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City Showcase (All games welcome) => Mayors' Diaries => Inactive Best Sellers => Topic started by: Dark_Jedi06 on August 23, 2007, 08:48:16 AM

Title: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 10/11/07]
Post by: Dark_Jedi06 on August 23, 2007, 08:48:16 AM

After a crash during a save in which my capital city was lost, I have decided to move Domena Lorella from Simtropolis to SC4 Devotion and begin anew. Some of you may recognize the initial update, however, a few minor changes have taken place. In addition, I've taken a whole new approach to city building this time around.


Book 1

Chapter 1 (
Chapter 2 (
Chapter 3 (
Chapter 4 (
Chapter 5 (
Chapter 6 (
Chapter 7 (
Chapter 8 (

The history of Domena Lorella is one of conquest and culture, revolution and regents, victory and defeat. From the confluence of Germanic and Roman traditions to the cataclysmic events of the early 20th century, Domena Lorella has played a part in many of the most monumental events in European history. Historians have classified these events into nine eras, which are listed below and linked to a more in-depth analysis.


I. The Roman Empire (
II. An Emerging Kingdom (
III. The Great Collapse (
IV. The First Lorellian Empire (
V. Napoleonic Wars (
VI. World War I (
VII. World War II (
VIII. The Cold War (
IX. The Modern Era (

Nestled in the Alps between Switzerland, Germany, Austria and Lichtenstein, Domena Lorella is a beautiful nation. Because of its position, the Lorellian culture is an assemblage of a variety of traditions and beliefs from its neighboring countries, however, this has led to the emergence of a distinctly different society unlike any in Europe. In addition, Domena Lorella is the only remaining European government in which a monarch is able to exercise some forms of absolute rule, unlike the royal family of Great Britain which has devolved into a ceremonial position. Below is a map of the nation, with city names as well as major natural landmarks.

( ('s%20Images/Physical%20Hybrid%20Map.jpg)
(Click for full image, 6100x3236 and 16,243 KB)
A big thanks to jplumbley for making the map; Invermere Valley (

The map below shows the location of Domena Lorella in relation to the rest of Western Europe. Dark green is Lorellian territory, light green nations are members of the European Union and gray nations have no affiliation with the European Union. In addition to the central territory of Domena Lorella in the Alps, the Lorellian government holds a province in the Netherlands, known as Egaingrad, that was acquired during World War II; this is shown on the map as well.

Summary of Domena Lorella (est. Dec 2006)

Full Name: Reginam da Domena Lorella
Short Name: Domena Lorella
Conventional Name: Lorella
Government Type: Monarchical Plutocracy
Economic Orientation: Corporatism
Official Languages: Romansh, English, Swiss, German, French
Religion: Roial Catholicism: 37%, Lutheran: 31%, Protestant: 25%, Other: 7%
Currency: Toc Aur
Capital: Ossian
Largest Cities: Brigs sin Rain, Ossian, Laurel
Population: 7,579,302
Area: 5,132 km²

(     (

The flag and seal of Domena Lorella share the symbol of the lion. Dating back to the nation's Roman roots, the lion symbolizes the power of the Lorellian monarchy. The color green is indicative of the wonderful natural beauty that is often associated with Domena Lorella, considering it's location in the Alps. The Lorellian motto adorns the seal, which reads "Fermezza tras il Retg. Lung star il Reginam." Translated from Romansh into English, it means "Strength through the King. Long live the kingdom."

The government structure of Domena Lorella is complex, combining the power of an absolute monarch, heredity royalty, religious morality and economic impact. Many nations have criticized what they view as a lack of democratic process in Domena Lorella, however, the system has been carefully implemented and changed over the decades to strike a perfect balance that has proven to be overwhelmingly successful.


The Federal Parliamentary Chamber is the main organ of the government structure, responsible for proposing laws and amendments to the constitution. There are a total of seventy seats in the Chamber which are held mainly by three major political parties. They are Royalist, Green and Communist and symbolized below.

(   (   (

The parties are divided in the Federal Parliamentary Chamber as follows:

Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella
Post by: Dark_Jedi06 on August 23, 2007, 08:48:26 AM



Built along the Rhine river, the Altstadt, or "old city", of Ossian is centered around the Zubriggen Church shown above. The church was one of the first places of worship dedicated to Roial Catholicism, the state religion of Domena Lorella that was derived from a break with the Catholic Church. The Altstadt is massive, expanding along the coast of the Rhine and deep inland towards Stgir Bay.


Several bridges span the Rhine at the point of Ossian's Altstadt, including one rail truss as well as three road causeways. These are major arteries that connect Ossian with one of it's sister cities, Orellia, on the other bank of the Rhine.


Though all of Domena Lorella's cities are connected by a raised, high speed rail system, an expansive line of ground rail cuts through nearly all cities as well. The line that runs through Ossian, and its two sister cities Orellia and Olassan, is known as Viafier Vegl. It is shown here running north towards the modern downtown of the capital city.


Gervosa Geiger is the most popular beer brewer in Domena Lorella as well as surrounding Switzerland, Austria and southern Germany. The companies first brewery was constructed in Ossian by entrepreneur Hans Geiger in the late 19th century but was unable to satiate the demands of the people who quickly came to love the hoppy beer the company brewed. Within a few years, several more breweries had been built and in 1893 Gervosa Geiger was declared the official beer of Lorellian royalty. Shown above is the first brewery.


The Ossian Galaria is the central library and museum of the capital city. Many of Domena Lorella's most historic artifacts are housed in the Galaria, including the ancient fresco showing the alliance between Domena Lorella and the Eastern Roman Empire and the memoirs of King Vitus Rohr III before he was slaughtered by communist revolutionaries.


Another shot of the Ossian Galaria as well as more of the sprawling Altstadt.

August 23rd, 1940

A year early in 1939, after the Nazi Blitzkrieg of Poland, Domena Lorella entered into the Munich Pact with the Third Reich. The pact was a military and political alliance that was signed by Adolf Hitler and King Vitus Rohr III in attempt to save Domena Lorella from a potential catastrophic invasion. The alliance, however, would lead the country to ruin as well as one of the shameful events in Lorellian history. About a year after signing the pact in 1940, construction was completed on August 23rd of a concentration camp in the small town of Farid, just south of Ossian. The camp had been ordered by Adolf Hitler as he sought more means to implement the Final Solution. King Rohr was hesitant to comply with the demand but realized that defiance would lead to harsh repercussions from the Luftwaffe. Over the course of a year half a million of Domena Lorella's Jewish population would be murdered as well as an untold number that were moved in from Germany. The camp ceased being active when a communist revolution swept through the country. Today, the remains of the camp still stand as a reminder in addition to a memorial that was built on the site.

The ruins of Campadi Farid still stand outside the small town.
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella
Post by: Danthe on August 23, 2007, 08:54:24 AM
Absolutelly fantastic  &apls Great idea, Ossian looks wonderfully completely.
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella
Post by: rooker1 on August 23, 2007, 09:06:07 AM
Dark_Jedi06, very awesome start.  This looks like it's going to be a good one.

Robin   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella
Post by: Xiziz on August 23, 2007, 09:26:33 AM
I love those alpine houses :P
Welcome over to the MD section here too ^__^
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella
Post by: beskhu3epnm on August 23, 2007, 09:27:03 AM
Your map rules!

Glad to see this one. The use of seawalls as embankments really works well, especially with the euro aspect of your building style.

Great history snapshots as well.

Overall, this is destined to be a classic!
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella
Post by: Emperor Stormont on August 23, 2007, 09:27:28 AM
So pleased you have restarted this. I loved it when it first opened and I love it yet still, the quality is fabulous and Ossian is stunning, so beautiful and well managed.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella
Post by: Pat on August 23, 2007, 09:32:17 AM

Dark_jedi very great start here and very detailed at that too!!!! i soo cant wait to see more - pat
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella
Post by: jplumbley on August 23, 2007, 10:42:07 AM
WOWWIE!!!  What a start!!  You have made some simply stunning pictures of this city.  And thank you for showcasing this map.  I cannot take all the credit as Beskhu3epmn did give me the base map as a template.

I cannot wait to see more of what you have done to this map.  Jimmymac has done an awesome job in his MD and yours has a much different feel and story to it!  It will be interesting to see the differences between the two MDs and how you guys utilize the different terrain features.
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella
Post by: CarmineHilton on August 23, 2007, 12:35:05 PM
Good luck with the new Domena Lorella, DJ ;)
I really like it.. Great work!!  :thumbsup:  ()stsfd()
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella
Post by: Yoman on August 23, 2007, 03:59:12 PM
How does he do it? I dont understand, everytime DJ starts a CJ he manages to blow me away, Id thought I'd seen perfection after the first start on Domena Lorella, but WOW, much more realistic also, CALs new canals work to perfection for you also, that last shot with the train moving over the bridge just amazed me.
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella
Post by: Zaphod on August 23, 2007, 05:12:58 PM
fantastic illustrations and history to go with the pics, really thats what makes SCJU md's a lot of fun to browse
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella
Post by: tooheys on August 24, 2007, 03:30:53 AM
Great start, that's a nicely laid out town. :thumbsup: Love the theme and the use of canals.

If the brewery is still operating, wouldn't mind a tour, and a wee taste of the product.



Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella
Post by: M4346 on August 24, 2007, 05:21:39 AM
I loved Rauheim, I loved Domena Lorella I and I sure as hell LOVE Domena Lorella II! It's absolutely beyond words! I love the over-all effect of the old Euro buildings, CAL Canals and Marast's embankments!

The background information, the rich history and the attention to detail makes this a treat to read, view and follow!

I'm most definitely keeping updated on this one!

Sorry to hear about the loss though, but I can see it turned out for the best!  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella
Post by: bat on August 24, 2007, 06:26:25 AM
A really fantastic start there! Great pictures of that city which is looking wonderful! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella
Post by: Jmouse on August 24, 2007, 09:44:38 AM
Very good start you've made here. Your use of canals is especially interesting because they fit in with the overall theme so well.

Until next time...
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella
Post by: kwakelaar on August 24, 2007, 01:05:17 PM
This is a very impressive first update, obvious that this has taken some preparation. I have not seen your CJ at ST thus this is all new to me.
Your history was interesting to read, seems Lorella has been on the loosing side a few times, expanding and then retreating back into its alpine valley. I am very curious to how the country managed to keep this Dutch province after the 2nd WW.

The images from Ossian Altstad are quite charming, this part of the city is still looking very spacious despite its old age. I very much like the use you have made of Marrast embankment set, fitting very well here.

A great start for this new MD here on SC4D :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella
Post by: Dark_Jedi06 on August 24, 2007, 01:43:45 PM


Autostrada 5 cuts through the center of the Ossian Altstadt as it meanders toward the cities central downtown. The Lorellian highway system is named with numbers divisible by five, with odd integers denoting north/south and even representing east/west.


Another image of Autostrada 5 as well as the single crossing of Viafier Vegl over the Rhine. It is among the most congested bridges and plans were made to extend the line with a second span, however the proper funds have still not been allocated even though it was approved nearly two years ago.


Autostrada 5 continues north away from the Rhine river and closer to Ossian's downtown. At this point it crosses over Viafier Vegl, which is forced to descend under the highway.


Staziun von Schwaller, shown here on the right side of picture, was the first station constructed on Viafier Vegl when the line was begun in 1842. It was named after the railroad tycoon Bernhard Schwaller whose company was the first to invest in Lorellian railroad construction.


Chastè du il Rain, which translates to Castle of the Rhine, was once the largest fortress in Domena Lorella, overlooking the Rhine as well as what was once Ossian's city center. All that remains today is the castle's central keep.


Danthe-Thanks alot! :)
rooker1-I'm glad you liked it. ;D
Xiziz-The correct term would be "fachwerk" houses silly. :P Nothing more then semantics...regardless, I'm happy I've made the switch to SC4D, which was inspired by you and Krim. ()stsfd()
beskhu3epnm-A classic, eh? I sure hope so. ;D
belfastuniguy-Haha...I wouldn't say it's well managed. I pretty much place the buildings at random to achieve a "natural" feel. However, it's difficult to avoid obvious repetition. ::)
patfirefghtr-Well I hope this second update was up to par. :-[
jplumbley-I'll have to change the map credits when I get the chance...the terrain is definitely unique and difficult to work with, however it has presented an interesting challenge.
CarmineHilton-Thanks alot, Carmine! :satisfied:
Yoman-You give me more credit then I deserve Owen... :-[ Your comments are encouraging and serve as an inspiration as I continue MDing. :)
Zaphod-I'm glad you mentioned the history because that's one of the most time consuming parts. I put hours into writing up Lorellian history and ensuring it's accuracy with other events, and after all that it's still not finished.  $%Grinno$%
tooheys-Lol...yes, the brewery is still open. :D
M4346-Oh M, that's really not nescessary... &ops I hope this and future updates will continue to be a treat! ;D By the way, I must give you credit for inspiring me to use the sandstone sidewalk texture after seeing your re-lotting thread over at the SCJU forums. :thumbsup:
bat-Thanks alot! :)
Jmouse-I do love the perfection with which CAL's canals fit in with the city. I was hesitant to use any plopped canals at all until I discovered CAL's wonderful remastered version of SG's canals.
kwakelaar-I still haven't finished writing up the history, so I'm still unsure how Domena Lorella will be able to keep the territory in the Netherlands. The old version on Simtropolis is much different, using Porkie's Paris set instead of your amazing W2W BATs. ;D
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella
Post by: Yoman on August 24, 2007, 03:40:15 PM
Darn this horrible connection, I can't see the pics in the new update, but from the decription I can tell I'll be impressed, hang on while I kick my laptop.

EDIT - Seems the kick to the screen worked :P And I was not disappointed, I think your problem is that you don't award yourself enough credit, not that I award you too much, I just cant wait for the downtown now :D
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 7/24/07]
Post by: Emperor Stormont on August 24, 2007, 08:53:00 PM
First of all, I love the fact you have used David Healy, he has been such a fantastic player for us recently.

Anyways, another fabulous update, I love those small iron rail bridges, so lovely. In fact everything is just a pleasure to view. May I also thank you for stopping by Atlantis, so pleased you love the unreal and monumentalness (my new word) of it all. I do love making my cities.
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 7/24/07]
Post by: Pat on August 24, 2007, 08:58:00 PM
WoW Dark_jedi yup yup defintly reallly above and beyond par wow!!!!!!!   you are a true newpaper master and also even better city builder and as yoman said and i re-up it " I just cant wait for the downtown now " - pat

btw welcome to page 2
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 7/24/07]
Post by: Jmouse on August 24, 2007, 11:06:34 PM
Very attractive update. You're good at spicing up the photos!  :thumbsup:
And, like the canals, your transport system blends in just as it should (wish I could learn how to do that!).
Even though I'm not a big fan of disasters, I'll enjoy watching your region develop just the same.

Until next time...
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 7/24/07]
Post by: pipishere on August 25, 2007, 12:56:32 AM
Great 2 updates!! Such a picturesque capital and your railways are fantastic. Great addition with the "On This Day"...fab! :)
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella
Post by: Xiziz on August 25, 2007, 05:38:15 AM
Nice update, i really like your railroads and the Autostrada going through town ^__^

Fachwerk/Alpine Houses, all the same to me :P you can see that the roofs are made so that the snow will fall right off them :P
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 7/24/07]
Post by: bat on August 26, 2007, 07:20:08 AM
That's a great new update! Great work! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 7/24/07]
Post by: thundercrack83 on August 27, 2007, 09:11:44 PM
Incredible work here, my friend! I just caught up with all the updates and I'm ready to follow along! I'll be looking forward to seeing more!
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 7/24/07]
Post by: Dark_Jedi06 on August 28, 2007, 09:03:13 PM


As the Altstadt begins to phase out, the Ossian skyline begins to form. Large tenements built during Domena Lorella's 30 years as a Soviet satellite still stand throughout the city and much of the country.


The large building shown here was once the Ministry of Defense under Domena Lorella's communist regime. However, after the collapse of Lorellian communism in 1974 and the restructuring of the government the building was left vacant. It is currently a candidate for the location SARF's (SCJU Allied Response Force) new headquarters and prominently displays a monument of the SCJU seal.


A glimpse of the Federal Parliamentary Chamber, home to the central democratic body of the Lorellian government. It was the former palace of the royal family but was heavily damaged during Red December, the communist revolution which took place during World War II. After the execution of the royal family, the palace was left empty and in decrepit condition as a symbol of the monarchies opulence. Imperator Kreshnik Steiner rebuilt the massive structure shortly after his crowning and declared it the home of the new government's democratic center.


Another shot of the Federal Parliamentary Chamber.


The front of the Federal Parliamentary Chamber. The large Alea da Crudar Fegl, translated to Avenue of Fallen Leaves, leads up to the massive building. A small glimpse of the avenue is shown here.


Yoman-Well you'll have to wait a little longer for the downtown. ;D
belfastuniguy-To be honest, I had no idea who was using in the picture. I just needed someone wearing a green jersey to match the Lion's colors. ::)
patfirefightr-Still now downtown...maybe next update. ;) I'm glad you like the newspaper, it took a few hours to get perfect. :satisfied:
Jmouse-Well there's quite a bit of disaster in Domena Lorella's sorry you don't like it. :-[
pipishere-I thought the "ON This Day" would be a nice touch...not only that, but I absolutely love writing up my alternate history so the more detail the better. :thumbsup:
Xiziz-We do get alot of snow during the winter, so it makes sense. ()stsfd()
bat-Thanks alot! ;D
thundercrack83-Don't worry about getting behind, it usually takes awhile for me to get my updates together, especially when the school year starts up. :P

Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 7/28/07]
Post by: Emperor Stormont on August 28, 2007, 09:07:47 PM
Lovely update indeed, the Parliamentary Chamber looks fabulous, one of my favourite BAT's ever.

I also love the surrounding area, btw good luck with the SCJU bid, again another lovely lot.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 7/28/07]
Post by: Jmouse on August 28, 2007, 11:58:51 PM
Nice photos which underscore the city's "foreign" flavor. (I'm a native of Houston, so anything uncommon to the deep south gets labeled as "foreign!") Anyway, I like the looks of the city and will enjoy watching it develop.

Until next time...
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 7/28/07]
Post by: Xiziz on August 29, 2007, 03:53:25 AM
Sweet update! I like how the railway digs into the ground in the middle of the city, though maby vertical walls would suit it a little better*LE hint*, it becomes so wide with those slopes :P

I see you figured out the flags too, thats great, oh, and youll have to point me to / send me those tenatments :P there missing from my folder somehow, ive never seen them grow anyway ^__^

Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 7/28/07]
Post by: rooker1 on August 29, 2007, 04:25:08 AM
Fantastic update.  The Federal Parliamentary Chamber looks very nicely placed and the surroundings fit in very well.  I like the mosaic style pics and the over all feeling.  Super work.

Robin   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 7/28/07]
Post by: bat on August 29, 2007, 09:14:56 AM
Another great update and pictures! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 7/28/07]
Post by: M4346 on August 29, 2007, 01:25:07 PM
Wow! The amount of work put into this is amazing! You are out-doing yourself with every update! :D

I really like the consistency of the style!

Great job, and I will be back for more! Hopefully, soon! ;) But don't neglect your civilisations! :P
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 7/28/07]
Post by: pipishere on August 29, 2007, 01:33:54 PM
Very nice indeed. The SARF candidate building is very nice....especially with the SCJU ( seal outside!   ;)
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 7/28/07]
Post by: Pat on August 29, 2007, 02:36:25 PM

Dark_Jedi that was a fantastic update and it was very good!!!!!! OK i will hold it to you for the next update to see the downtown... - pat
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 7/28/07]
Post by: M4346 on August 29, 2007, 02:43:35 PM
Quote from: pipishere on August 29, 2007, 01:33:54 PM
Very nice indeed. The SARF candidate building is very nice....especially with the SCJU ( seal outside!   ;)

LOL! Shameless advertising Pip! :P
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 7/28/07]
Post by: Yoman on August 29, 2007, 04:50:08 PM
Yay pip :P

Great update DJ, indeed Id also like to know about those apartments, xiziz will tell me though. By the way, your triangle plaza in front of the parliament or whatever is off center to the left by one tile :S
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 7/28/07]
Post by: M4346 on August 29, 2007, 04:53:48 PM
I believe those are SFBT pre-fabs? Correct me if I'm wrong :)
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 7/28/07]
Post by: CarmineHilton on August 30, 2007, 01:30:44 AM
That is indeed some fantastic work! I really love Domena Lorella ;)
It's all so beautifull.. haha

And all those 'Fachwerkhausen' look stunning, fantastic job!!
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 7/28/07]
Post by: Giorgos on September 01, 2007, 08:20:39 PM
Oh god.
This cj is ridiculous. I mean, it puts every other cj to shame including my own!
I really dislike you at this most certainly made me feel like crap...well done!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 7/28/07]
Post by: kwakelaar on September 02, 2007, 11:35:32 AM
Again some very nice shots from Ossian, and you have made great use of the different possibilities of how to lay down your streets and squares.
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 7/28/07]
Post by: Strechnitz on September 02, 2007, 01:13:48 PM
All hail the Grand Imperator!

How wonderful to see you and Domena Lorella here at SC4D.
I have enjoyed every udate up to now. I myself am a big fan of good history and you do it very well indeed.

Look forward to see more.
Who knows. perhapsDomena Lorella and Stropon can consider official ties later on. We both share the same corner of Europe after al :)

Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 7/28/07]
Post by: szymcar on September 02, 2007, 01:43:44 PM
Great!! Very realistic city. You're master of details. But i saw one mistake :D (It is possible?? :P ). Flags     waving on two directions. Wind is only one :P Good luck, and forgive me my bad english !
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 7/28/07]
Post by: Dark_Jedi06 on September 02, 2007, 07:42:10 PM


The Ossian downtown begins on the other side of the Alea da Crudar Fegl across from the Federal Parliamentary Chamber. It is a conglomerate of towering glass skyscrapers, communist tenements and modern apartment blocks.


Another shot of the downtown from the shore of Stgir Bay. Another large avenue, Steiner Maniera (Steiner Way), serves as one of the major arteries of the cities commercial center.


A second view from the Alea da Crudar Fegl.


During the morning and evening commute the Steiner Maniera, shown above, is heavily congested.

September 2nd, 2007

A little more then three decades ago today, Chazun da il Alpines ( became the official anthem of Domena Lorella. Translated to Symphony of the Mountains, the orchestral piece was written in the mid-1600's hundreds by the famous Lorellian composer Armend Zinsli. Grand Imperator Kreshnik Steiner named the song as the nation's anthem to restore the people's pride in their country and government after the fall of communism. Life under communist rule and the thumb of the Soviet Union had led to disillusionment and the eventual revolution against the red government. Restoring national pride was among the rallying cries used by Kreshnik Steiner as he led the revolutionaries.

A picture of the Alps which inspired Zinsli as well as countless other Lorellian artists.

belfastuniguy-I know, that building is amazing. I thought it was far more suitable then the building I used in version one of Domena Lorella. I believe you used that for your wonder bid, no?
Jmouse-Well as a native of the United States it's difficult to achieve a European feel. However, I think I've pulled it off nicely. ;D
Xiziz-Thanks again for the flag! :thumbsup:
rooker1-I try to make all of my images mosaics to give a bigger and easier to understand picture of the city.
bat-Thanks alot. :)
M-I haven't been neglecting my civilizations, hence why this update took so long to put together. I've been pulling some all nighters with Civ IV and putting Simcity to the side. :-[
Pipishere-Lol...all advertising is good advertising. $%Grinno$%
Yoman-I know it's one off, that's just how it worked out. I wasn't about to delete the entire surrounding area just to fix a one tile disparity.
CarmineHilton-It's a little too nice...we need to get into the gritty and dirty Lorellian industry. ()stsfd()
Giorgos-Bah, there are plenty of amazing MD's out there put Domena Lorella to shame. I'm glad you like it so much though. ;D
kwakelaar-I've tried my hardest to avoid the boring grid layout and I believe I've achieved success. :satisfied:
Strechnitz-I am also a big history fan and love to start new MD's just so I can write up a new alternative history. Official ties with Stropon would be greatly appreciated, Domena Lorella is always looking to increase it's allies in the world.
szymcar-Yes, the flags do defy how the wind blows. However I didn't like the way they looked facing the same way so I just said screw it. :P

Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 7/28/07]
Post by: Emperor Stormont on September 02, 2007, 07:46:52 PM
Indeed I did, Yoder did a stunning job with it.

Onto this update.....I love how you have mixed the old with the modern, it has worked very very well indeed Jedi. Again a wonderful job with the update and I loved the 'A Day In History' also.  &apls
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 8/2/07]
Post by: thundercrack83 on September 02, 2007, 10:11:17 PM
Another magnificent update, Dark_Jedi! Your mosaic is fantastic and I love the "This Day in History" idea--quite clever, my friend! I'll be looking forward to seeing more!
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 8/2/07]
Post by: Xiziz on September 03, 2007, 01:45:41 AM
Great update Jedi! thanks for those appartments, ive already started to use them, although i wasnt able to make them functional, guess il leave that for the real modders ^__^

And what was it i said over at the scju some time ago when Rauheim fell, youd be making a Frankfurt ^__^ w2w and skyscrapers heavily intertwined, really nice job!

Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 8/2/07]
Post by: bat on September 03, 2007, 05:55:04 AM
Great new update! Other wonderful pictures of your great city! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 8/2/07]
Post by: iamgoingtoeatyou on September 03, 2007, 08:18:11 AM
ohh curse you DJ! $%Grinno$% too good, too good! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 8/2/07]
Post by: Yoman on September 03, 2007, 10:06:19 AM
You wouldn't delete the entire area? I would :P Finally I get to see the downtown. And it was quite impressive, I'm amazed at how you relot everything perfectly, and in perfect frankfurt style :)
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 8/2/07]
Post by: Jmouse on September 03, 2007, 12:06:24 PM
Absolutely charming update!  :thumbsup: Well planned and simply lovely to look at.

Until next time...
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 8/2/07]
Post by: Ennedi on September 03, 2007, 03:24:10 PM
Fantastic region and great story!  &apls
The map is absolutely amazing, I also like the place in Alps you choosen for your region

Very interesting for me, especially the way you blend bavarian houses with more modern commercials, stations etc.
Your work with textures is really great  :thumbsup:

Great work!
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 8/2/07]
Post by: TheTeaCat on September 03, 2007, 03:42:56 PM
stunning mate nice work indeed &apls &apls
looking forward to more

Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/3/07]
Post by: pipishere on September 05, 2007, 12:10:14 PM
A fabulous update...again the mix of buildings is very well done.  ;)
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/3/07]
Post by: jplumbley on September 08, 2007, 10:10:58 AM
Definately cool!  I really like how you took all your LOTs and made the base textures the same.  There is one lot I dont recognize though, the 6x6 W2W ones with the plaza in the middle, did you make those yourself?  If so they are very good!
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/3/07]
Post by: Dark_Jedi06 on September 08, 2007, 10:12:17 PM


The Catedrala da Gronda Spada, translated to the Cathedral of the Great Sword, was once one of the largest structures in Europe. It was built as the center piece of Roial Catholicism and has been the location of the coronation of Lorellian kings since Damien Heidrich III named himself emperor at the cathedral in 1702. It is also the residence of the Roial Archduke, the supreme religious leader and central judicial authority in Domena Lorella. Several weeks ago the structure was named one of the seven wonders of the SCJU.


A main view of Ossian's central commercial district known as Sgrattatschiel Marketplace. The twin gold and green skyscrapers in the background are the Commerzi far Mund, the center of world trade and finance for Domena Lorella.


Another view of the Catedrala da Gronda Spada. In the background is the Smaragdguaud, or Emerald Forest, which covers the steep Rhine river valley that defines much of the Ossian border. When the Alpine Valley was first inhabited, this lush, coniferous forest used to cover nearly all of the area that is today Domena Lorella. Deforestation and continued development has left small patches of the Smaragdguaud all over the nation, though it exists in the largest quantities around the capital city.


Another view of the Commerzi far Mund twin towers.


A frontal shot of the Catedrala da Gronda Spada.


The old Ossian ground rail ends at the Sgrattatschiel Staziun. The 9-terminal station is the nexus of several ground lines that extend through the capital city and outwards towards Orellia and Nikanna in the south and Ilaria and Marcello in the east.


belfastuniguy-I'm glad you find the "This Day in History" segment to be interesting. I put a lot of thought into deciding and writing about the particular event. :thumbsup:
thundercrack83-Thanks a lot! ;D
Xiziz-You're welcome...the apartments should be particularly effective in commie Krim. I'm not sure what you mean about Rauheim and Frankfurt and the SCJU... ()what()
bat-Thank you very much. :)
iamgoingtoeatyou-Don't be jealous of my skills Hotdogs. ;)
Yoman-I also thought that breaking up the symmetry would help add to the "natural" feel of the city. I don't know if it looks anything like Frankfurt but I'll take your word for it. As for the re-lotting, I've had to re-lot about 300-400 seperate lots.
Jmouse-Bah, I'm getting rather bored of this nice, charming city, I really want to start building the large, dirty industry Domena Lorella is known for. :P
Ennedi-I thought the Alps was a perfect location, not only because the map I chose fit in perfectly but because I'm a lover of German and Swiss culture and tradition. ;D
TheTeaCat-Thank you for the round of applause. $%Grinno$%
pipishere-Thanks a lot Pip...I've found I rather enjoy taking different architecture and blending it together seamlessly. :satisfied:
jplumbley-Those are individual buildings from SFBT found on their download center at ( I've just organized the in-game as a wall-to-wall block with a 2x2 empty space in the center that I fill with statues, plazas, etc.
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/8/07]
Post by: Jmouse on September 08, 2007, 10:48:21 PM
Hey DJ, you've constructed a nice CBD there. I can't believe I'm getting used to cloud-punching skyscrapers, but I guess even old ladies can change their minds. This is a good solid update with some fine photos and mosaics. Keep up the good work!  :thumbsup:

Until next time...
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/8/07]
Post by: bat on September 09, 2007, 02:10:55 AM
Wonderful chapter 5! Great work! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/8/07]
Post by: Xiziz on September 09, 2007, 08:17:00 AM
Nice chapter!! really like how the cathedral fitts right into the skyscrapers and highrises. @frankfurt & scju, that was my guess in whatever thread you announed Rauheim's replacment with Domena Lorella.

The appartments already look great in Krim! just wish i had enough time to relot more of them XD
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/8/07]
Post by: thundercrack83 on September 09, 2007, 09:42:51 AM
Wow, the commercial district looks spectacular! I love how you have all the modern skyscrapers and then, in between, an older church. Beautiful work, my friend! Beautiful!
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/8/07]
Post by: iamgoingtoeatyou on September 09, 2007, 09:57:42 AM
wow! i'm actually going to post a real comment this time :P :

i love the crowdiness [is that a word?] of the city, with the skyscrapers, next to the churches, and mid sized buildings, but what really amazes me is all the details on the lots of the buildings, i still can't believe you had to relot all of those! :O all the custom content is what makes it perfect, and not to mention the photoshopping is clear, crisp, and clean, which looks excellent! it's a shame sc4d doesn't have trixies, because i would nominate you for at least 5! great work DJ, absolutely spectacular!  &apls &apls &apls
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/8/07]
Post by: Emperor Stormont on September 09, 2007, 05:50:47 PM
Oh it looks fabulous, love the mix of old and new, it all fits so well together.  &apls
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/8/07]
Post by: rooker1 on September 10, 2007, 07:26:18 AM
Great update, I really like the square with all the ped tiles.  Very interesting, I have never really tried to do anything like that yet. 


Robin   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/8/07]
Post by: Yoman on September 10, 2007, 03:10:22 PM
This won't be long, simply too tired after football, but very nice :)
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/8/07]
Post by: thundercrack83 on September 10, 2007, 03:18:59 PM
Congratulations on making it to the Ones to Watch, my friend!
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/8/07]
Post by: Emperor Stormont on September 10, 2007, 08:55:18 PM
 "$Deal"$ One to watch             
Indeed it is, congratulations  &apls
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/8/07]
Post by: bat on September 11, 2007, 04:56:46 AM
Congrats for the new status! &apls
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/8/07]
Post by: Jmouse on September 11, 2007, 10:47:30 AM
Kudos on your well-deserved promotion. Now you really have your work cut out for you!

Until next time...
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/8/07]
Post by: Dark_Jedi06 on September 14, 2007, 05:22:47 PM


Just south of the most dense area of Ossian's downtown Autostrada 10 begins and heads west towards Stgir Bay making a crossing along the massive Punt da Trais'Arvieut or Bridge of Three Arches.


The Punt da Trais'Arvieut as it crosses the deep and dark waters of Stgir Bay. The bridge is approximately 2,500 meters in length and is only slightly shorter then the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. It was built in 1986 to shorten the large drive around the bay and create a quick and direct path right into the heart of Ossian's downtown. It was designed by famous Lorellian architect Albert Donders.


Another view of the Commerzi far Mund and the shore of Stgir Bay.


Autostrada 10 is shown at the top of the above picture. It heads west towards the Punt da Trais'Arvieut and north towards the rural and industrial sections of Ossian as Autostrada 15.


The final on-ramp of Autostrada 10 before the Punt da Trais'Arvieut.


A small island off the coast of Stgir Bay.



Jmouse-I'm not a huge fan of skyscrapers and usually prefer the small town because it allows for, in my opinion, far more detail. I am, however, starting to warm up to the idea of large CDB's.
bat-Thanks alot! :thumbsup:
Xiziz-Well if it looks like Frankfurt then I guess I've achieved a European feel, which is something I struggle with as an American. :P I can't wait to see those apartments in Krim so go update! ;D
thundercrack83-Yes, well every space must be used even if there's a cathedral in the way. We hate to waste space in Domena Lorella. ::)
iamgoingtoeatyou-If I were smart I would have asked someone to whip up a mod for me but instead I decided to re-lot all of them, go figure. $%Grinno$% Maybe we need some MD awards. :P
belfastuniguy-Thank you, Domena Lorella is all about combining modernity with old tradition.
rooker1-I've tried to use ped malls and plazas instead of roads to make the downtown feel more open.
Yoman-I'll keep it short too...thanks.

Thanks to everyone for getting Domena Lorella into the Ones to Watch section, I hope you will continue to enjoy this MD as much as I enjoy making it! I do it all for you, the viewers. ;D

Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/14/07]
Post by: Yoman on September 14, 2007, 05:56:53 PM
Its quite amazing how well you got that Arch bridge to look spectacular. The downtown looks smexy as ever, i really like the non-use of roads using footpaths in between structures instead. And did NATO aircraft really intercept a Tu-160 OVER finland and GB? :p
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/14/07]
Post by: thundercrack83 on September 14, 2007, 06:16:51 PM
I love that bridge! The mosaic is simply stunning! Another great update here, my friend! Excellent job!
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/14/07]
Post by: sEAhAwk fAn121 on September 14, 2007, 08:29:58 PM
wow! im likin the bridge and the onramps amd stuff.. and i like how you left the coastline natural by putting the seawalls farther back from the bay!
great job!  &apls :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/14/07]
Post by: bat on September 15, 2007, 01:42:56 AM
Fantastic pictures / mosaic of that bridge and city! Also wonderful newspaper! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/14/07]
Post by: Jmouse on September 15, 2007, 10:36:11 AM
Dark Jedi, you're really on a roll here!  :thumbsup: I, too, like the open feeling of the CBD and especially like the walls offset from the shore line. The photos are stunning, too, showing off each element in the best possible light. Keep it up!

Until next time...
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/14/07]
Post by: Emperor Stormont on September 16, 2007, 03:36:35 PM
Fabulous update......I love the use of current events also. I have added the oil production news to the update OPEUM thread.....

@Owen yes they did, British Tyhoon aircraft have intercepted Russian bombers twice now.,,2163746,00.html

Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/14/07]
Post by: Berethor on September 16, 2007, 09:09:38 PM
The skyscrapers near the river looks awesome   :o
Beautiful pics!   &apls
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/14/07]
Post by: Ennedi on September 17, 2007, 01:55:45 AM
I must say I like it very much!  &apls

The bridge is great, and I like your idea to make  waterfront away from the shore and to put trees between it and the water  :thumbsup: It can be seen in many cities and gives a realistic look.

Your use of fillers is excellent - I don't see any unfinished place. Even a few tiles away from the road, between trees you have the same texture. Everything looks consistent  :thumbsup:

The last picture with buildings (this one with shops and office buildings) is great too. I like large spaces and the way the sandstone blends with grass. Roads have soft slopes and they are perfectly finished too

I must visit your MD more often, great work!  &apls

Edit: And of course I like your story and the newspaper!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/14/07]
Post by: Yoman on September 17, 2007, 04:34:33 AM
Quote from: belfastuniguy on September 16, 2007, 03:36:35 PM
Fabulous update......I love the use of current events also. I have added the oil production news to the update OPEUM thread.....

@Owen yes they did, British Tyhoon aircraft have intercepted Russian bombers twice now.,,2163746,00.html

Close but not OVER British and Norwegian airspace ;)
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/14/07]
Post by: Xiziz on September 17, 2007, 06:56:08 AM
Nice update Jedi! Love the newspaper, i really must learn how to make decent papers XD so hard(and time consuming). The roundabout is absolutey terrific, love roundabouts(probably most because people drive like crazy in Stockholms Lit-Crossings).

And yes, im indeed trying to make an update for Krim, school just sucks away so much time, and sleeping takes the rest XD
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/14/07]
Post by: Dark_Jedi06 on September 20, 2007, 08:00:29 PM


Autostrada 10, shown here, splits and heads west towards Punt da Trais'Arvieut and north towards the Ossian suburbs as Autostrada 15.


First along Autostrada 15 is the Regiunal'surdar da Rohner Staziun; it is one of the major hubs of the various high speed rail lines that connect Domena Lorella's major cities. The line that begins in Ossian, the Aut'sveltezza Rain, ascends into the mountainous terrain that defines the Rhine river valley and passes through Olassan, Sylve, Liunard, Amir Vitus and ends in Laurel.


Another view of the Regiunal'surdar da Rohner Staziun as well as the sprawl of the Ossian suburbs, which are on the lowest rung of the Lorellian bureaucratic ladder. This particular suburb is named Wengen and several others surround the city and Stgir Bay.


At the top of the picture is the Punt da Trais'Arvieut and more of the Wengen suburb and ends with the Regiunal'surdar da Rohner Staziun at the bottom.


More of Wengen as well as the Aut'sveltezza Rain climbing up the steep side of the Rhine river valley.


The Aut'sveltezza Rain, continuing north, branches off into the separate Guaud Viafier which heads east towards Ilaria, Marcello and ends in the Austrian town of Innsbruck.


The Aut'sveltezza Rain continues over a small patch of Stgir Bay. In addition to the railroad, a winding road cuts through the mountainous terrain and connects smaller Ossian suburbs and outlying farms and industry with the capital city.


Yoman-I was surprised the Maxis bridge turned out so well...I tried some of the excellent bridges on the LEX, however they were for highways only which I refuse to use because they're so ugly. :P And no, they were not OVER the countries but did make incursions in British and Finnish airspace. I changed it just for you. ;)
thundercrack83-Once again, I'm surprised the bridge is getting so much praise, considering it's just a good 'ol Maxis preset. $%Grinno$%
sEAhAwk fAn121-Putting the seawall back a few squares gives the coastline a more natural feel and let's me cover up the wall itself with some greenery. In addition, it's easier to end. :satisfied:
bat-Thanks a lot! :thumbsup:
Jmouse-My roll kind of slowed's started up and I have a tough schedule hence why this has taken a week to get up. I hope to maintain the same quality, though don't expect as frequent updates. ;D
belfastuniguy-I should have a full story in a few days on the impact the attacks have had on Lorellian oil production prepared specifically for the OPEUM thread, thanks for reminding me. :P
Berethor-Thank you very much! ()stsfd()
Ennedi-I definitely like to fill every space...I despise jagged edges. :bomb: By the way, I must thank you for inspiring me with the mountain roads in your CJ, I used your tutorial as formed the rail line shown in this update. ;)
Xiziz-It is time usually takes me a good 2 1/2 hours to reorganize the newspaper's images and then write up the stories. The best thing to do is to look at actual front pages to get some ideas. ;D
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/20/07]
Post by: Yoman on September 20, 2007, 08:53:17 PM
Lol, no need to change it, I just wanted to find out if they were actually in British airspace (not the area controlled by Brit fighters but the air above england :P), because that would've been very bad for both parties.

Great choice on your train skin selection, fits the setting very well (I use it also actually :P). I really enjoyed following that rail line through the countryside, was surprised at how close those low rises were to DT though.

Some of the greenest subrubs Ive ever seen also :P

As always looking forward to the next update (btw, do you grow or plop the w2w and low rise houses).
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/20/07]
Post by: thundercrack83 on September 20, 2007, 09:03:31 PM
Whew! Another excellent update, my friend! Your transportation networks are absolutely beautiful! The way you split the avenues and then bring them back together, and the trains--Magnificent work! Keep it up!
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/20/07]
Post by: rooker1 on September 21, 2007, 04:16:25 AM
Very nice update.  I love the windy train tracks through the forested areas.  Also in the first couple of pics I noticed the transition from rural highway to avenue, very good job with that asphalt modd.  It's almost unseen, what a great modd.

Robin   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/20/07]
Post by: bat on September 21, 2007, 05:23:08 AM
Wonderful update of that residential area! Great pictures of the train (/rail way)! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/20/07]
Post by: sebes on September 21, 2007, 07:18:22 AM
Great MD -  I just found it today and had some pleasant reading, will return for sure to read the updates.   
Looking forward to pictures from Egaingrad - fascinating history you made up there  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/20/07]
Post by: Emperor Stormont on September 21, 2007, 06:41:22 PM
Oh god I loved that update, the mosaics are truly stunning, such beautiful work..... &apls
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/20/07]
Post by: Jmouse on September 21, 2007, 11:41:43 PM
Since commenting on the nice open feeling of your CBD (absolutely love it! :thumbsup:), I've revisited the photos and now have a question. Some of the tall buildings appear to have one, two or more brick tiles between them and roads/avenues, etc. Are those trans-enabled PED tiles or am I misreading the whole setup?  ()what() How do you do this without getting "No access" zots?
Please enlighten, and keep up the great work!

Until next time...
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/20/07]
Post by: iamgoingtoeatyou on September 22, 2007, 07:37:28 AM
that update was just spectacular, like always, i love the last few shots with the red trains passing through the suburb, it was so...european! those houses are also amazing, not a maxis house in sight, i don't think i've ever seen those houses used before actually. great great work DJ ;D
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/20/07]
Post by: Xiziz on September 22, 2007, 07:44:52 AM
Nice update, suburbs are looking good :P though the most impressive is the roundabout and rail-lines ^__^

And the RHW, fits so nicly in there :P
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/20/07]
Post by: pipishere on September 23, 2007, 08:37:50 AM
Sorry i haven't stopped by for sometime..been rather busy but it looks as though you have too! I loved the last update and you have such an eye for detail!! The little houses and streets look great.....i just hope my suburbs look as good lol.

Fab work and i'll try not to leave it too long before my next visit  ;)
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/20/07]
Post by: Dark_Jedi06 on September 24, 2007, 07:05:29 PM

TranStaila is the state-run railroad of Domena Lorella responsbile for the proper functioning and manning of the high-speed rail lines that connect all of the major Lorellian cities. The Aut'sveltezza Rain is the longest and most congested of the lines and largely runs parallel to the Rhine and Stgir Bay, traversing mountainous terrain and cutting through the most scenic areas of Domena Lorella. It begins in the Ossian suburb of Wengen, just north of the central downtown, and ends in the heart of the Laurel metropolis, one of the largest and fastest growing cities and the location of the only international airport in the country.


The Aut'sveltezza Rain heads north away from the Wengen suburb while the Guaud Viafier branches off and heads east away from Ossian.


The railroad continues along the coast at the foot of the valley while a precarious road cuts through the mountain above, connecting outlying suburbs and farms that the high-speed rail system only passes through.


Another of Ossian's suburbs, this one named Morcote, lies in the shadow of the steep valley. The Aut'sveltezza Rain passes through the small cluster of homes, however there is no station to avoid congestion.


Another view of Morcote.


A low point at the base of Rhine river valley provides suitable ground for farming. Run-off from the peaks of the Alps pool in this area as well as many other areas along the Rhine bringing valuable sediment that provides fertile ground. These Pitschen Paunchanaster, or "Small Breadbaskets", commonly referred to as Pauns, are essential to maintaining the growing population of Domena Lorella. To ensure the proper use and distribution of farm yields, the entire agricultural sector is state-owned and run by a specialized corporation under the Council of Guildmasters.


Another view of the Paun. The Agricultural Production & Distribution Corporation runs these massive fields and has divided them into a variety of sectors based on location. The large area of farming outside of Ossian is labeled as Paun-17. Extensive records are kept on the type of crop produced by each farm as well as the annual yield dating back nearly three decades.


A final view of Paun-17 outside of Ossian, just west of the suburb of Morcote.


Yoman-I don't think it was over Great Britain, just a small incursion into British airspace for a few minutes. :P
As for the grow/plop issue...the Altstadt and entire downtown has been plopped. I don't have the time nor the patience to wait for the right building to grow. However, to achieve a natural feel in the suburbs I allow the buildings to grow.
thundercrack83-I'm a lover of trains and it's by far my favorite network to place, with the NAM curves it's even more fun. :D
rooker1-It's definitely one of my favorite mods, it's flawless and makes the RHW look beautiful. Kudos to Shadow Assassin. :satisfied:
bat-Thank you very much. :)
sebes-Egaingrad won't be for quite some time...first I have to finish mainland Domena Lorella, which is a huge 12x12 large tile map.
belfastuniguy-Mosaics are so much fun. ;D
Jmouse-Those aren't Ped tiles. Considering that the entire downtown is plopped (don't think of less of me :-[) I don't have to worry about having access to get the building to grow. It's just a matter of using the tastyzots cheat to get rid of those ugly zots when I take the picture. :P
iamgoingtoeatyou-European...that's exactly what I'm aiming for. The houses in the suburbs are RLS homes by Simgoober...not sure which ones. By the way, you won't see any Maxis buildings in my MD, at least not so far. $%Grinno$%
Xiziz-Roundabouts are loads of fun, especially the avenue ones. :D
pipishere-It's no problem Pip, I'd rather see the return of Royal Cytheria then a comment here. :satisfied:
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/20/07]
Post by: Emperor Stormont on September 24, 2007, 07:09:13 PM
God those railways just look so gorgeous and realistic, always a winner when using sexy curves...... :satisfied:

I don't any problems with plopping (I can hear the realism police, I to lack patience and plop to get the desired result, as long as it looks good who cares  :D

Fabulous update, also loved the farms, very lovely indeed.
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/24/07]
Post by: bat on September 25, 2007, 12:48:03 AM
Fantastic new pictures (/mosaics) of that railway, Dark_Jedi06! Beautiful area there! Also great pictures (/mosaics) of the farms! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/24/07]
Post by: TheTeaCat on September 25, 2007, 01:58:53 AM
Wonderful update with amazing pics :thumbsup:

Hmm I think this is worth a (

I have a query - what terrain mod are you using as the rock textures look superb

Looking forward to the next update ;)

Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/24/07]
Post by: Danthe on September 25, 2007, 02:04:56 AM
Your railroad looks great :thumbsup: You used fantstic a new NAM curves and stone bridge.
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/24/07]
Post by: Jmouse on September 25, 2007, 10:55:08 AM
Beautiful, beautiful update, Dark Jedi. As always, your mosaics are stunning, but the idea of following the train through the countryside is very clever and effective. &apls
After asking about the ped tiles, I tried a little experiment of my own and found them to be transit enabled much to my surprise (no zots showed up). I'll definitely be putting them to good use from now on.
And don't worry about using plopables. I do it too because I like to build cities my own way, not the way some distant game designer visualized them. That's why all the talented architects around have given us so many choices. SC4 would be dull, indeed, if it were not for the time and talent they share.

Until next time...
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/24/07]
Post by: thundercrack83 on September 25, 2007, 11:52:59 AM
Beautiful pictures, Dark_Jedi! Your railroads are absolutely stunning and the farmlands are great, too! I can't wait to see what else you've got for us!
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/24/07]
Post by: Ennedi on September 25, 2007, 01:43:59 PM
What can I add to these compliments? I don't know $%Grinno$%

I agree with others, these are beautiful pictures!  &apls

Your railway line is fantastic, the way you used long turns is perfect.
I love this little group of homes (Morcote), it really has an Alpine atmosphere  :thumbsup:
And I like your farmfields very much!

I see your region is very diversified, I will wait for more :)
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/24/07]
Post by: iamgoingtoeatyou on September 25, 2007, 02:38:14 PM
how do you have time to do all these updates? :o that last one was amazing, i love the train curving through the suburbs, and the photo editing always looks great! great work :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/24/07]
Post by: nova vesfalo on September 26, 2007, 02:12:10 AM
very very nice suburbs and train-network ( the rail curves does their jobs !!)  and the suroudings trees are awesome !!
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/24/07]
Post by: Yoman on September 26, 2007, 02:48:53 PM
Loving how the railroad snakes along the Rhine, also love that train skin (like I said the one I use). Have you ever thought of electrifying the line though?

Anyway great farms, you achieved a grid look without a bad look, very nice :)
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/24/07]
Post by: rooker1 on September 27, 2007, 04:15:41 AM
Super update.  I really like the layout of the rail with the curved rail pieces.  The pictures come alive with the trains speeding by.  Great work on cathing good pics.  The small town and the farms like very nice as well.

&apls &apls

Robin  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/24/07]
Post by: Strechnitz on September 27, 2007, 04:31:57 AM
The last four updates are terrrific.
The trains seem to run smooth through Domena Lorella. The city updates are very grand. Ossian has a distinctly different atmosphere than many cities in SC4 that tend to have generally the same types of custom content. These are simply a joy to watch and read.

Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/24/07]
Post by: urban on September 27, 2007, 10:14:03 AM
Wow, I can't believe, I didn't notice this amazing MD yet!
It has one of the best layouts (if not the best ever) I have ever seen!
And your style is fantastic, great use of all those trees :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/24/07]
Post by: Dark_Jedi06 on September 29, 2007, 09:08:55 PM


The Aut'sveltezza Rain continues to snake along the coast of Stgir Bay, cutting along the fringes of the farmland just outside of Ossian. A second rail line, exclusively for the use of freight, winds through the heart of the fields carrying the farm yields to the industrial core of Ossian and the small port which serves it.


Moving towards the port and away from the farmland, the Aut'sveltezza Rain and freight line begin to run parallel. However, massive fields still dominate the landscape.


Paun-17 covers a massive area and dominates the northern coast of Stgir Bay.


The Aut'sveltezza Rain and freight line come closer together and run parallel towards the industrial park and port of Ossian.


A second loading station on the freight line.


More of the endless fields and the dark waters of Stgir Bay.

In order to facilitate diplomatic ties and dialogue with other nations, the Lorellian Office of Foreign Affairs will be seeking out and approaching nations that we believe will be beneficial allies to our great nation. As we expand our ties with willing nations an updated log will be kept (on the first page of this thread) that details what relations we keep with certain nations, which may include such diplomatic ties as the establishment of embassies, mutual protection pacts, trade agreements, etc. However, to ensure that only the best and most capable nations ally with Domena Lorella, any and all forms of diplomacy will be done on an invitational basis. At the moment, there are three nations that we are currently inviting into talks and will be contacted by Lorellian diplomats in the near future:

Krimean Socialist Republic (

The Neo Byzantinian Empire of Stropon (

Independent Constitutional Monarchist State of Calderwood (


belfastuniguy-Thankfully there seem to be no realism ploce in this thread... :P
bat-Thank alot. :)
TheTeaCat-The terrain mod is Cycledogg's Olympic Terrain Mod with what I believe is the original rock textures. Definitely a beautiful piece of work. :satisfied:
Danthe-NAM curves = Greatest thing since sliced bread. :D
Jmouse-I'm glad something I inadvertently made you think has turned out to help you with your own city building. ;D
thundercrack83-I've got plenty more ideas up my sleeve...however this update is essentially more of the same. :-[
Ennedi-Thank you very much...I'm not exactly sure if it looks Alpine, but at the least I hope it looks European. All I've ever experienced are American suburbs so I'm really winging it. :P
iamgoingtoeatyou-I got lucky and had a nice three-day weekend...which sadly won't be for at least another month. With all the school work I have to do it's a miracle this update only took me five days. $%Grinno$%
nova vesfalo-I felt like I went a little too heavy on the trees, considering I put them everywhere there wasn't development. :P
Yoman-The whole reason I decided to use a different train skin for regional railroads (as opposed to the trains shown in earlier updates) was so I wouldn't have to worry about putting up electric gantries. Especially considering the use of the rail curves, it would be impossible to get the continuity I would want, not to mention that's double the work. ::)
rooker1-Trains and other automata are the best way to bring a picture thanks to Swamper for his train generators. :thumbsup:
Strechnitz-I'm glad I can achieve something unique that so many people seem to enjoy. :) By the way, be on the look out for Lorellian diplomats aka a new message in your inbox. :D
urban-Well I certainly don't think it's the best, but I'm glad someone else does. ;D

Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/29/07]
Post by: iamgoingtoeatyou on September 29, 2007, 09:26:57 PM
ah, not to worry, my last update took 10 days, and it was just some crappy airport :P anyways, again, you always deliver quality work, i love the train passing through that industrial...uh...thing, lol :P the countryside and farmland is absolutely gorgeous!
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/29/07]
Post by: bat on September 30, 2007, 02:39:51 AM
Again wonderful pictures of your railroads and farms! Wonderful work! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/29/07]
Post by: Yoman on September 30, 2007, 07:19:40 AM
Ah, that would make sense, I forgot about the fact that the cantanaries don't conform to those NAM curves :P I assume the port or industrial update is next and look forward to it.
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/29/07]
Post by: CarmineHilton on September 30, 2007, 07:31:54 AM
Hi DJ!
What a very stunning update... Loves It  8)

& which farms did you use? I can't remember seeing those orange ones before? The rest is BSC, eh?
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/29/07]
Post by: Jmouse on September 30, 2007, 10:10:25 AM
My goodness DJ, you're outdoing yourself with those trains running side by side! :thumbsup: The scenery is beautiful.

Until next time...
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/29/07]
Post by: thundercrack83 on September 30, 2007, 10:21:17 AM
I agree with Joan, my friend, you've taken it to the next level with these trains! Fantastic work, here, as always!
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/29/07]
Post by: Ennedi on October 01, 2007, 02:00:25 AM
Beautiful colors, great farmland and amazing rail lines!

It's a great pleasure to visit your MD! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/29/07]
Post by: dedgren on October 01, 2007, 09:58:21 AM


Reginam da Domena Lorella - The rural landscape as a work of art.


The Staff
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/29/07]
Post by: Jmouse on October 01, 2007, 10:13:03 AM
May I have the honor of being the first to congratulate you on this well-earned promotion!

Until next time...
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/29/07]
Post by: rooker1 on October 01, 2007, 10:18:50 AM
Another very good update.  And congratulations on SIOTM.

&apls &apls &apls

Robin   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/29/07]
Post by: bat on October 01, 2007, 10:53:47 AM
Congrats on this award! &apls &apls
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/29/07]
Post by: Xiziz on October 01, 2007, 11:06:44 AM
congrats on the award, sorry for not commenting yet, and keeping this one short, i got an exam of the 92 basic Japanece characters on wensday, and i know about 55% of them XD need to know about 97% to pass the exam.

Yeh, Studying hard XD

Looks great really nice rural scenery, and Krim would love to engage in diplomatic relations with Domena Lorella!
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/29/07]
Post by: iamgoingtoeatyou on October 01, 2007, 11:55:26 AM
congratulations &apls
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/29/07]
Post by: urban on October 01, 2007, 01:13:56 PM
that award is well deserved :thumbsup:
I love your new Update, this countryside is so peaceful, but full of life as well!

Walker's Island is opened to start diplomatic relations to Domena Lorella. :satisfied:
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/29/07]
Post by: Ennedi on October 01, 2007, 02:45:29 PM
Your promotion isn't a surprise for me - congratulations!  :thumbsup:

Even without any diplomatic relations (of course we are open for them) Shosaloza suggest to start a tourist exchange between our regions - both of them have something to offer  ;)
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/29/07]
Post by: Danthe on October 01, 2007, 02:54:40 PM
Congrats Dark_Jedi06 for Awards &apls Last update is great, farms looks very good.
And I enter into diplomatic collaboration willingly, if you wish.
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/29/07]
Post by: thundercrack83 on October 01, 2007, 09:45:30 PM
Congratulations and welcome to the Special Interest section, my friend! You've definitely earned it, and I hope it'll be a great October here!
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/29/07]
Post by: sebes on October 02, 2007, 01:53:43 PM
A terrific update, and a very well deserved award. Congratulations Dark Jedi  &apls
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 9/29/07]
Post by: Dark_Jedi06 on October 11, 2007, 04:21:38 PM


Over the Punt da Trais'Arvieut and on the opposite shore of Stgir Bay lies the major industrial park of Ossian. Hidden by the gleaming skyscrapers of the capital city's downtown, living conditions in this area are destitute and reserved for only the poorest citizens. A perpetual brown smog hangs over this part of the city from the numerous spots of dirty industry.


Autostrada 10 cuts through this area, known as the Industria'lieu. It is the final section of Ossian before entering the suburbs of Olassan.


The Aut'sveltezza Rain passes by the Industria'lieu along the shore of Stgir Bay and follows a sunken line towards Olassan.


A small lake marks the end of a long, winding river that begins high in the Alps. The Dadtig River as its known is among the longest in Domena Lorella.


The freight line connecting the outlying Ossian farms with the Porta da'Brand runs directly through the Industria'lieu, picking up additional goods for export from the many factories along the rail line.


;D Thank you everyone for helping me earn this special award!  ;D

I've been suffering lately from a serious case of RL-Syndrome, so I must apologize for the time it took to get this update up. School work and a variety of other issues have severely hampered my ability to play Simcity 4, sadly. &mmm Considering the amount of replies, I will simply address you all with one big thank you. I've always hoped to earn the special interest award and I couldn't have done it without all of your support. :)
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 10/11/07]
Post by: bat on October 12, 2007, 05:26:38 AM
A very great new update!! Wonderful mosaics/ pictures! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 10/11/07]
Post by: sebes on October 12, 2007, 05:54:36 AM
These updates show again how much time you spent to making your city/region close to perfect  &apls

I was going to comment that it looks kind of strange that a large city as Ossian as such small (2 spurs) railroad tracks - but it looks like you have set up a completely separated freight and personal rail system, right?
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 10/11/07]
Post by: Jmouse on October 12, 2007, 09:55:08 AM
Very nice update, DJ. Even the poorest parts of your town look good! :thumbsup:
And there you go following the trains across the beautiful landscape again. Showoff! :D I can barely get a few autos to show up my photos. :-[
And all of us have to deal with RL, often when we least want to, so just do what you can when you can and stick to your high standards.

Until next time...
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 10/11/07]
Post by: ManuelR on October 12, 2007, 10:14:54 AM
I saw this MD the first time today and really love it. :thumbsup: &apls
The curved rails and the colorful fields are perfect!
And the buildings really remember me at my country Switzerland and East-Germany.
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 10/11/07]
Post by: Yoman on October 12, 2007, 10:17:13 AM
Finally a non perfect area :P And I must say I love it, it is perfect (though in the sense of how its built) like all your other areas. A great dirty industrial slime hole indeed :)

Hope your case or RL lightens up a bit for you.
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 10/11/07]
Post by: thundercrack83 on October 12, 2007, 12:34:58 PM
Magnificent, my friend! You never cease to impress me! Your last picture with the railroad tunnel going under the bridge is one of the best things I've seen in a while! So subtle, yet so brilliant!
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 10/11/07]
Post by: Ennedi on October 12, 2007, 01:51:28 PM
Great pictures, Dark Jedi!

Your transit network is done perfectly. Maybe it would be good to have more railroad tracks in the industrial area (as sebes said), but it is your decision and a question of the space you have for it. But both rail tracks and roads harmonize perfectly with the terrain.

Your industrial area and neighboring residential building give an unusual feeling. Looking at these pictures I really can remember a specific atmosphere of some places in North Italy and Switzerland I visited. Also in real life old industrial buildings look a bit strange in a beautiful landscape. But my opinion is not such important, I think Manuel's opinion is the greatest compliment for you, because he lives int the region you are trying to show :thumbsup:

It is definitely one of my favourite MDs!
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 10/11/07]
Post by: rooker1 on October 15, 2007, 10:23:30 AM
Awesome update, I can agree with what has already been said.  Your layout of the rail lines are perfectly done, and I love that your pictures include a train zooming by.  Great pictures and awesome work.

&apls &apls

Robin   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 10/11/07]
Post by: Xiziz on October 15, 2007, 11:11:34 AM
Yay, this looks great Jedi!

Sorry i havnt replyed yet, up to my shoulders in schoolwork XD il have that mod for you finished ASAP, just gotta catch up on homework *sigh*
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 10/11/07]
Post by: Strechnitz on October 17, 2007, 05:35:53 AM
Great update and it is nice to see how relatively newly released bats find their way into Domena Lorella. And as always it looks as if they were meant to be there. :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 10/11/07]
Post by: rushman5 on October 22, 2007, 02:48:47 PM
Totally awesome!  Love the attention to w2w detail you have put into this, as well as the extensive lotting.  By any chance, could you have just relabeled the SMP texture to all the other plaza codes?
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 10/11/07]
Post by: pipishere on November 17, 2007, 02:23:22 AM
A huge congratulations on your award and on your great update. Well deserved.  :)
Title: Re: Reginam da Domena Lorella [Last Update: 10/11/07]
Post by: Strechnitz on December 28, 2007, 03:32:32 AM
A little party to prolongue the festive season. ;)

