed it vital that I spent such a lengthy period of time on what is really a small area. That's why I won't be updating Cattala again for many, many moons until I am absolutely certain that it is ready for publication.
I've built cities, towns, ports and villages, but until I feel it's the best it can be, I don't want to rush out updates like I have done in the past.
So I hope you will stay, and wait, for the return of Cattala. I'm sorry it may be a long time coming, but rest assured - it will be worth it.

Thank you for your patience,


Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala | Last Update: 24th February 2012
Post by: Ol.S / Benoit on April 02, 2012, 05:24:43 AM
Well, I can see some of my LOT work here ! :)

Watch out, your are in the inactive section of the best sellers...

Anyway, this is good but I'm not convinced by the combination of the Arab & Med architecture here, but why not !
Hope you can update again. :)
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala | Last Update: 24th February 2012
Post by: ThomasK on April 03, 2012, 04:07:22 AM
Quote from: Ol.S / Benoit on April 02, 2012, 05:24:43 AM
Well, I can see some of my LOT work here ! :)

Watch out, your are in the inactive section of the best sellers...

Anyway, this is good but I'm not convinced by the combination of the Arab & Med architecture here, but why not !
Hope you can update again. :)

Thanks Benoit - I was hoping someone could move this back to the main best sellers area. And once I start updating again (probably after my exams) I will be explaining why there is Arab architecture there. It's being removed and replaced by modern buildings in places as you can see, which gives a good indication about what's happening.
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala | Last Update: 24th February 2012
Post by: chester on April 03, 2012, 05:04:17 AM
i just discovered this beautiful MD. I love the color palate and building style your using. can't wait to see more.
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala | Last Update: 24th February 2012
Post by: Allein on April 19, 2012, 12:17:27 PM
Very nice &apls I love the district near to the church.
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala | Last Update: 24th February 2012
Post by: kelis on April 30, 2012, 06:40:04 PM
The last picture is just amazing, I love the little details !! Great job my friend.

# Jonathan
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala | Last Update: 24th February 2012
Post by: rooker1 on May 01, 2012, 07:54:33 AM
Fantastic looking city!! 
That over view is stunning and I would love to see more at that zoom if possible.
Robin &apls
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala | Last Update: 26th June 2012
Post by: ThomasK on June 26, 2012, 05:10:17 AM

Thank you for your kind words Robin, Jonathan, Chester and A.Gates.
Welcome back to Cattala. Over the past few months I've been restructuring and rebuilding my City Journal, starting with Celeste, the capital city of Cattala.

One of the busiest places in Celeste is the Celeste Centrale station. I think you can guess what that translates as. The station is the third-busiest in Cattala and forms part of the Railway Triangle between Jennai, Calora and the capital, the three notable cities in Cattala.


As day turns to evening, let's visit a place with a view of the city's defining feature - the Fiume Celestica, a river that once flowed through the heart of the city. I say once, because in the 19th century the river was dammed upstream and a canal network was built around the city, diverting the flow of the river and stopping the frequent winter floods that plagued the city.


Now to a new part of the city, one I never built in the original version of Celeste. The Stadio di Lady Eliza forms the centrepiece of an urban renewal project near the railway station that has taken more than three decades to complete. A sea of glass and steel dominates the area, with modern apartments and office blocks looming over the old city.


That heart being, Alder Hill. The area was once renowned for its aristocratic residents and the theatres that they frequented. Here's a prime example, located on the corner of a busy shopping road that leads up the the park at the centre of the enclave, which is surrounded by the Fiume Celestica.


The British renamed the city centre when they colonised the island in 1815, after a row of trees that lined the streets of the Parisian style city. The city has a clear definition between the homes of the wealthy and those who served them - most maids and butlers resided in the cramped upper floors of buildings or in separate buildings altogether. In this part of Celeste, the affluent lived across the river to the working classes. Now, even the servants quarters are upmarket homes and designer shops.


These days Alder Hill is most famous for its boutique stores, government offices and the Parliament building. Both the National Assembly and the Senato del Regno are based in Parliament, with various ministerial offices occupying upper floors of the landmark. Across the park is the largest police station in the realm, the Celeste Metropolitan Police headquarters, built in the 18th century.


To end today, an overview of the Alder Hill area at night. I hope to have further updates soon, but I can't make any guarantees.

Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala | Last Update: 26th June 2012
Post by: Nanami on June 26, 2012, 05:41:33 AM
Nice picture you have there Thomas! love the city scenes!
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala | Last Update: 26th June 2012
Post by: RickD on June 26, 2012, 05:46:57 AM
Wow, it looks great.  &apls
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala | Last Update: 26th June 2012
Post by: ThomasK on July 16, 2012, 04:44:43 AM
976: Thank you very much.
RickD: Thanks!


Summer has returned, which means it's time to visit the breadbasket of Cattala once more. Last year we focused on Ontano island, in the south east of Cattala, quite a lot, but this time we're moving further north into the mainland.
Lessito is the biggest province in terms of area, covering all of the eastern lands of the mainland and stretching into the north as well. Despite this, it is the most sparsely population region, with no substantial cities and a rural heartland full of villages and hamlets communities.

Today we're stopping by the Darna comuni, which is straddled by the A5 road from San Pietro to the Ontano Bridge. Darna services is one of the larger ones along the road, which is popular with holidaymakers going from the city to the beaches of the east.


Recently the government has announced a large investment in the infrastructure of rural areas like Darna. This bridge is being rebuilt to cope better with flooding and more traffic, as it formed a bottleneck at peak times and was regularly closed in the winter, cutting off many hamlets from the a-road.


The village of Yewell is a small community outside of Darna, north of the busy carriageway. Here, a secondary road is the easiest way to travel from the village to the rest of the province. Farm life dominates this little place, with sprawling orchards and vineyards as far as the eye can see. In summer, the town is buzzing with workers picking fruit and taking it off to market and warehouses.


Yewell is fortunate enough to have its own industrial buildings to store fruit and vegetables in, before they get taken to the shops of the country and the shipyards for sale overseas. This year, the storage facilities will be overflowing with juicy grapes which will soon be taken to Jennai for brewing into some of the country's most delicious wines.


Besides its heritage for wine making, Yewell's other claim to fame is the Saint Martin's Retreat Centre, where young people from the cities come on pilgrimage to rest, relax and develop spiritually and emotionally. It's a very popular venue for school retreats and a way for urban children to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life.


But not everything is rosy and perfect in Lessito...


As you'll find out in the next update.
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala | Last Update: 26th June 2012
Post by: Nanami on July 16, 2012, 09:21:23 AM
Nice farm area! I like the bridge construction!
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala | Last Update: 26th June 2012
Post by: noahclem on July 16, 2012, 12:22:04 PM
Great updates  &apls  I especially like the way the stadium and the train station look in the last update  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala | Last Update: 16th July 2012
Post by: Schulmanator on July 16, 2012, 08:27:09 PM
These rural pix rock my world! Great stuff!
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala | Last Update: 16th July 2012
Post by: ThomasK on July 21, 2012, 11:51:34 AM

Welcome back to Lessito, where we're making our second visit to Darna comuni. The province is typically synonymous with fruits, rolling hills and bountiful harvests, but Yewell village has a darker secret that is hidden behind the traditional Lessitan setting.


Under British rule, the village of Yewell was founded and prospered as a small farming community, like dozens of others in the southern plains of Cattala. During the Second World War, the kingdom was occupied by Italian and German forces fighting in North Africa and, in 1943, fighting to prevent the British and Americans from getting a hold on southern Italy. Sonnenshein was created after the fall of Celeste and the execution of the King of Cattala. Loyalists and monarchists alike continued to support the King and were bitterly opposed to Italian occupation, as well as the presence of German troops heading to the North African Campaign.

Throughout the three years of occupation, thousands of dissidents were detained at Sonnenshein and hundreds never returned. The area became a symbol of the harsh treatment the anti-fascist population endured as those that survived told their tales of torture, prolonged imprisonment and starvation.


Those that died during internment at Sonnenschein were buried near to the camp's headquarters in Yewell. The farm that was used as a burial site was abandoned after its owner committed suicide during questioning after spying for the resistance movement on the camp, and is now partially a memorial for those that died in the area during the war.


Yewell is still overshadowed by the infamous prison, which was the most high profile in all of Cattala. Due to the relatively short period of time that German officers and generals were based in Cattala, the country had few other internment camps when liberated in 1943 and the southern Italian troops who spent much of the war in Cattala were less inclined to the cruel torture methods of their anti-Comintern allies.

The buildings occupied by secret police and army officers during the war have all since returned to their residential or agricultural purposes, with many reflecting on their wartime use through name or small memorial plaques, which dot the roads of Yewell village. Only two buildings from the camp remain, the former headquarters of the officers in Lessito, with cellars and subcellars filled with concrete. After the war, the returning villagers decided to try and remove all trace of the fascist occupation from their community. But the shadow of shame still hangs over Yewell.


Next time, we'll be back to Lessito's old self, visiting a less harrowing area of the province.

Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala | Last Update: 21st July 2012
Post by: RickD on July 23, 2012, 04:00:28 AM
You are telling a thought-provoking story here. And the pictures fit very well in the mood of this update (*). Great work.  &apls

(*) But I had to crank brightness, contrast and gamma all the way up to see anything. But this might be just be my monitor.
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala | Last Update: 21st July 2012
Post by: ThomasK on July 23, 2012, 10:31:51 AM
RickD: I see what you mean about the brightness. In future updates, especially night-based ones, I'll increase brightness more. Thank you for the constructive comment!
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala | Last Update: 21st July 2012
Post by: ThomasK on July 24, 2012, 12:37:54 PM

Today we're continuing our trip through southern Lessito, weaving our way north and south of the A25. The comuni of Dallia is our next stop, centred around the market village of Dallia la Costa. As with much of the region, the area is dominated by agriculture but is also a place of outstanding natural beauty.


By the village centre is what led to its creation, the crossroads. This dirty road was once a thriving transport link between the cities of the west and the markets, ports and islands of the east. Nowadays its bypassed by the dual carriageway, but the road remains busy with local freight and villagers.


La Marcia farm is a defining estate in Dallia. Its golden fields spread over a vast area and sway gently in the summer breeze. The sight inspired a poem by Cattala's Poet Laureate in 1947, just after the decimation of World War Two. The golden bloom was said to have "lightened his soul and sparked hope".


Small hamlets and other villages dot the Dallia countryside, mainly alongside the trade road. Alareas was discovered to have had a literacy rate of just 24% in 1965 due to the lack of rural education provision. Since then, its risen to 100% in line with the rest of the country. Farmers just didn't need to read and write, and the nearest schools were dozens of miles away.


Dallia is a recognised area of beauty, and regularly features in Lessito tourist adverts. And with good reason, too. The rural life of long summer days, gentle streams, golden fields and green expanses attracts many visitors and city dwellers hungry for a piece of the good life.


The rolling hills and fields of the eastern kingdom provide this lifestyle for 359,000 residents of Lessito, with more than two thirds living in non-urban areas like Dallia. Here we see the orchards of the comuni's valley that eventually descends down to the coast.


But what this region is most famous for is its vineyards that cover the land in a sea of green in the months leading up to harvest season. Cattala is the world's fifth-biggest wine exporter, with Lessito leading the way in production of the white variant.


To end with tonight, a view of one of Dallia's vineyards at night. The traffic trundling by has changed over the years, but the casa and the crop remain the same.

Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala | Last Update: 24th July 2012
Post by: Framly on July 24, 2012, 03:50:21 PM
Great farm shots ;)
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala | Last Update: 24th July 2012
Post by: Dantes on July 25, 2012, 01:11:15 AM
I missed a few updates. I'm sorry.  :-[ I am thrilled with the pictures. I like the city.  :thumbsup: The new buildings are very realistic. I see myself in Spain.  :satisfied:
And fantastic farms  &apls &apls &apls
Title: Re: United Kingdom of Cattala | Last Update: 24th July 2012
Post by: art128 on July 25, 2012, 01:43:50 AM
Great farming areas. Reminds me the south of France.
Title: Re: Cattala | Last Update: 24th July 2012
Post by: ThomasK on August 04, 2012, 11:34:20 AM

Welcome back to southern Lessito, where we're continuing to follow the A25 road eastwards towards the A45 bridge. Today we're in Callavre, as we move ever closer to the end of our journey.


Callavre is a small town, like so many others in Lessito, that has hugely benefited from the improved transport connection to the economic heartland of Cattala, in the south west. Callavre now has a fast A-road connection and the South Coast Main Line link to Jennai and the rest of Lessito, speeding the distribution of goods and improving access to Roumeli and the other islands of the Ionian.


The A25 broadens as it reaches Callavre, due to the later split into the much-busier A3 and A45 roads, spreading Jennaian traffic to the northern reaches of Cape Almae and our old Lessito haunt, Ontano Island. Due to the easy access to the road from the west of Callavre, lorries and other heavy vehicles often try to navigate the tight roads of the town centre to try and reach the triple carriageway, leading to calls for a bypass or eastern access road.


Callavre is served by a small station that also acts as a hotel, competing with many local farms that rent out rooms and converted barns to tourists. Commuter trains from and to Jennai speed through the station throughout the day, although most do now stop at the station since the town has grown substantially in the last 50 years.


Here we can see a number of those farms that have sought to ply the tourist industry with their converted barns and outbuildings, some more successfully than others. The busy railway has severely affected the volume of tourists to Callavre in recent years, especially with the higher speed and more frequent trains travelling to Ontano and central Lessito. Some have countered this fall in tourism by inducing businesses to use smaller buildings as offices, benefiting from the very same thing that hurt other income-boosting ventures.


Outside of the town and away from the busy roads and railway, Callavre is much more like the rest of Lessito. The commuter enclave is surrounded by sprawling olive trees, vineyards and fields of fruits of various colours and flavours. The streams of the hills weave and flow just the same as anywhere else in rural Cattala... just a tad more managed, mind.


Pendella lies to the east of Callavre, further along the A25's edge. It sits in a narrow spit of land between the lorry-lined carriageway and the passenger-laden railway that gets narrower the closer you get to the eastern coastline.


To end today, another overview of the village, but on a summers night instead of the day. The station is open, the road's lights are glaring, but the town tries to sleep. Once it could, easily, but now, the times are different. Progress.

Title: Re: Cattala | Last Update: 4th August 2012
Post by: kelis on August 04, 2012, 01:31:35 PM
Great job my friend, I like so much your style, it is very mediterranean  :thumbsup:

Keep up the good work !!
Title: Re: Cattala | Last Update: 4th August 2012
Post by: RickD on August 06, 2012, 01:52:10 AM
Beautiful village.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Cattala | Last Update: 4th August 2012
Post by: ThomasK on August 08, 2012, 05:28:51 AM
Thank you both.


We'll be back in Lessito soon, but first, an interlude in the capital. This is the seventy-sixth update of Cattala, and the nineteenth of Celeste, so I thought it was about time I started showing some urban scenes. And here, is Aziens!


Aziens is the culmination of three decades of development and regeneration in the east of the city. Celeste was once the commanding, dominant city of Cattala but the rise of heavy industry and commerce in Jennai meant that Celeste fell into decline, and is now a third of the size of the economic powerhouse. By the 1970s, even Calora was developing and growing faster and bigger and better than the capital.


Celeste was the old face of Cattala - history, pomp, pagentry - with no place in the present. It's streets were clogged with tourists, not money-makers and businessmen. So a plan was created, to turn a former hunting ground and war-ravaged brownfield site south of the old city into a bustling modern district, a hub of sport and enterprise alike. By the mid-1980s, the Stadio di Lady Eliza was complete and the rest, is history.


Public broadcaster RMI was roped into the redevelopment, and built a brand new media park just off the main carriageway into Celeste. Light industrial warehouses hugged television studios and offices for the media elite.


RMI's brand new headquarters were finished by 1995, a mix of modern architecture and classic cubic design. The centrepiece of the multi-million lira project, RMI moved its news, television, production and radio services to the complex from their old homes spread across Calora, Jennai and Celeste.


The rest of the site was leased to international broadcasters, producers and media companies. The international media building is home to more than 20 different news channels from around the world, with many basing here due to easy road and rail access to the city centre, Calora, Jennai and all three of Cattala's major airports. There's also a good view of the modern skyline.


Aziens wouldn't have existed without the central station. Cattala's third-largest station is also a changeover point if you want to go to the north, the rest of Amosseri and is a key terminal between Jennai and Calora. The InterCity services between the three carries millions of passengers a year, more than all the other lines combined.


Next time, it's back to Lessito for the rest of our A25 journey. Here's a map of the province, showing you all the places we've been over the past 18 months. The five towns and villages in the southern island, along with San Pietro, were visited last summer and you can clearly see the route of the A25 from San Pietro to Callavre, where we left off. See you then!

Title: Re: Cattala | Last Update: 8th August 2012
Post by: nbvc on August 08, 2012, 05:42:58 AM
Great work. Nice night images. &apls
Title: Re: Cattala | Last Update: 8th August 2012
Post by: ThomasK on August 28, 2012, 12:41:23 PM

emperordaniel: Thank you!

MarkusJ: Thanks very much for the comment, and yes it did take a fair while but the result is what I desired.

Vivapanda: Thanks, I'm glad you liked that one.

rewright: Thank you!

sim_link: Glowing at night is exactly what that was going for.

So this interlude seems to be taking a bit longer than I expected, as I've been on holiday and busy building motorways and Celeste. But don't despair, as our Lessito journey will be returning shortly.

Today we're visiting the north of Celeste, the opposite end of the city to Aziens. Vittoria is one of the three initial districts of the capital that I built in the previous incarnation of Celeste, and now it's been made bigger, better and 100% more functional than before. Here is its smaller station, Stazione di Alberto, pictured during the late evening. It's a busy little station, with many commuter trains from Vittoria, Celeste and Calora thundering past throughout the night.


Vittoria is the northernmost district of Celeste's metropolitan area, and was one of few parts of the city not to be adversely affected by the colonisation of Cattala in the 19th century. The British governor relocated the capital to Calora Harbour, then the main port of trade with the Empire. Much of Celeste fell into disrepair as the monarchy was pushed aside and wealth moved to Jennai and Calora.


It benefited from becoming a major station on the new railway line between the two main economic cities and saw substantial development as wealthy Caloran merchants and businessmen left the crowded city and wanted a quieter life in the country or the comforts of home in the Shires. Vittoria, named after the reigning Queen, boomed.


As more and more people moved in to the new town, it drew in the Celestinian, British and Caloran middle classes and caused a further depopulation of the derelict royal city and became a sprawling settlement around the railway line. In its own right, Vittoria rapidly became independent from Celeste.


In recent times, Vittoria has continued to serve as a commuter town for both Calora and the reinvigorated Celeste. As the old city expanded northwards, it was swallowed back into the capital and benefits from the faster and more frequent railway services to all three of the country's main cities. Since the 1980s, many offices have been created in Alberto Business Park, named after Victoria's consort. With easy access to the economic centres and cheaper rent Vittoria has appealed to many companies, including DHL's Cattala offices.


Corona-Sesta was developed in the post-war years, as part of a new residential boom as Cattala adjusted to life after occupation and the emergency government tried to encourage economic growth. Located in the east of the town, it benefited from the construction of the M2 motorway a few minutes drive away and its expansion in 1990.


Vittoria continues to grow even today. Suburban development and the large number of affluent city-dwellers that move to a quieter life ensures a steady stream of new residents to the town and one of the recent waves led to the creation of Meandrati, an estate that resembles more Americanised desires of modern buyers.


One of the older areas of the town is the Borough of Hannover, named after the royal house that Victoria heralded from, with a minor change in the spelling. Hannover is the wealthiest district in Vittoria and is home to Hannover Park, a controversial regeneration project that led to the demolition of a number of old buildings and replacing them with what locals described as "blue boxes". A wider redevelopment of Hannover was stopped in the Supreme Court when the local elite joined with the province's millionaires in demanding an end to the Park plan and forced developers to back down in a landmark ruling.


I hope you enjoyed learning about Vittoria's past and present and I leave you with a Hall-to-Market mosaic stretching across the town. Thank you for visiting Cattala.

Title: Re: Cattala | Last Update: 28th August 2012
Post by: rooker1 on August 30, 2012, 10:12:15 AM
Very nice pics after the five minute wait for them to load. 
Please remember to post your pics as jpg....please change these as soon as you can.

Title: Two Years and Counting
Post by: ThomasK on October 20, 2012, 05:53:10 AM

Welcome to Cattala. Today is a huge milestone for this journal and that's why we're returning to the capital. Over the past 88 updates, more than a quarter have been Celeste updates so I thought it would be fitting to have a general view of all areas of the ever-growing City of Kings. We'll be back in Cressa again shortly.

Since Cattala began one of the most audacious projects I've done is the rebuilding of Celeste. In the New Year it became clear that the way I was creating my cities was taking its toll on my game and the ability for me to update. I started anew with Cattala then, and growing most of my cities has been the priority. For example, Vittoria...


In the north of Celeste, Vittoria is my first fully-functioning, modern Anglicised town. The original Victoria was empty, lifeless. Now Celeste's suburban neighbour is a thriving town of not just imperial sprawl, but modern homes and construction and industry.


Vittoria is it's own, individual town, with it's own Council and its own style. Not a dominion of Celeste, but a defining part of its character.


The capital has evolved from a city for the aristocracy into a vibrant hub of trade, politics, transport and most of all, people.


Its history still has an important role though. Celeste is the most popular city with tourists, thanks to its historic Citadel and architecture that breaks the Mediterranean mould. There's no Colosseum but having an active monarchy with dozens of palaces sure makes up for that. Anyway, Cattala's history didn't stop with the Romans.


France and Britain extensively adapted this country. A small island kingdom had to find support from overseas and the centuries of trade and cooperation with the Great Powers means Celeste is more of a melting pot of all of Europe. You can find traces of Paris, London and Milan around every corner.


In the original Celeste, the city had barely changed since 1820. This year I've developed it much further forward, with modern skyscrapers and plenty of glass and steel dominating the skyline now. Functioning transport and even sports have finally been given a role in Cattala and make the continued growth of my cities in-game even easier in the long term.  Plus they make half decent images too.


There's been a lot of development and evolution in this journal over the past two years. Cattala is a constantly changing region and part of this journal's philosophy has been that if I don't like something or someone spots something that's a bit odd, it gets changed. It's this flexibility that has ensured Cattala is always becoming better and never staying the same.
The proof, though, is in the pudding. Cue Update 1: An Introduction!


731 days, 88 updates and several revamps later we arrive at today's Cattala...


This has been the longest Cattala update in history, and I hope you enjoyed it, and the past two years, as much as I have.

Title: Re: Cattala | Last Update: 21st November 2012
Post by: ThomasK on November 21, 2012, 10:49:15 AM

Buongiorno and welcome back to you all. Those celebrations left the journal with a bit of a hangover so apologies for the delay in getting a new update. Over the coming weeks and into January these entries will become more sparse as I have exams just after New Years. But we've got something a bit different in store today!

The Cressa roadworks are still ongoing and have now over run. Trust contractors at your peril!


Instead we'll head down a country lane, which was once an important link between Jennai and the villages and towns of the north of Monte Calida. This road has existed for centuries, carrying travellers and traders to the north coast through the rocky mountains that split the island down the middle. But now, a modern motorway has destroyed hundreds of years of travel and the communities that relied on this trade route for their livelihood. One of these, is Errosan.


Errosan was a humble hamlet, with a small wind turbine on the hill providing the electricity that its residents needed. Now it sits abandoned, with the wind running through the blades harmlessly. Not an ounce of power trickles into the houses anymore.


Even the lifeblood of the hamlet has dried up and closed now. Errosan was the only village with a petrol station for dozens of miles and its owners grew wealthy off the trade and tourism that it bought in. They've all left now - the pumps are coated in dust and there's not a car in sight.


For as long as anyone's great-grandmother could remember the village had been a bustling thoroughfare. It didn't rely, like the villages of Lessito in the western valleys, on farming and tourists for its livelihood. Even twenty years ago, the hamlet was busy with traffic and people and life. So what changed?


The village was reliant on the road. But when Monte Calida's M5 motorway was completed in 1994, the traffic was diverted to the state-of-the-art new fast road and very few cars ever drove through Errosan any more.


As time passed, the businesses closed and the people left. Now, nothing remains but the relics of a bygone era. All you need from this hamlet any more is a map out.

Title: Re: Cattala | Last Update: 21st November 2012
Post by: ThomasK on November 24, 2012, 10:16:47 AM

Buongiorno and welcome back. This could be the last update for a while because I have my exams soon and the time it's taking to do updates is not sustainable at the moment. But nevertheless I hope you enjoy this update.

Today we're starting in Celeste, the capital. We've seen this station many times before but this time we're starting our journey from it, and we'll be heading a bit further than Aziens and Alder Hill.


Celeste station is one of the busiest in the country and is a terminus for many northern and south-eastern rail services. The redevelopment of Aziens over the past fifty years means that as you enter the city, you're surrounded by sparkling skyscrapers and office towers.


It's also a busy junction between Calora and Jennai, so Celeste station is always busy with passengers, trains and the odd pigeon as well.


Further north, the InterCity line takes a direct route north towards Calora. This stretch of line is the oldest in the country and encompasses Vittoria and the southern suburbs of the colonial capital.


The InterCity line, a triangular network of lines linking Celeste, Calora and Jennai, was formed in the 1980s after major track upgrades and the introduction of faster trains meant that now slower, suburban trains could be bypassed by fast trains operating direct services between the major cities. Journey times were reduced significantly. There are now proposals to upgrade the network again to high speed rail.


But upgrading the InterCity network could draw funds away from the other National Lines, like the Northern Line between Calora and Seina. More rural routes outside the main cities could lose crucial investment in better infrastructure and faster trains if the focus is on the urban lines. Villages like Larito, in Monte Calida, depend on the railway for a fast, reliable service to the cities and towns elsewhere in the country.


To build up to 100 updates of Cattala, over the next ten entries we'll be going down memory lane. Today, we're in Seina. Seina was part of the original 4Cities proposal for Cattala, and was meant to form my natural growth area, inspired by CSGDesign's Boston and emgmod's Illu'a. Seina grew into a large town but was a victim of my transfer from desktop to laptop. It was an important part of the journal but whether or not it will return again is unknown.


Thanks for watching, and see you again soon!
Title: Re: Cattala | Last Update: 21st November 2012
Post by: Swordmaster on November 24, 2012, 02:24:27 PM
These look nice, but it would have been helpful if you had actually read Robin's comment.

Quote from: rooker1 on August 30, 2012, 10:12:15 AM
Very nice pics after the five minute wait for them to load. 
Please remember to post your pics as jpg....please change these as soon as you can.

