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City Showcase (All games welcome) => Mayors' Diaries => Inactive Recently Published => Topic started by: costia on September 03, 2013, 02:23:07 PM

Title: Hiigaran United Confederacy (AIN)
Post by: costia on September 03, 2013, 02:23:07 PM
Black Sea Confederacy. Hiigaran United Confederacy - The confederacy was founded after the soviet invasion of Hiigaran country of Albon and the liberation of the state. The Hiigaran Confederacy is 16 nations, which are very different.

Additionally the Hiigaran Confederacy will try to bring gore, horror and drama to simcity.... Zombies or Nazis, the world of simcity needs some shock.

There will be 3 kinds of updates - Real Hiigara, the beauty of the 16 black sea countries. To the shocking alternative universes which are turned to horror

Part One - Sin. Set in Kartoba in 2013. A story of high life bohemian. Life of rich and happy.
Part Two - Genocide. Set in the week after the night of the bohemian.
Part Three - Exodus.
Listen to this to set the mood.
"This is Kartoba Today. The weather outside is +23c. In the news today,
Kamchatkan Government has put on quarintine parts of the country,
after a pandemic hit villages. This information is coming after the flu
has taken lifes of 23 people. Cases in Russia and China were found. In other news..."



"The news are all the same, boring stuff. My name is Alexander Vlasov. Born and raised in Kartoba in a rich bankers family. Life for me is fun and game. I live a life of the bohemian glory, as we say it here, the generation of Pepsi. After years of change Kartoba became the sin loving place..."


"My life is a never ending change of girls and club scenes, only there I feel like a king. The plebs will never understand the beauty of the night and the beauty of life, until they met the fun loving bohemians.
As night comes to Kartoba I get ready to go to Aquarius, my friend owns that place. Born in Okatabawashi, he moved to Kartoba and started his own business. As he says, the beat in the nights of Kartoba are unique.


I own a penthouse in downtown Kartoba. My father was not pleased when i both this apartment. He hoped that i would still live in the old manor outside the city. But luckly I known what words would explain my point of view. Who would want to live in the dust of the old? When you can have the best view in the city.


Already dressed in the best, I call Oshi. Asked him to look for good girls for me. For me the never ending change of girls, keeps me amused. There problems don't bother me and my just leaves. They help me to cope.


Looking out the window, my fathers office lights in the night. Our family is the old aristocratic family of Nogovickan desent. We survived the italian bombings in 1941, we kept our degnety when the 1962 Revolt happened and general Admirtov created a police state. We always know to who to keep our loyalty. Luckly our age gives me the reason to be loyal only to the night... My driver has came.


Driving trow free streets of Kartoba, you forget the loud, bustling city. You are free from worries. No screams, no traffic, no problems. Woslav, my driver, is my old friend. He helps me with meeting girls and keeping it quite. He is the only person that I really trust. But probably just money can make anyone be quite.


Last week, I met a girl. Oshi found her for me. A quite girl from somewhere Albon or Russia, can't actually remember. But usually they only see me as a way up. This was more quite and without any hope. I can only remember her legs trembling.


The never changing Bohemia. Kissing couples, the crying girl who just got dumped, the ever so talented acresses, the ever so rich. And the crowds, the crowds of sheep. Dancing to the beat of the 21 centuary. You lose yourself here. You are one of them.
Then I saw her.
She was standing alone.
Her eyes looking at me.
She was somehow different. Her eyes full of sadness, but a smile on her face. She was something different in the sin.


We talked for a a half hour. I first tought it was Oshi who found her for me, but I soon found out that Oshi didn't know her.
She was from Kamchatka, moved to the city two years ago. A student of Politech.
Called Woslav. Ordered the car. We driven again trow the free streets of Kartoba.
She kissed me.


We returned back to my apartment. Tolled Woslav that he could be free today.
She undressed and went to the balcony. Viewing the city, she saw the Chapel of First. Build by the cattalians and then made in to an Orthodoxs temple by the Albon Empire.
I realised that for me it was something usual, i stopped even noticing it.
She turned and asked, if I have some wine.


We drunk wine, talked....


It followed as usual. Never changing.
The Kamchatkan Girl and I.


Waking up in the morning, she was still with me. Usually they leave quickly. So not to bother me. I went to the tv and just waited for her to wake up."
" today, Cases of the Kamchatkan Flu were spotted in Hiigara. Already 16 cases are conformed around the country. Government ends flights between Kamchatka and Hiigara."
End of Chapter One. Sin.
Hope you liked the update and hope you like the next one. Leave a comment and a like.[/center]
Title: Re: Hiigaran United Confederacy (AIN)
Post by: costia on September 03, 2013, 03:20:28 PM

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For Russian Speaking Romantic moment, please listen to this song.
For Sad feel moment, please listen to this song.

"In the news today, Kartobian weather is rainy today.
We advise to take an umbrella with you, if you planning to go outside.
The Kamchatkan Virus is being found around Kartoba city,
many citizens have came to St.Augustus Hospital for help. Lines...

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As week passed, we met again with her. We exchanged the ever slight understanding of our feelings. I ordered my driver, to get us and go to Oxygenol. A club owned by Oshi and me.

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The rain has swept away, the sounds of the city. I missed calls after calls, all my time was consumed by the Kamchatkan. While we driven trow the streets.

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At Oxygenol, we sat for 2 hours, mostly just drinking and talking. A man was coughing all the time, I even asked to given a new place.

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As the night continued, she said that she needs to leave. I proposed that my driven takes her, but she replied that her friend will meet her. We arranged to meet tomorrow. at the evening. I watched her leaving.

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The rain continued, I returned to my apartment. Watched the missed calls. Oshi called me 7 times. Re-called him. He asked me to come to his apartment.

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As I found out, Oshi was attacked by some girl that he invited back. His hand was bitten. But he refused to go to the doctor. This cases start happening around the city, with many suspecting drugs.

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I purseud to make Oshi to go to the doctor. I could not imagine how the later day will change.

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Waking up at the morning, I was woken up by her call, she tolled me to turn on the tv.

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The news kept running, as the sound of helicopters and plane bound for Kartobian International St.George Airport were made. I saw Cattalian-Hijaran planes. After 10 minutes, cell phones were turned off. Internet connection lost and only tv kept going.

As I continued watching, the emergency broadcast was turned on.

Title: Re: Hiigaran United Confederacy (AIN)
Post by: rooker1 on September 03, 2013, 04:50:18 PM
Very good pics with some interesting effects.
The story is intriguing, but becareful where it goes please.

Title: Re: Hiigaran United Confederacy (AIN)
Post by: Huston_N7 on September 04, 2013, 04:28:26 AM
A really attention-grabbing story, and definitely worthwhile reading. And the quality of the pics are just that much of an attention grabber :D Great update Cons!
Title: Re: Hiigaran United Confederacy (AIN)
Post by: costia on September 11, 2013, 08:47:34 AM
Light the way...
Please listen to this to set the mood or
This to set the mood.

The heart land of Albon Republic, the never sleeping - Pizen.
The symbol of freedom and of capitalism, this is the city to be.
Welcome to Pizen Night.

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The central districts and the main artery of the city - "Nogov-Jamkov Street", the broadway of Pizen. Symbol of never ending life in the city.

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The Bars, Cafes, Restarunts and just life happening all around you. The Novi Square, is the time square of Pizen. The neon signs selling everything possible, from drinks to fashion. This is the beating heart of the capitalist paradise, where everything is possible... with a price. Here you can find the places like the "Green Oyster", "Footlose Bar" and "Cinema 1920". Fun place to spend the night in.

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Driving trought the Jorskovskoe avenue, you will see the bright lights of billboards, shops still open. The gay district of "Gubki" is one of places living 24/7. Neon signs showing clubs like "Butterfly", "Russian Mistress" and "Tomi".

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Over the River Pizenski, you will  come to "Rebel Square", the place where the city defended its freedom against the French in 1811. The "Death Star" of Pizen, as its called by people, the 1976 Build Tower - "Ostank Tower", the main TV and Radio tower in city. Near it are located Newspaper and Albon TV agencies. The lighted building is "Telecommunication Building".

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From there we can go to Art Museum "Winogorsk", a old Wine Factory was re-done in to a modern art gallery. The Old Church of "Jesus Protector" still looks over the old districts.

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Factor Club, one of the largest clubs in Eastern Europe. Holds best parties in the city, with the biggest stage in the "Ogrovi" district. The Heroes of the Soviet-Albon War Statue stands, remembering the price many paid for the neon lights to shine bright.

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As the night continues we go to the "Novi-Pizen Avenue", once the symbol of the resorection of the city in the 1960's, the city was heavilly bombed in the Soviet Occupation period of 1951-1954. The 3 Giants, stand watching over the old city. The Aslav District, the tourist attraction district, lights the cafes and hotels.

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Golden Gate Casino and Hotel, the oldest still working hotel in the city, the symbol of glamour of the old city. While the modern city grows to take it. The LED Displays on "Bank Hijara" show the future of progress and happiness for all those that have the money.

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As morning soon to come, we come to the heart of the city... the ever great Pizenian Kremlin. The symbol of power of the Albon Republic... even here the lights shine in the Central Store of Albon.

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As night turns to morning.. we return to Taiga Tiger, the skyscraper build in the Jerusko Dictatorship period. The neon lights turn down and loose there power.... the day eats the night... Rainy morning..

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As day comes, the neon lights are gone... so that the day can start... in the magical Pizen. So that again the night can take it hold...

Title: Re: Hiigaran United Confederacy (AIN)
Post by: rooker1 on September 11, 2013, 08:54:21 AM
Fantastic update and awesome looking city.

Title: Re: Hiigaran United Confederacy (AIN)
Post by: RepublicMaster on September 11, 2013, 12:12:17 PM
Pizen looks amazing, Cons! Great work. :D