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SimCity 4 General Discussion and Tutorials => SimCity 4 General Discussion => Topic started by: Pat on July 31, 2015, 02:55:13 AM

Title: sad and going mad
Post by: Pat on July 31, 2015, 02:55:13 AM
Hey all I know some of you will not know me at all but I am need of help badly here.... Going insane trying to figure out why I keep crashing on zoom/transportation menu opening/saving, yes I crash on crtl s, if thats even possible lol.... My poor puter suffered a melt down back in April and me being pessimistic I thought I had a good reliable place that they said they would back up my files, BTW plugins gone totally of all the years since 2005 when i started to play... Even my own special lots that no one gets and now I wont have no more cry.........

Yes I did have a backup on my external but seems to be corrupted some how? I did however find a hiding folder, thank god for it lol, its my datpacked folder for play, but the original when lotting is toasted grrrr.... Anyways I thought I had it figured out with my regions i placed in both directories, IE in C Drive and in Documents folder, I also did this for plugins... Could this be causing my crashing?
Title: Re: sad and going mad
Post by: art128 on July 31, 2015, 03:11:37 AM
Could be, then it could be anything else not even related to the game. (Faulty RAM, hard drive etc)

In general you should only keep your plugins and regions in my docs plugin folder.

What are the computer specs and your SC4 path options?
Title: Re: sad and going mad
Post by: Pat on July 31, 2015, 03:39:29 AM
Hey there Art, Long time no see  ;)  anyways puter and info is in the attached
Title: Re: sad and going mad
Post by: mgb204 on July 31, 2015, 05:13:24 AM
CTD's generally are an issue on dual-core processor unless you add -CPUCount:1 to the target line of the shortcut, there could also be an issue with your rendering settings.

As for the HDD that died, you probably can recover it, what it comes down to is money sadly. I paid about £500 once for a 500gb Drive to be recovered, I couldn't bear to loose 10 years of my digital life when a badly made Seagate drive failed on me. Of course this is from a more friendly supplier, commercial rates start nearer £2-3,000 for such a service, but if you look around you might find something similar closer to home. Since then a new form of backup paranoia pervades, I keep everything on a raid system, whilst expensive it means I've a working copy at all times plus 2 further backups just in case.