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SC4D Contests and Competitions => Players => GRV II - Bordertown => Completed and Archived Contests and Competitions => SC4D Contests and Competitions => Turtle plays GRV II => Topic started by: turtle on June 22, 2009, 05:27:25 AM

Title: Challenge Nr 6: Reconciliation
Post by: turtle on June 22, 2009, 05:27:25 AM
GRVII: Challenge Nr 6: Reconciliation

The bordercrossing in Rivermouth north (tile L) have been rebuilt. A small resting area have been built to accomodate travelers. The northeners are still a bit suspect towards the south, and makes sure that everybody is thoroughly checked.

6.1 Bordercrossing in Rivermouth North (tile L)

Celebrating the reconciliation, Governor and Governess Bison takes a small vacation in Landing (tile M). Here, development have been swift since the reunion, and the island in the bay have developed into a popular spot for people visiting the region. As you can see in the picture, hotels, restaurants and beaches are close by, providing guests with everything they need, just out the door. The old ferry route to the island is still in use, though a tunnel has also been built on the north side of the island (in tile L and hence not visible here in this update). The tourists love the ferry and can take it right to the door of the wonderful modern museum located on the coast of the mainland.

6.2 Overview of Landing and Island

Here, the Governor and Governess arrives at the hotel. Since the travel plans have been secret, only a small group of journalists have guessed the right location.

6.3 Arrival at the hotel

Before jumping in the water, they take a strole on the pier to get a good view of the beach and harbor.

6.4 Beach and pier

Afterwards they go for a swim. Maybe they are discussing to rent a waterscooter...

6.5 Beach

After the beach, they take a drink or two by the pool on the hotel, enjoying the amazing ocean view.

6.6 Drinks by the pool

Going out to eat, they are faced with the difficult choice of restaurant. Should it be michelin awarded Charlies with the famous chefs Boulliabaise or should it be lobster at the atmosphere filled anabellin, with a great view of the mainland?

6.7 Eating out

In the end, they go for the atmosphere, and have a lovely time

6.8 The Anabellin

The rest of the vacation will not be reported here, as to provide at least some privacy for our governing couple. But I did hear they took a guided tour by sea along the coast and around the island.

Lastly, the region as it stands:

6.9 Bordertown region in sattelite view

I just realised that planes are visible in this shot. This is due to the airport bus transfer next to the hotel (visible in pic 6.3). The bus takes the guests to the nearest airport in the neighbouring region.

and that's it. I hope you like it!

Title: Re: Challenge Nr 6: Reconciliation
Post by: jmyers2043 on June 24, 2009, 08:12:23 AM
Nice beach. Even has some sea weed washed ashore. I wanted to use the same coastal island that you used for challenge 6 but a separatist leader made me put a prison on it. So I had to choose another location. You've done a great job. You've made extensive use of Peg's things. I downloaded some of Peg's beach stuff as well but decided to go another route after sifting and sorting. 

Good Luck with the judging.

Title: Re: Challenge Nr 6: Reconciliation
Post by: turtle on June 28, 2009, 03:53:21 PM
Thank you for your comment, Jim. I thought it really difficult to find a beach and integrate it with the olympic beach mod, so I ended up with Pegs beach stuff. I really like his stuff, but removed the props as advised in the prop pox thread. Never used the reader before, but it wasn't too difficult. I really like what you did also :)
Title: Re: Challenge Nr 6: Reconciliation
Post by: M4346 on June 28, 2009, 04:17:03 PM
This looks really good!  ;D
Title: Re: Challenge Nr 6: Reconciliation
Post by: Pat on July 04, 2009, 09:27:47 AM
great beach side area there Turtle and I too wanted to do something nice there on that same Island but Jim had me build a prison there as well lol.......
Title: Re: Challenge Nr 6: Reconciliation
Post by: turtle on July 16, 2009, 05:19:55 AM
Thanks M4346 and Pat, I'm glad that you like it :)
Title: Re: Challenge Nr 6: Reconciliation
Post by: soulchaser on March 21, 2010, 03:52:35 PM
Hi turtle,
here's my opinion on your Ch. 6:

1. Bordercrossing: I like the overall set, but the road is much to steep, right before. Too many accidents will happen. 3 Pts.
2. Beach: The beach is almost perfect. It just seems a bit small in comparison to the hotel. 4 Pts.
3. Hotel: I like the hotel as far as I can see it. Maybe it might be built on weak sand floor, as the shoreline suggests. That would concern me a bit. 4 Pts.
4. Restaurant: I like the choice and the place very much. 5 Pts.

That's a total of 16 Points.
Title: Re: Challenge Nr 6: Reconciliation
Post by: BarbyW on March 24, 2010, 10:10:28 AM
1. Border crossing - good border crossing but a bit intimidating  3 pts
2. Beach - not sure about the planters on the beach and a change of beach texture would have improved the appearance.   4 pts
3. Hotel - lovely hotel but it might suffer from traffic noise with the roads all round it 4 pts
4. Restaurant - floating restaurants seem popular. 4 pts

Total points: 15
Title: Re: Challenge Nr 6: Reconciliation
Post by: threestooges on March 25, 2010, 02:26:40 PM
The tensions still seem a bit high given the level of security with border crossing. It might be a bit much. 3 points

Beach: I like the boardwalk, and you did a good job integrating more than sunbathing. It's a bit small though, in comparison to the hotel: 4 points

Hotel: nicely self contained in terms of amenities and greta views. 5 points

Restaurant. I like the idea of using the sternwheeler for dining. A bit gimmicky perhaps, but I think it's a good touch, and certainly creative. 5 points.

17 points.
Title: Re: Challenge Nr 6: Reconciliation
Post by: jmyers2043 on May 01, 2010, 07:47:44 AM
Border crossing - 4 - One of the more militaristic crossing so far.

Beach - 5 - I am not a fan of the beach because the sand looks dirty with sea weeds or pollution. I like the boardwalk scene and the time you obviously spent on it is worth an additional point.

Hotel - 5 - Everything thing flows together.   

Restaurant - 5 - Someone else used the same river boat for a restaurant. A unique dining experience and I can even do some gambling afterwards.

Points = 19