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SC4D Contests and Competitions => Archives => Players => GRV II - Bordertown => Completed and Archived Contests and Competitions => SC4D Contests and Competitions => BigSlark plays GRV II => Topic started by: BigSlark on March 16, 2009, 10:27:00 PM

Title: Challenge 1-Basic Transportation
Post by: BigSlark on March 16, 2009, 10:27:00 PM
Welcome to BorderTown
Naxos and New Florida

In this aerial image, the new Naxos Federal Highway 10/New Florida A10 Road and the Jefferson City & Pensacola Railway are clearly visible crossing the river valley.

This close up of Twin Bridges, taken facing the east, shows where the two new transportation corridors cross the Columbine River in Tile E.

The engineering on the two routes was undertaken by two different engineering firms, one Naxan and one New Floridian. They agreed upon the adjacent river crossings, via the islands, to make free trade zones and customs easier to regulate, as well as to save costs on bridge construction.

The always-thrifty New Floridians decided to route the railway south of Carthage Springs and Mount Tunis, so that they would not have to bridge the Carthage River at Plymouth Bay. The Naxan designers chose to route the road along the river, as they felt development was more likely along the riverfront.

As the Administrator of the Bordertown Region, its my job to complete the requests of the Naxos Congress and New Florida Parliament as quickly and efficiently as possible, while maintaining responsible city planning policies. The issue is that Naxos has infinitely more resources, both financial and physical, than New Florida, so a disparity between the two sides of the city will quickly become apparent...

Come back soon!

Title: Re: Challenge 1-Basic Transportation
Post by: mrbisonm on March 21, 2009, 07:12:37 PM
Now that you posted your pictures, you are not allowed to change anything anymore. We made copies and judge the originals only.

We also will not make any comments in this thread besides the judging once it is finished by Wednesday next week, but we will make useful and friendly comments in your regular thread of GRV. Points will be given 3 to 4 days after the challenge is finished and will be posted in the Pointage Sheet.
Also your points only together with an explanation and comments why we gave you these points, will be posted here at the end of this challenge.

You can start playing and build whatever yopu want in either tile B,E or H, but only in one of them.

Title: Re: Challenge 1-Basic Transportation
Post by: jjune4991 on March 25, 2009, 07:11:37 PM
hmmm...a florida guy! are you from there?
Title: Re: Challenge 1-Basic Transportation
Post by: BigSlark on March 25, 2009, 08:48:40 PM
Quote from: jjune4991 on March 25, 2009, 07:11:37 PM
hmmm...a florida guy! are you from there?

I'm not a Floridian, I do however, live near the Northern Boundary of the Territory of West Florida and not too far from what was the Republic of West Florida itself.

Title: Re: Challenge 1-Basic Transportation
Post by: mrbisonm on March 25, 2009, 09:48:02 PM
First of all let us congratulate You. You have made it through the first Mayor's test.
On the picture below, circles with letters will indicate what was important in your region for this challenge. If we say we don't like or we like, it doesn't mean that it's the same for others. We are judging to our lknowledge and what would be the most logical thing to do in our opinion, remember this.

A.  Good choice of crossing the river here.
B.  Like many others, this wasn't a good choice because the construction cost of 6 bridges is way out of the logical sense. You should have waited to build them later.
C.  Again, well chosen for a crossing.
D.  And another good crossing.

Actually the roads and tracks are quite good layed and a 7 points was in store for you, but the crossing took one point away. Good work though in general. Congratulations and good luck with the next challenge.

Lynn and Fred
