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SimCity 4 General Discussion and Tutorials => Closed Requests => Where can I find this ....?¿ => God / Mayor Mode Related => Topic started by: blade2k5 on August 20, 2008, 01:04:31 PM

Title: Looking for a 'no snow' mod?????
Post by: blade2k5 on August 20, 2008, 01:04:31 PM
Is there such a thing?  The reason I ask is because when I make a tropical map with 3000-5000 foot mountains, I always get snow caps no matter what terrain mod I use.  Somehow that doesn't look right in a tropical setting so I was wondering if there is such a mod, or am I doing some wishful thinking?  If there isn't, is there a chance that one of our talented Mod'ers create one?  Thanks for taking the time to read this :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Looking for a 'no snow' mod?????
Post by: Ennedi on August 20, 2008, 01:30:09 PM
Troy, it can be done easily. Please tell me what is the maximum terrain height on your map and which terrain mod do you want to use. It is also possible to adjust (to a cosiderable degree) the general look of your terrain by changing the Terrain Mod parameters.

Adam :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Looking for a 'no snow' mod?????
Post by: blade2k5 on August 20, 2008, 01:49:02 PM
maximum terrain height:  If I could, I'd like to generalize it at say no snow below 2000M ()what() if that's possible.  Then it can be used for other maps that may require the snow level to be higher up the elevation scale.

terrain mod do you want to use: I use Cycledog's terrain mods exclusively, but for the really green tropical look, I use the Olympic mod, which doesn't have a lot of snow, but it does appear in patches at around 1000M or 3000 feet.  If you take a look at this pic of Molokai (, third pic down in the post, you'll see what I mean.  Being a Hawaiian Island, snow seems to be really out of place :D

And thanks for the super-quick response Ennedi, it's much appreciated :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Looking for a 'no snow' mod?????
Post by: Ennedi on August 20, 2008, 02:36:52 PM
There are at least three ways to remove snow from your terrain:

1. We can change the TemperatureRangeFactor property in the Terrain Properties exemplar (you can find this exemplar in the CPT No6 terrain mod file). The table below consist a comparation of all properties values in the Terrain Properties exemplar for various terrain mods (Here I show only a part of this table).


If you use Olympic Terrain Mod, the maximum height on your map should be less than 4000 m (look at the row 25, column G). If you don't want to have snow below 2000 m, you should increase the TemperatureRangeFactor value (row 29) from 0,3 to - let's say - 0,7 or more. It needs a few experiments on the existing map. If you will increase this value too much, you will not have snow, but you will also have less textures (textures from lower elevations will spread on larger area).

2. You can also change the MaxTerrainHeight value up to 6000 meters leaving the TemperatureRangeFactor as it is, but it can be not enough in your case.

3. We can also completely remove snow from your terrain mod, but do do it we can remove snow textures from the Texture Map Table in the INI file and remove these texture by another ones (of course new textures should be present in your Plugins folder, the easiest way would be to use Cycledogg textures because you must have them to use Cycledogg terrain mods).
This method is more difficult, but it can be interesting because you will have a more wide range of textures on your map than in method 1 or 2.

You don't need to change your terrain mod files. I can easily prepare a special plugin for you (using method 1) to install in the terrrain mod folder.
But if you would like to use more advanced method, we should work together a bit:
- You should send me the map
- We should discuss which textures would be realistic on higher elevations on Hawaiian islands - maybe we should look at some RL photos?

Please tell me what do you want: simple or advanced modification?

Title: Re: Looking for a 'no snow' mod?????
Post by: blade2k5 on August 20, 2008, 02:49:06 PM
Wow, that was quick :D  Two options to choose from, but I think for now, the simple version would be best.  Maybe later on at some point, we could work on the second option when I actually have more than 1 day off a week [which should be happening soon once school starts up again and business around these parts slows down considerably], and can devote more time to it.

And thanks again for the assist Adam ;D
Title: Re: Looking for a 'no snow' mod?????
Post by: Ennedi on August 20, 2008, 03:02:53 PM
OK, I will prepare a plugin for you tomorrow :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Looking for a 'no snow' mod?????
Post by: blade2k5 on August 20, 2008, 03:04:10 PM
Ok cool.  Thanks again :thumbsup: