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SimCity 4 General Discussion and Tutorials => Closed Requests => Where can I find this ....?¿ => God / Mayor Mode Related => Topic started by: DFire870 on September 12, 2008, 04:56:04 PM

Title: CPT No. 7a Generic Tree Controller
Post by: DFire870 on September 12, 2008, 04:56:04 PM
Alright, so I have CP's Meadowshire River Tree Controller in my plugins, and I've been looking for his generic tree controller so I can cover some areas of my region in trees (since the Meadowshire one only puts trees in certain areas). I remember downloading it at Peg's site about a year ago, but now I can't find it. Can anyone help?

-- John
Title: Re: CPT No. 7a Generic Tree Controller
Post by: CasperVg on November 20, 2008, 11:34:42 AM
Cycledogg's Assorted Tree Controllers set can be found here (STEX) (