SC4 Devotion Forum Archives

SimCity 4 Devotion Custom Content Showcase => Network Addon Mod (NAM) => Topic started by: Caller9 on January 27, 2015, 03:41:30 PM

Title: New Transition Suggestion
Post by: Caller9 on January 27, 2015, 03:41:30 PM
Hello NAM Team!
Would it be possible to make a transition piece from the 4 Lane Narrow Road to other 4 lane pieces i.e. the Avenue and 4 Lane Road?

Would almost seem to be a natural transition. Better than stepping down to a 2  lane and then to the avenue.

If it is already there I'm missing it. Please aim me in the right direction.

Side note: The new Sim City 2013 should have talked to the people on this board especially the NAM team for the way to make the new version. To me, Simcity4 is more like building realistic cities and 2013 is a game. I've seen complaints about graphics being "old" but the SC4 modders make far better buildings than Origin came up with. The NAM highways made the old game come to life. Thanks to  you all!
Title: Re: New Transition Suggestion
Post by: dwelln8hss32 on January 28, 2015, 06:10:27 AM
Since 4-lane narrow road (NRD-4) is a one-tile network, and 4 lane road (RD-4) and four lane avenue (Ave-4) are a two-tile networks, there is no current transition in the latest NAM that connects the two network types. I agree, transitioning from NRD-4 to RD-4, or even TLA-5 would be cosmetically pleasing. Perhaps some NAM folks could elaborate on game restrictions creating these transitions, or for other reasons. My hunch is if it was easy to do, it may have been looked at already. 
Title: Re: New Transition Suggestion
Post by: Caller9 on January 28, 2015, 08:40:27 AM
Maybe something like the single lane road to avenue transition.. but, with NAM flair (a.k.a.Better!)

Or, as you say, maybe it's just not possible. Minimal issue given the work already done.
Title: Re: New Transition Suggestion
Post by: Tarkus on January 28, 2015, 09:52:17 AM
The only reason it hasn't been done is that there haven't been any textures made.  Transition textures, particularly with the NWM, are a bit trickier to make, and the differences in the lane dimensions between the AVE-4/TLA-5 and NRD-4 aren't insignificant.

Title: Re: New Transition Suggestion
Post by: Caller9 on February 01, 2015, 08:20:38 PM
Hmm.. just re-read my post and want to clarify;

It reads badly.. one problem with text vs speaking inflections are lost.

When I said "minimal issue" I was referring to it not being that big of a problem not having the transition available considering all the improvements made.

It can be read as me saying it was a minimal thing to create the transition piece... that was not what was meant at all and I wanted to clear that up!

Thanks again for all your work!
Title: Re: New Transition Suggestion
Post by: isii94 on February 02, 2015, 01:55:42 AM
If the textures were available, it would probably just take a few lines of RUL2 for avenues and some additional lines of INRUL for NWM two-tile networks (if there is no interference) to implement them as draggable items.