SC4 Devotion Forum Archives

SimCity 4 Devotion Custom Content Showcase => Network Addon Mod (NAM) => Topic started by: z on August 19, 2009, 01:47:26 PM

Question: Do you use GLR (ground light rail) or trams in any of your cities, in any form?
Option 1: Yes
Option 2: No
Title: NAM GLR/Tram Poll - Please Vote!
Post by: z on August 19, 2009, 01:47:26 PM
In its continuing quest to provide the best NAM possible, the NAM Team would be very interested to get some idea of the usage of GLR and trams in people's cities.  Please answer "Yes" to the above question if you have GLR, GLR-in-Avenue, Tram in Road, Tram on Ped Mall, or any other form of GLR (ground light rail) or trams in any of your cities.  Otherwise, please answer "No."  Thanks!
Title: Re: NAM GLR/Tram Poll - Please Vote!
Post by: emgmod on August 19, 2009, 10:18:25 PM
I mostly use GLR as a ground version of elevated rail in suburbs.
Sometimes I make Tram in Road/GLR-in-Avenue eyecandy historic lines.
Title: Re: NAM GLR/Tram Poll - Please Vote!
Post by: joelyboy911 on August 19, 2009, 11:03:32 PM
In my region i'm using most of the types of GLR to represent an old, but still maintained tram (streetcar) system from say the 1920s sort of thing. I use it in conjunction with Vester's tram mod (I think it's his). I use heavy rail to represent the suburban rail system. I rarely use the original EL-Rail except where I feel there needs to be a tram overpass for some reason.
Title: Re: NAM GLR/Tram Poll - Please Vote!
Post by: Terring7 on August 19, 2009, 11:33:29 PM
Well, it depends. At tiny villages i use tram on streets, at more urban places (like suburbans) i use tram on road and at really urban places (like commercial areas) el over road.
Title: Re: NAM GLR/Tram Poll - Please Vote!
Post by: Jonathan on August 20, 2009, 12:39:43 AM
In almost all my cities (though I only have 2 or 3) I use glr excessivly and convert most of my avenues to glr in avenue and when I get into the Cam stages then a lot of my roads in the high density areas get turned into GLR on road. Because it eases the traffic without taking up more room.

Title: Re: NAM GLR/Tram Poll - Please Vote!
Post by: newsimaddict on August 20, 2009, 12:44:29 AM
i use excessively in my current map - all various forms too. normal tram, tram-in-ave, tram-in-road and the new tram roudabout puzzle pieces are simply genius!

i do hope the nam team continue to create these wonderful pieces.
Title: Re: NAM GLR/Tram Poll - Please Vote!
Post by: tag_one on August 20, 2009, 12:48:12 AM
Of course I use them. Quite a lot actually, especially the GLR in avenue and road. 
Title: Re: NAM GLR/Tram Poll - Please Vote!
Post by: MandelSoft on August 20, 2009, 01:20:01 AM
I use them rarely, but I do have them in three of my largest cities: Konrad (a complete T-RAM network), Guilliano (Subway, GLR, ELR, GLR-in-Avenue and T-RAM) and Kapish (T-RAM and GLR-in-Avenue). It just takes quite long to build a GLR-network, so that's why I don't use them so much.
Title: Re: NAM GLR/Tram Poll - Please Vote!
Post by: _maciex_ on August 20, 2009, 01:37:16 AM
I use GLR in every bigger city (ove 25k). It's most useful part of NAM for me. I use all types of glr, except glr on street, but i will use it  ;)
Title: Re: NAM GLR/Tram Poll - Please Vote!
Post by: sumwonyuno on August 20, 2009, 10:19:25 PM
I tried GLR when it first was available in the NAM.  I haven't really used it since then because it doesn't fit my purposes.
Title: Re: NAM GLR/Tram Poll - Please Vote!
Post by: gottago on August 21, 2009, 03:32:37 AM
I use it extensively, as I'm building a Euro region based on one that does have trams--avenue, road and street versions. the variety of puzzle pieces is quite impressive--I've yet to come across a situation where something was lacking--great work here. &apls

btw, always wanted to know: what is the pathing difference between a tram/street junction and -intersection (i.e., the two street-ending pieces)?
Title: Re: NAM GLR/Tram Poll - Please Vote!
Post by: metarvo on August 21, 2009, 05:42:00 AM
I use GLR mainly in urban areas, since I mainly try to build American-style cities, which in RL only have GLR if they are big enough.  Even so, I do use it.  :)
Title: Re: NAM GLR/Tram Poll - Please Vote!
Post by: rooker1 on August 21, 2009, 05:51:58 AM
I love the GLR and everything you guys have done so far.  I would love to see alot more pieces, especially above other networks.

Robin  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: NAM GLR/Tram Poll - Please Vote!
Post by: RogerRon91 on August 22, 2009, 01:54:52 PM
Iam using all GLR-Addons (GLR, Tram-in-/-on-Road, Tram-on-Street, Tram-in Ave).

Trams for ever!  ;)
Title: Re: NAM GLR/Tram Poll - Please Vote!
Post by: CasperVg on August 24, 2009, 12:18:52 AM
I use the GLR, but however I do never preplan it into my cities - the GLR lines are always a kind of afterthought, used to solve overusage of cars. Like Jonathan, I mainly use GLR-in-Avenue and GLR-in-Road, as they don't require me to demolish any development upon installing.
Title: Re: NAM GLR/Tram Poll - Please Vote!
Post by: pierreh on August 26, 2009, 09:35:48 PM
I started to implement GLR in some mature cities a while ago and I noticed the improvements in traffic flow. Currently I use essentially tram-in-avenue and tram-in-road with the available RTMT stations; a few sections of GLR on reservation. I will use tram-in-street when a few more puzzle pieces are available for it. What I miss most is crossings with diagonal roads and avenues.
Title: Re: NAM GLR/Tram Poll - Please Vote!
Post by: tamorr on August 26, 2009, 09:58:30 PM
   Even though I haven't had a chance to check out some of the new stuff yet due to my own projects, I have definately used the GLR especially in some cities that have Elevated rail to create moderation between the two when needed. Also the In Avenue one I have mainly messed with and have had in a couple areas of my old cities. I do plan on using the new stuff as it adds even more versitility for what I can do with them. :)
Title: Re: NAM GLR/Tram Poll - Please Vote!
Post by: k808j on October 05, 2009, 09:35:34 AM
I am now a big fan of Tram in/on road, but wish that in road had similiar puzzle piece as on road.
Title: Re: NAM GLR/Tram Poll - Please Vote!
Post by: kbieniu7 on October 05, 2009, 09:58:37 AM
I'm using GLR in the biggest cities, especially in my "main" city. GLR is my most important kind of infastrucure. I'm using GLR in avenue and also GLR Tram in Road, and I feel lack of Tram in Road diagonals - it stops developing my city centre.
Title: Re: NAM GLR/Tram Poll - Please Vote!
Post by: itsacoaster on October 09, 2009, 11:42:37 AM
I voted "no."  Whenever I try to use the GLR-in-AVE stops, they don't work at all for boarding in residential zones, regardless of how the zones are set up.  Sims might even take the bus to work and take the GLR home.  I don't know if that is by design or not, maybe I'm not getting something, but this problem has kept me from using it.  (Yes, I tried "activating" them by dragging one-way roads through them.)  However I just cleaned out my plugins folder and started fresh with fewer plugins, so perhaps this will help.  I have not tried it lately, though.
Title: Re: NAM GLR/Tram Poll - Please Vote!
Post by: Chrisim on October 10, 2009, 06:53:09 AM
This sounds more like a request for help. Why don't you post in the appropriate topic GLR & Tram-Avenues - Help and Development ( It sounds to be a problem with your stations, so maybe post also name and a picture of the stations you use.