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City Showcase (All games welcome) => Mayors' Diaries => Inactive Best Sellers => Topic started by: Rady on December 31, 2009, 08:31:12 AM

Title: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 18: Teaser!
Post by: Rady on December 31, 2009, 08:31:12 AM
When the earths population rocketed through the 16 billion margin, the world's politicians agreed to fund a project that had only one goal: to find planets suitable for mankind to live. Otherwise, so they feared, a terrible, all-devastating war for land between the industrialized and the poor countries would be inevitable. So hundreds of satellites, equipped with sensors, long-wave radars and imagery devices, where sent into all direction.

18 years later, the sensors of XP-J874-A - one of the first satellites launched - spotted a planet with conditions that deemed suitable for mankind. The only differnce to the earth's atmosphere was that XP-J874-A spotted metallic elements in the upper parts of the atmosphere. Possibly due to this fact both the long-wave radar and the imagery devices failed to provide a clear picture of the planets surface. Just to add one more problem, the satellite's steering system broke down and he decended into the planets atmosphere.

However, a few seconds before the satellite crashed onto the planets surface, the imagery devices were able to capture and transmit a picture of a small region of the planet. Based on this picture and the sensor information, the world's leaders decided to prepare anything neccessary in order to settle down on this planet. However, the surroundings of this spot are still undiscovered.

Now, some 80 years after it's discovery, the first settlers put their feet on what is now known as

Terra Specula

Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula
Post by: Battlecat on December 31, 2009, 09:58:29 AM
Nifty!  Sounds like this is going to be a fascinating story.  I'm looking forward to seeing what you've got planned!
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula
Post by: jmyers2043 on December 31, 2009, 10:45:27 AM
nice looking map. good luck with the diary.

Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula
Post by: Cyclone1001 on December 31, 2009, 12:18:42 PM
This sounds too good not to follow! This is looking good.
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula
Post by: Earth quake on December 31, 2009, 03:06:23 PM
Really nice start.
The map is look splendid.
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula
Post by: Rady on January 01, 2010, 05:08:01 AM
Update 1: The first settlement

Based on the picture that has been transmitted by XP-J874-A , ground control on earth transported the settlers to what seemed a protected area to raise a colony. Huddled to a small river, protected from storms, the settlers raised theyr first homes. Inspired by the craggy river banks, they named their new home Wildbank.


After some geological survey, they discoverd big amounts of thermal energy underneath the smooth hills in their surrounding. So a geothermical power plant was erected a little bit further off in the hills.


Beeing of vital interest for them, a military detail was detached to protect the installation. Due to a lack of material, the main entrance guard post remained provisional but was intended to be reinforced soon. The road and power lines where also under protection of the military – because who would right now dare to say that they would be the only life form on this planet ..?



After solving the energy problem so fast, the settlers headed for the second task: farms where built to ensure the constant supplement of the settlers with food.


It was seen as a sign of fortune that the planet's water was nearly the same like on earth, so irrigation canals where constructed.


So finally the settlers had managed to meet the basic requirements for a successful colonization of this distant and unexplored planet. Everyone was proud of what had already been achieved, and also curious about what the future was about to bring ...
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 1: The first settlement
Post by: Cyclone1001 on January 01, 2010, 01:37:31 PM
Great story! This is about as close to perfect as a new MD can be, IMHO. Keep up the good work.
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 1: The first settlement
Post by: Battlecat on January 02, 2010, 08:33:22 AM
Fantastic start!  Your development looks great already, and is going in with a lot of careful thought!  Interesting story as well!
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 1: The first settlement
Post by: kwakelaar on January 02, 2010, 10:06:47 AM
Great way to start a new MD, first development is going well. I am looking forward to what kind of world you have planned for your settlers.
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 1: The first settlement
Post by: Rady on January 02, 2010, 11:18:46 AM

@ all: Thanks for the motivating welcome for my first MD. I'm curious about how this is going to develop, too! This is an all-new fascinating experience for me. I have visited so many MD's in the last years, but always felt that I would never ever be able to create something at least half as perfect .. but now it looks like it's going all right ...

But let's see if our settlers are doing all right! In order to give you some orientation, let's share an overview of our colony:


As you can see, Wildbank has expanded following the small river that curles through the hills.


Thankful for having mastered the first months without serious problems, the settler decided to build a church (it's assumed but not verified that it was also in order to give the settlers the feeling of "beeing at home"). Situated on a hill just above Wildbank, overlooking the whole surrounding, the church manifested the settler's will to stay on this planet.


In order to become independent of supply from the earth, an industrial district was founded to provide the settler with the daily needs. This was additionally important because the state-of-the-art means of interstellar transport didn't allow for anything bigger than a bus to be transported. Facing the Sea in the north, it was obvious that some day ships would be neccessary. Not to mention railroads, if the settler decided to expand their colony further on the land.
So bringing up their industry was a vital point for the settlers. Since the narrow valley wouldn't allow for any larger industrial district, the opposing heights where choosen for the location of the industry. The complex was named Wildbank Heights Industrial District. Thus, a bridge was constructed crossing the small river.



(The wilderness of the planet posed another problem: every so often, herds of wild animals trotted through the industrial complex, calling for evasion manoeuvres of the truck drivers ....)

Aside form concentrating on the industry, the settler also didn't forget about food. So they expanded the agricultural areas, and additional access roads where buildt.



So, as we can see, our settlers are doing well. Phew! Good news indeed! Let's wait for the next progress report to be transmitted ...
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 2: The colony grows
Post by: Cyclone1001 on January 02, 2010, 01:58:07 PM
Looks great, as always. I hope for this to make it to the classics someday.
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 2: The colony grows
Post by: emgmod on January 02, 2010, 09:47:30 PM
MDs that are colonies isolated from everywhere always intrigue me. I like watching how it grows from almost nothing to a thriving city.
Good job so far!
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 2: The colony grows
Post by: Battlecat on January 04, 2010, 08:55:53 AM
With transport restrictions like that, it's going to be a hard start up.  At least they've got modern technology backing them up.  Looking very nice indeed!
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 2: The colony grows
Post by: Connor on January 04, 2010, 09:03:54 AM
Very nice start to the MD. Very original aand interesting. Looking forward to what will come next.  :)
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 2: The colony grows
Post by: Tomas Neto on January 06, 2010, 04:03:07 PM
Fantastic start!!! Great work!!!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 3: Founding Willows Bay
Post by: Rady on January 07, 2010, 01:42:33 PM

To my visitors:
@ Cyclone1001: Thanks! Let's see ... right now I'm just thinking of the next update, not the "Classics" section  :P
@ emgmod: Thanks - that was exactly what I intended to show. But since I haven't found any custom lots from Stone Age, I needed another idea ...
@ Battlecat: Thanks! Indeed the restrictions are hard. Let's see how fast they will proceed with their industrial capacity!
@ Connor: Thank you - looking forward to your next visit!
@ Tomas Neto: Thank you - glad you like it!

So - on goes the story ...

Some time has passed by since we received the last report from our colony ... so I'm glad to tell you that I received a progress report just a few minutes ago. Using the UAV of their military detachement, they also provided some actual images to go with the report.

With more settlers arriving at the colony, decision was taken to found a new village. It was named after Geoffry Willows, who was among the first to set foot on the planet. As you can see, the settlers decided to found this new village downstreams in the little bay.


So let's have a look into the streets of Willows Bay ...


A farmers market has been established, where the goods from the surrounding farms are sold.


Because of the settlers becoming annoyed to live from grain alone, a small pier was erected, and some fishermen went to work to see whether this planet's sea would contain anything edible. In addition, the "Ol' Whalers Tavern" became a gathering point for the working men.


Also, a park was built for the settlers to relaxe after a hard days work. A statue was erected to honor the founder of this village, Geoffry Willows.


However, when the park was finished and the opening ceremony was about to begin, a large tree was hiding the statue and casting a shadow on it. Rumors have it that this might be a sign of bad fortune ...

Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 3: Founding Willows Bay
Post by: scott1964 on January 07, 2010, 09:48:12 PM
Looks good  :D Where did you get the fishing/boat place, in the last pic.  :)
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 3: Founding Willows Bay
Post by: Rady on January 07, 2010, 11:48:05 PM
@ scott1964: can't find it right now. I found it in my download folder, but the zip file doesn't contain a readme so that I can get a clue about the creator ... I will have a look in-game tomorrow, maybe there's some information in the lot description.

Found it :thumbsup: :thumbsup:!! It's from NOB's site: I used the google translator to translate the page. On the start page, left down there's a box that leads you to the BAT section. Then go to "others" and look for "Seefischerei gesetzt mehr" (at least thats the german translation  ;D) .... it's the 5th item in the left column of the "others" box ... and I just discovered two expansion sets for that fishing port ..  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 3: Founding Willows Bay
Post by: Battlecat on January 08, 2010, 08:47:24 AM
Very nice indeed.  Willow bay looks like it's going to be a very nice place to live! 
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 3: Founding Willows Bay
Post by: Cyclone1001 on January 08, 2010, 02:10:11 PM
I think you are doing great, so all I have to say is good job &apls
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 3: Founding Willows Bay
Post by: rooker1 on January 11, 2010, 05:15:20 AM
Very interesting start Rady. 
You seem to have a very quaint little town.

Robin  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 3: Founding Willows Bay
Post by: Rady on January 11, 2010, 01:21:05 PM
To my visitors:

Hope you already found that lovely fishing port lots ..
Battlecat, Cyclone1001, rooker1: Thanks! Unfortunately I did some mistake with chosing "build all styles together", so I got a kind of building mismatch ... OTOH I'm not the kind of plopping fan right now ..


After some years of steady progress, the settlers encountered some mundane problems ... already some settler had begun to build their houses in some distant spots away from the population centres, and also the traffic on Wildbank bridge - heading for the industrial district - was close to a collapse.

So the further developement of the settlement needed to follow some thorougly planned scheme, if it weren't to fail. After some planning sessions, a settlement developement plan was presented: A new bridge was to connect the two sides of the bay, and zones for (long needed) commercial and additional residental zones were defined.


Immediately after, the bridge construction was under way.





Finally, after only 8 months of construction work, the new bridge was released for traffic.


Now called Wildbank Bay Span, it would soon prove well worth the money invested, as the zones connected by the new bridge developed rapidly. After having finished a hard piece of work, the workers were glad to spend a company-funded evening at the "Ol' Whalers Tavern" ...

Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 3: Founding Willows Bay
Post by: ShultzCity on January 11, 2010, 01:34:28 PM
Great work!
Love the contruction area, adds so much realism to the township :)
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 4: Crossing the Bay
Post by: canyonjumper on January 11, 2010, 04:08:16 PM
Nice! The construction really adds a touch to it  ;)

Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 4: Crossing the Bay
Post by: shaylan221 on January 11, 2010, 04:55:34 PM
Great Update! Where can I find those construction lots?
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 4: Crossing the Bay
Post by: Cyclone1001 on January 11, 2010, 06:29:24 PM
Decent update, could have used a better bridge. In the end, looking good.
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 4: Crossing the Bay
Post by: Rady on January 11, 2010, 10:17:47 PM
Quote from: shaylan221 on January 11, 2010, 04:55:34 PM
Great Update! Where can I find those construction lots?

It's the SFBT Construction Set, I think I found it at Simtropolis.

Quote from: Cyclone1001 on January 11, 2010, 06:29:24 PM
Decent update, could have used a better bridge. In the end, looking good.

You may be right ... it's just that I need to download some more bridges ;). Having different bridges wasn't a point for me up to now ... but as this MD moves on, I realize that I will have to download some tons of additional custom stuff   :-[ OTOH, following my storyline, my settlers aren't in a situation right now to have some stupendous bridge design, so I decided to use this basic bridge type.
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 4: Crossing the Bay
Post by: Tomas Neto on January 12, 2010, 12:40:27 PM
Wow, great update again!!! Fantastic work!!!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 4: Crossing the Bay
Post by: Battlecat on January 12, 2010, 01:15:24 PM
Very cool, the construction scenes are a nice touch!
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 4: Crossing the Bay
Post by: Rady on January 13, 2010, 11:27:59 AM

Welcome to the 5th update!

To my readers:

@ ShultzCity, canyonjumper, Battlecat: Thanks - glad you like this detail. I would have liked to keep it, but - well, it was about the bridge ...
@ shaylan221: Hope you found the lots already ..
@ Cyclone1001: I keep your advise alive, but haven't had the time to search for additional bridges so far. But I promise to bring a new type of bridge next time I'm going to build one!
@ Tomas Neto: Thanks ... I spent some time at Vale Paulista already to fetch some ideas for designing rural areas .. so thanks for the inspiration!

Today I want to introduce Harding to you ...the village has been risen in the area that was assigend as a residental one some time ago (Update 4 ...). As you can see in the city view, it's located west of Willows Bay. The first houses have been built following the shore where the terrain is even. Later on, they settled down in the hilly area of that zone also. As a matter of fact, despite beeing one village, the people in the hills never really had any near contact with those living in the lowlands, and soon named theyr village Harding Hills.

5_01: Region View


5_02: A closer look on Harding


5_03: The main roads connects the two parts of that village


5_04: Insisting on beeing a "seperate" village, people in Harding Hills requested an own main road to the commercial area in the south ...


5_05: Some of the richer guys managed to settle down on a seperate part of the coast.


5_06: As the colony's wealth increased, more parks were built trougout the villages. This one is Hopkins Park in the middle of Harding Hills.

Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 5: Harding
Post by: Cyclone1001 on January 13, 2010, 02:01:01 PM
Very nice, I believe you should get some different houses. The Maxis ones work, but are kinda dull. Search mattb325 on the LEX, plemty of variety. Get a Maxis blocker. Its a good product from BSC.
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 5: Harding
Post by: Rady on January 13, 2010, 02:24:21 PM
I will have a look. Up to now, I concentrated on commercial and industrial stuff, since I was building big cities only. But when it comes to suburbs ... thanks for the hint!
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 5: Harding
Post by: canyonjumper on January 13, 2010, 03:43:53 PM
Harding and Harding Hills remind me of Vancouver, in the way that we have Vancouver, and then you have North Vancouver, North Vancouver City, West Vancouver, and there used to be a South Vancouver. Interesting stuff you've got Rady. ANd I agree with Cyclone1001, you should download the Maxis blocker. I imagine that in Terra Specula you'd have more interesting houses, because they aren't on Earth anymore. And I'm just curious, if they are using radio signals to communicate with Earth, how long would it take the transmission to reach Earth?

Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 5: Harding
Post by: Battlecat on January 14, 2010, 08:17:35 AM
Very nice update, I like the terracing between the upper and lower parts of town.  Nice touch having them as separate communities!  Interesting that despite it being a fresh start on a new world, the typical political problems are still coming up between these communities!
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 5: Harding
Post by: Rady on January 14, 2010, 11:45:46 AM

Since it will now take some days until I will be able to add another update (there are some RL matters interfering with our little planet ..  &mmm) I will at least try to respond to my readers regularly in between.

@ Cyclone1001, canyonjumper: I already downloaded the "No Maxis" plugin that allows you to seperately block Maxis res, com and ind buildings. For the start, I think I will only block the residental buildings. But there are two question that I need answered prior to any action:

1) Is there any known problem when installing the "No Maxis" plugin in an already developed city? Are the already existing Maxis buildings effected in any way? Or does it simply block new Maxis building from the moment on I install it?

2) I downloaded quite some residental stuff from the STEX today, and will add most of the res stuff on my LEX DVD. But will that cover up for the amount of different Maxis buildings? I mean, how many different Maxis res buildings (R$, R$$, R$$$) are there in the game? Or will I loose say 150 buildings and ad a total of 80 or 90? Actually I cannot really count how much buildings I'm going to add with that custom stuff. What I fear is that I end up with beautiful (non-dull) custom res buildings, but a lack of variety.

@ canyonjumper: Funny, I didn't know that fact about Vancouver .. well, basically I don't know any fact about Vancouver  &ops . As for the communication .. taking into account that it took XP-J874-A 18 years to reach that distant planet, we actually do have a little lag in communication  ???

@ Battlecat: Thanks. Actually Harding turned out to be the first successful hill village that I ever created  &hlp. I had that before, but never thought of terraforming or something else, so all the buildings turned out with retaining walls and the like ... whenever I had a settlement in an hilly or mountenous area, it turned out bad  ()sad(). And yes - the peoples behaviour unfortunately wasn't oblique to any transport constraints ... so it was easily imported  :'(
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 5: Harding
Post by: Cyclone1001 on January 14, 2010, 02:22:48 PM
I will (hopefully) answer your questions...

1) I'm not sure if there are problems, but if you demolish all Maxis buildings, it should work fine.

2) The variety and quality make up for amount. Also, there are plenty of residential, commercial, and industrial (growable) lots on the LEX and STEX, you can get TONS!
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 5: Harding
Post by: canyonjumper on January 14, 2010, 03:52:55 PM
There are no problem if you open an existing city. The mod doesn't let Maxis buildings build after you install it. Eventually all the Maxis you had before will be built over by the Custom stuff.

Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 5: Harding
Post by: Rady on January 14, 2010, 10:31:04 PM
Thanks, that looks fine. Are there any suggestions upon which mod to use. Right now I have the BSC No Maxis Mod and the Dusktrooper No Maxis Mod ... any preferences? At the moment I would prefer DT's, 'cause it would let me block buildings by type (R,C,I) and wealth level ...
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 5: Harding
Post by: canyonjumper on January 15, 2010, 05:49:21 AM
DuskTrooper's mod is more specific, so I use that one.

Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 5: Harding
Post by: bat on January 16, 2010, 10:45:54 AM
Great views of your city! Also nice work on them!
You have a nice MD! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 5: Harding
Post by: Tomas Neto on January 17, 2010, 05:03:31 AM
wow, awesome update again, with a nice suburbs and a fantastic rural area!!!  &apls
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 6: Traffic Jam
Post by: Rady on January 22, 2010, 02:33:53 PM


@ Cyclone1001: ok, I now have tha Maxis blocker up and running ... lets see how it turns out!

@ bat: Thanks, and welcome to my MD!

@ Tomas Neto: Thanks! However my rural scenes are still far behind yours ... I alway love to see an update in your MD!


6_01: Since residental areas developed quick, the existing bridge connecting Harding and it's commercial district soon was big hindrance for the traffic. So it was decided to put an avenue in place. After building the Wildbank Bay Span, this was the second large construction project for the settlers.

6_02: Of course an alternate route had to be found. To the great pleasure of the people living there, the alternate route was decided to go through this little settlement. Therefore, the street was upgraded in order to have enough capacity. However, it was agreed upon that the road would be built back to an street once the bridge has been completed.

6_03:Soon after finishing the exit route, construction work began. Unfortunately, TESCO managed to fail in opening an alternative access for their customers, so eventually they had to close their shop. For whatever reason, some smaller businesses followed TESCO's example ...

6_04: 8 months after the construction works started, the bridge was finished.

6_05: Finishing the avenue took another 3 months.

6_06: Finally, after 11 months, the brídge was opened for traffic, and the alternate route was build back to normal side street.

However, the traffic issues were far from solved. The next problems where just around the corner. But that is another update ....
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 6: Traffic Jam
Post by: canyonjumper on January 22, 2010, 04:34:32 PM
Great update Rady! Wonder what problems they'll run into now?

Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 6: Traffic Jam
Post by: Cyclone1001 on January 22, 2010, 06:03:42 PM
Good update, this is looking promising!
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 6: Traffic Jam
Post by: bat on January 23, 2010, 11:02:43 AM
Nice work on that bridge and the area around. :thumbsup:
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 6: Traffic Jam
Post by: Tomas Neto on January 24, 2010, 01:10:18 PM
Oh yeah, I agree with Bat, the work on that bridge is a fantastic detail on your update!!! Great!!!  &apls
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 6: Traffic Jam
Post by: Battlecat on January 25, 2010, 10:07:18 AM
Yup, that's a huge looking traffic problem there!  Good job on the solution.  Going to be interesting to see what hits next, and how it will be handled!
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 6: Traffic Jam
Post by: Rady on January 29, 2010, 02:58:54 AM

As you can see from the overview, our colony has expanded pretty nice. Additionally, at the moment I'm experimenting with terrain mods - trying to find one that suits me right. What you see now is the Meadowshire Terrain Mod. I tried the Italia Terain Mod before, but for some reason couldn't come to like it. Let's see, possibly that will change again in future updates.


@ canjyonjumper: Thanks. We'll see - you will discover that some problems are the same here on earth an on a distant planet ...
@ cyclone1001: Thanks!
@ bat: Thanks - unfortunately there are just small bridges to build, but let's see what we will discover in new regions of our planet!
@ Tomas Neto: Thanks again!
@ Battlecat: Thanks!


While the settlement became bigger and bigger, the colony's administration was on a desperate search for natural resources that were needed for their industry. SO far, anything needed to be transported over huge interstellar distances, thus creating a natural bottleneck for the colony's expansion. So on severeal locations geological surveys where conducted, and after some months of hard work, the scientists proudly presented their results:


What no one had expected to achieve that soon now had become truth: The colony's scientists had discovered what later would turn out to be one of the largest deposit of iron on this planet. Exploiton of the place started immediately.


So immediately after that discovery, roads where upgraded to provide proper means of transport, and a steel mill was erected. Named after the head of the scientists that discovered the iron, the mill was named Bonham Steel Mill.


To further enhance their transport, one of the first things that was build from the steel coming out of Bonham Steel Mill was a rail line for transporting the steel to the industrial area.


From that moment on, an endless stream of steel left Bonham Steel Mill. Accomplishing that, the final challenges had been met that would enable the administration to further stretch out their colony on this planet. But as had been said before, some more common problems where lurking around the corner waiting to be solved that would inevitablely delay the eager plans of the administration. At last, they had to keep the settlers happy if they wanted them to reach out to new distant areas ... but that is another update ....
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 7: Natural Resources
Post by: Nexis4Jersey on January 29, 2010, 05:24:11 AM
cool update i like the steel plant :thumbsup:
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 7: Natural Resources
Post by: Battlecat on January 29, 2010, 08:28:51 AM
Cool addition!  That's a great looking mine and a very impressive steel mill! 
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 7: Natural Resources
Post by: bat on January 29, 2010, 12:14:10 PM
This steel mill looks nice! Great work on it... ;)
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 7: Natural Resources
Post by: canyonjumper on January 29, 2010, 12:55:28 PM
And a fourth comment about the mill: looks great! And since when am I canjonjumper?

Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 7: Natural Resources
Post by: Tomas Neto on January 29, 2010, 01:21:36 PM
Yeah, very nice update!!!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 7: Natural Resources
Post by: Rady on January 29, 2010, 02:06:53 PM
Quote from: canyonjumper on January 29, 2010, 12:55:28 PM
And a fourth comment about the mill: looks great! And since when am I canjonjumper?


Obviously since yesterday 12:58:54 pm, judging the time stamp of my post  &mmm may I provide an "y" here in case of further mistakes  :P
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 7: Natural Resources
Post by: Snitchie on January 29, 2010, 03:09:22 PM
Awesome story!   Started reading and could'nt stop.. :D  looking forward to updates  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 7: Natural Resources
Post by: Cyclone1001 on January 29, 2010, 04:15:08 PM
Truly amazing! Where did you find that steel plant???
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 7: Natural Resources
Post by: canyonjumper on January 29, 2010, 04:24:25 PM
Quote from: Rady on January 29, 2010, 02:06:53 PM
Obviously since yesterday 12:58:54 pm, judging the time stamp of my post  &mmm may I provide an "y" here in case of further mistakes  :P

You've almost got it Rady, now just delete the 'J' and you'll have got it :D
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 7: Natural Resources
Post by: Rady on January 30, 2010, 04:23:42 AM
Quote from: canyonjumper on January 29, 2010, 04:24:25 PM
You've almost got it Rady, now just delete the 'J' and you'll have got it :D

I decided to just cross it out so other readers of that thread know what we're talking about  ()what() ... but I have to agree that that little line crossing out the "j" is nearly invisible ...  :'( :'(

Quote from: Cyclone1001 on January 29, 2010, 04:15:08 PM
Truly amazing! Where did you find that steel plant???

It's Fukudas steel mill reworked / fixed (pls. don't ask what have been fixed ... however it deemed neccessary judging by the comments to this plugin) by xxdita, you can find it here: (
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 7: Natural Resources
Post by: Rady on February 03, 2010, 08:23:50 AM


@ Nexis4Jersey: Thanks! I like it too - unfortuntely that's the only steel mill-related stuff I've found.
@ Battlecat: Thanks! And thanks to CSG for his Bauxite and Cleared Earth lots!
@ bat: Thanks!
@ canyonjumper (got it right this time  :P ): Thanks!
@ Tomas Neto: Thanks!
@ Snitchie: Hello and thanks! Welcome to my first MD! Hope to see you around here again!
@ Cyclone1001: Thanks! Hope you found the mill aready.


Following the discovery of iron and the then-starting industrial boom more settlers arrived at Terra Specula. So the colony's administration was about to expand the residential areas. But now it was time to leave behind low-density rural settlements and go for residential areas that would be suitable for high-density housing projects somtime in the future. So as a preliminary action the hilly terrain was flattened out.

8_01: Ground works have started

8_02: The foreman's container and some construction vehicles

8_03: Stretching out the area as far as possible meant some heavy movements to be undertaken. There was a initial protest from some tree-huggers that considered this area especially worthy of protection, but that protest ended soon after their home's rental agreement was cancelled by the administration. Following that, they suddenly clearly understood the neccessity of the housing project ...

8_04: Pipelaying for water supply

8_05: Over the years the area filled up with housing projects and small family homes. However, these were ousted more and more as the need for housing projects increased.

8_06: Following the massive expansion of Harding to the west of course traffic increased rapidly, ans soon this route turned out to be the next bottleneck the administration would have to take care of. Right now it looked like the colony's administration was pinned down with managing every-days business instead of pushing out the frontiers - much to the dislike of the earth's goverment ...

8_07: Close-ups of the bottleneck. We can clearly see the heavy congestion on that route.




8_10: After some discussions, this plan was forwarded to the administrations traffic minister.

8_11: Road works are under way.

8_12: The new Thompson Avenue, named after the best singer / guitarrist of the colony. Well, he was also the only one in our colony, so perhaps ...

8_13: So as you can see our colony is on the way ... so let's have a look at the overall situation:
( (
(Sorry but I can't get a single-clik link to the full-sized image ... so there are three hops ..)
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 8: Harding is growing
Post by: Tomas Neto on February 03, 2010, 09:08:24 AM
Beautiful city, and the growth of your city is happening very quickly and with an organized way!!!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 8: Harding is growing
Post by: Battlecat on February 03, 2010, 09:46:12 AM
Your city is coming along very nicely!  Good to see the colony is beginning to improved the infrastructure significantly! 
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 8: Harding is growing
Post by: Cyclone1001 on February 03, 2010, 02:05:23 PM
Very nice! I like the water lines, thats creative!
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 8: Harding is growing
Post by: canyonjumper on February 03, 2010, 04:01:13 PM
Wow! Harding has grown! And I can't seem to find anything wrong this time :D! I didn't see the line through the 'J' last time :). Keep it up :thumbsup:!

Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 8: Harding is growing
Post by: marsh on February 03, 2010, 04:21:05 PM
I love how your growing the city!
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 8: Harding is growing
Post by: Snitchie on February 03, 2010, 10:54:21 PM
 :thumbsup:    nice work man.
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 8: Harding is growing
Post by: Rady on February 18, 2010, 01:21:14 PM
Hi folks,

sorry for me beeing so lazyin updating my MD, but RL imposes some tough restriction on my game time at the moment. So the next real update in terms of story-telling will be after March, 14th, but in between let me just throw in some impressions of what our colony looks like in between.

9_01, 9_02: Two rural settlements near Harding Hills.


9_03: A business distrcit in Upper Harding near Upper Harding Central

9_04: A scene from Harding Commercial Centre

9_05: And finally - a mosaic of Upper Harding

So - stay tuned for the next full update following March, 14th!!
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 9: Intermediate update
Post by: Battlecat on February 18, 2010, 02:03:14 PM
No worries!  Real life comes first as far as most of us are concerned.  I like the shrubs under your power lines, quite a nice touch there.  Looks like your region is getting quite busy!
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 9: Intermediate update
Post by: Tomas Neto on February 19, 2010, 11:41:12 AM
Your plazas are well located inside the city, that provides a bigger beauty to the city!!! Great update my friend!!!  &apls &apls
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 9: Intermediate update
Post by: bat on February 19, 2010, 11:54:06 AM
Your city looks really great! Wonderful work! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 9: Intermediate update
Post by: Cyclone1001 on February 19, 2010, 01:53:47 PM
Nice! Looks better every update!
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 9: Intermediate update
Post by: io_bg on February 22, 2010, 01:29:06 AM
Very nice update! I particularly like the mix of trees in the first two pics. That CBD looks good, too, however I'd suggest you to download more custom buildings ;) :thumbsup:
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 9: Intermediate update
Post by: M.M.Malwin on February 22, 2010, 11:10:01 AM
I love your updates. The views of the region are very beautiful and I find it very original images with the construction of roads.  :thumbsup:  ;)
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 9: Intermediate update
Post by: Rady on February 28, 2010, 04:01:22 AM


@ Battlecat: Thanks, it looks like I make some little progress in creating rural areas. Of course thanks to ShultzCity, who always provides some great inspiration!
@ Tomas Neto: Yes, since this is the first city where I really do spent some time with detailing evry single tile - at least I try to!
@ bat, Cyclone1001: Thanks!
@ io_bg: Thanks for mentioning the rural areas - I really try to improve my skills. As for the buildings variety - you're right. I just spent some two or so days to collect tons of residential building, and am now on the hunt for commercial ones. Unfortunately downloading and installing custom stuff reduces the time available for gameplay ... but I'm on the way!
@ M.M.Malvin: Thanks, and welcome to my MD!


Beside struggling with traffic jams and residents demanding parks and beautification programs, the need arose for further expansion of the colony. As we can see, Harding had grown further, now occupying most of the northwestern part of the known terretory. To the east, Willows Bay had also reacted to the increasing demand for commercial areas and founded a business park in the eastern heights. However, the demand for both residential and commercial areas was still rising.

So the military was tasked with collecting information of the surroundings. Still in lack of long range air elements, the militarys only means for aerial recon was a set of UAVs that had been transported up here recently. Apart from the civilian administrations needs for additional areas to develop the colony the military was eager to build up at least a small naval base and build some ships that would allow them to reach out over the vast sea that stretched out in front of the colony. SO the UAVs track was set to follow the coastline. Finally - of course limited by the UAVs short operating distance - picutres of up to then undiscovered areas of the planet where at hand.

10_1: Areial shots of the UAV mission

Based on the UAVs pictures - and driven by the militarys push for an area suitable for a harbour - it was decided that the next step for the colonys expansion would lead to the north. Finally, a plan was approved. The existing rail line would be extended and connect both the industrial and the harbour area in big loop. Also, the road leading up to Harding Hills from Harding would be extended and upgraded to an avenue connecting the residential and industrial area. A commercial area was decided to be situated in the plains west of the industrial area.

10_2: Developement plan as approved by the administration

10_3: Construction of the traffic network

10_4: Close up of the rail construction yard

After the road connection had been finished, vast amounts of material where moved to create what the military deemed neccessary for a harbour.

10_5: The baseline of the harbour area

10_6: Road and rails have been put into place, and the first industrial zone has been assigend.

10_7: Industry starts to develop

10_8: The military already made it's claim ..

10_9: Construction on the military / naval base is under way

10_4: The new conquered area as it has been developed so far. The new residential area - named "Naval City" 'cause most of the naval personell obviously settled down there - has already developed.
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 10: Rush for the Sea
Post by: penguin007 on February 28, 2010, 08:50:26 AM
Very realistic region you have there and I love the port you're developing

Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 10: Rush for the Sea
Post by: Nardo69 on February 28, 2010, 10:45:08 AM
Great Region. I like how you develope that harbour area although I am not sure if this is the right spot for a navy base - a bit outside would be more proper for secret operations ....

Take care

Bernhard  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 10: Rush for the Sea
Post by: M.M.Malwin on February 28, 2010, 11:03:26 AM
Fantastic! The view of the area is beautiful and I love the way we present the development of the region. Congratulations.  :thumbsup:  ;)
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 10: Rush for the Sea
Post by: Cyclone1001 on February 28, 2010, 06:27:22 PM
Looks very nice, good job.
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 10: Rush for the Sea
Post by: Battlecat on March 01, 2010, 10:09:56 AM
Another great update!  Those are some cool regional shots, the shoreline looks great from this distance!

Neat mix of additions to your city, a naval base is an interesting addition considering the focus on colonization.
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 10: Rush for the Sea
Post by: canyonjumper on March 01, 2010, 03:25:24 PM
Looking great, Rady! I like the port you have started &apls

                         -Jordan :thumbsup:
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 10: Rush for the Sea
Post by: ecoba on March 01, 2010, 06:50:02 PM
Oh, wow, Rady. You have a wondeful MD here.

You use a great amount of custom content in your MD, and you have somewhat the perfect mix of maxis that it blends almost seamlessly. You have some great floral areas and your tree work is beautiful. I also am really liking the harbour area, has great potential to grow.

I promise to stop by more often!

Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 10: Rush for the Sea
Post by: Tomas Neto on March 02, 2010, 01:56:36 PM
Yeah my friend!!! Fantastic work, great update again!!!  &apls &apls
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 11: Some impressions
Post by: Rady on April 07, 2010, 12:16:54 PM


Hello and excuse me to all of my followers on my MD! I really do have to apologie for this long time of not providing updates, but RL matters had a firm grip on my time budget. So I only found time to develop my city a little bit but not to keep you informed on my progress on a regular basis. Since this won't change for the next two to three weeks, I decided to give you an intermediate update on how my colony has been evolving so far.

So, glad if you stop over again and have a look, and I promise to get back to a more regular mode of updates latest with end of april!!


[11_1]: First, an overview of the northernmost part of our colony:

( (

A stretch of rural area

( (

[11_3]: Part of the business dictrict that has evolved near the industrial / harbour area

( (

I resized the width of your great mosaics - Robin - Global Moderator.  ;)
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 11: Some impressions
Post by: Cyclone1001 on April 07, 2010, 03:12:36 PM
Welcome back! I must say that it still looks just as good, keep it up.
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 11: Some impressions
Post by: RickD on April 08, 2010, 02:47:33 AM
I like the small villages divided by some farm fields and grassland. It looks very realistic to me. Where I live the villages are also situated very close together.
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 11: Some impressions
Post by: nedalezz on April 08, 2010, 10:41:25 AM
WOW, those are some spectacular mosaics! I especially loved the first one with the little towns and the region shot - both of them look great!
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 11: Some impressions
Post by: canyonjumper on April 11, 2010, 12:36:25 PM
Nice mosaics, Rady! Looks great! Don't worry about the irregular updates...mine are too ;D

          -Jordan :thumbsup:
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 11: Some impressions
Post by: Rady on April 25, 2010, 11:50:43 AM


@ Cyclone1001: Thanks, glad you still like it!

@ RickD: Yes, same for where I live .. that's where the inspiration came from. Thanks for stopping over!

@ nedalezz: Thank you!

@ canyonjumper: Thanks - it' just that it doesn't look like getting better as far as my spare time is concerned ...


Ok, so here we go, again with just a minor update in gameplay. However, after that update of the colony's plans, the next update for sure will include some nice pics. I took me almost two days just downloading and organizing all that stuff that I need for the next step of developement of my colony ...

[12_1] For a start, let's have a brief look how our colony has developed so far (thumbnail due to file size ...).

( (

We can see that the colony has spread out to the rural surroundings of the first place of contact. However, the colony's administration is eager to put up a spaceport that will allow for regular travel & transport. For this to achieve the industrial production needs to be increased. However, the wide-spread low-denisity civlization that has evolved is a major hindrance for that goal. So the administration started a large developement project that would stretch out finto the far distance in order to avoid the hilly terrain that they where facing at the moment. Thus, they hope, they will be able to bring up high density housings that will give shelter to all the people that are needed by the industry. Following that, and with a massive push from the industry, the planned Spaceport would soon start to raise.

[12_2] The administration's Develeopement Master Plan


So, that's all for today, but watch out for the next update!
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 11: Some impressions
Post by: canyonjumper on April 25, 2010, 12:07:38 PM
Cool plan Rady! Looking forward to how you execute it ;D

                 -Jordan :thumbsup:
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 12: Master Plan for Expansion
Post by: Rady on April 28, 2010, 01:15:53 PM


@ canyonjumper: Thanks for you reply. As you soon will discover, there are some minor problems that will delay the master plan a little ...


As we can see, our colony has already started with implementing the Master Plan. Wildbank Industrial District has been expanded, and a large freight rail station has been buildt. To provide proper means of transportation for the people supposed to work here, the existing rail connection between Upper Harding and Wildbank Heights Industrial District has been extended. Additionally, a second avenue connecting Upper Harding and the new areas of  Wildbank Heights Industrial District has been built.

However - and this has been mentioned by members of the planning team before but put aside by the politicians - the administration soon discovered a major problem. The colony was clearly lacking residential areas for all those people supposed to work here. So, only a few industries where raised, and soon after the developement experienced a sudden halt.

13_1 The newly developed - but sparsely populated - industrial area just west of Bonham Steel Mill


So - moving some steps back - after some discussions the area west of Wildbank was defined to be used for the next step in residential expansion. There where some heavy discussions with a group of local tree-huggers, but that discussion ended soon after the colony's administration agreed to fund the group's new recreational building that was to be erected in Wildbank ....

13_2 The new residential area with the proposed major traffic connection


Having solved this problem, and having issued the orders to the construction companies, the adminstration turned to the next problem that was lurking around for too long now to be disregarded: the only direct and therefore heavily congested road connection between Uper Harding and Harding Commercial Center. There had already been added an additional connection in the south of Upper Harding that helped ease the traffic congestion a little, but most of the traffic still used to follow the main avenue. So, the Road Planning Departement presented a plan for an additional avenue that would connect the northern parts of Upper Harding with Harding Commercial Center.

13_3 Authorized traffic developement plan with the newly added southern bypass (marked green), the current main route (red) and the layout of the new avenue (white)


Despite beeing a logical plan, it contained two difficulties:

(1) there surely were some discussions expected with the people that would obviously loose their current homes

(2) the colony's technicians haven't mastered so far the non-level crossing of a single-track rail line :P. Developement for that problem was under way in the NAM STR developement team (a secret team under direct control of whoever), but with no precise information about when a solution was to be expected (details have been disclosed here: ....

So far for this update, let's see what's coming up next ...
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 13: Unexpected Problems
Post by: Nardo69 on April 28, 2010, 01:38:37 PM
for not posting here lately ...  &blush

Update 11: WOW! Never saw such a fine elaborated hierarchy of small and dirt street in rural areas including my very own work! Bravissimo on that!  :thumbsup:  &apls

Update 12: Looks good however I would leave space for some commercials next to the spaceport at its infrastaucture.

Update 13: Not bad but there are some details I am not happy with:

Oh, btw, there IS a possibility of non-crossing STR railway lines: the oldest, pre-NAM method - dig a tunnel ;)

Take care

Bernhard  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 13: Unexpected Problems
Post by: Cyclone1001 on April 28, 2010, 01:49:04 PM
Very nice, can't wait to see it happen.
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 13: Unexpected Problems
Post by: RickD on April 28, 2010, 02:15:18 PM
I like tose planning pics. The route of the future avenue looks totally logical. I would not mind the sims loosing their homes. Sometimes the Sims have to be forced to accept their luck.  ::)
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 13: Unexpected Problems
Post by: canyonjumper on April 28, 2010, 05:50:14 PM
Great update! Seems that you reached your res cap ;D The planning looks good too :D\\

                   -Jordan :thumbsup:
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 13: Unexpected Problems
Post by: thundercrack83 on April 28, 2010, 09:03:43 PM
Hello, Rady!

I've just checked out your wonderful work and I have to say that I like what I see very much! A lot of detail and thought seems to go into everything, and it's a treat to follow along with where you're headed!

Can't wait to see more!

Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 13: Unexpected Problems
Post by: strucka on May 07, 2010, 02:10:57 AM
Great work! &apls
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 13: Unexpected Problems
Post by: Tomas Neto on May 17, 2010, 07:44:47 PM
Wow, fantastic mosaics my friend!!! Awesome!!!  &apls &apls
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 13: Unexpected Problems
Post by: kalvar on May 18, 2010, 09:38:45 PM
is very good, this mosaic is very well worked
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 13: Unexpected Problems
Post by: Rady on May 26, 2010, 02:25:21 PM


@ Nardo69: Thanks for your suggestions! The excavator has been moved meanwhile and is waiting for the next large iron mine to be discovered. As for the sunken railway - thanks, I will work on that. Initially I planned to have some avenues or roads cross the rail, therefore the 15m altitude. However, I agree the slope should be softened. And as you will discover soon, the colony's engineers followed your advice for crossing the STR line ....

@ Cyclone1001: Thanks!

@ RickD: Thanks for your support of the planned route for the avenue. However as things turned out, the problem has been solved with noone loosing his valued home!

@ canyonjumper: Thanks!

@ thundercrack83: Thanks, hope you will also enjoy my further updates!

@ strucka: Thanks for stopping over!

@ Tomas: Thanks - but still just of minor importance compared to your wonderful mosaics!!

@ kalvar: Thanks!


Ok, a long time has passed since we last looked at our colony's developement. So I suggest a brief overview of the colony in it's current state (click thumbnail to get full-sized image. Caution - 2,5 MB!)

( (

AS we can see, both the rural and the urban part has developed well. So the new road-building techniques that have been developed by the (already mentioned) secret NAM team came handy to improve the traffic situation in Ashville. Mindgate Road - passing by Ashville Central Park - has been upgraded to an ARD3 and crosses Tempelton Avenue later:



More of these roads to follow - I promise!! And a big thank you to the NAM team that provided such cool stuff!!  &apls &apls &apls &apls

Additonally, let's have a look at the bypass suggested for Upper Harding. After some evaluations, the colony's road planning departement concluded that a tunnel would be the best option to cross the area north of Upper Harding, possibly due to the fact that mayor elections were around the corner and the current mayor stated very clearly that he definitely didn't want to have demonstrators in front of his office right now....


Ok, ladies and gentlemen, so far for this update. Unfortunately beeing subject to RL matters my time for building my colony is still very restricted. However the next update will see the colony moving forward with it's ambitious plan to raise settlements and the space center in the east ...

Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 14: a tribute to the NAM team
Post by: Cyclone1001 on May 27, 2010, 04:54:08 AM
How did you make that wall in picture 2? Very nice, very nice.
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 14: a tribute to the NAM team
Post by: RickD on May 27, 2010, 08:13:42 AM
Quotethe problem has been solved with noone loosing his valued home!

Aww, too bad. Errr ... I mean good for them.  $%Grinno$%
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 14: a tribute to the NAM team
Post by: Rady on May 27, 2010, 11:12:14 AM
Quote from: Cyclone1001 on May 27, 2010, 04:54:08 AM
How did you make that wall in picture 2? Very nice, very nice.

That's the "Red Brick Plaza" that I found here:

There's some more fine stuff on that site ..
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 14: a tribute to the NAM team
Post by: rooker1 on May 28, 2010, 08:33:39 AM
Congratulations Rady. 
You have made it to "The Best Sellers" section and with no surprise after all the hard work you put into this great MD of yours.

Congrats from The SC4D Staff and myself. &apls

Robin  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 14: a tribute to the NAM team
Post by: Rady on May 28, 2010, 09:35:26 AM
Ahh .. indeed ... yeah! yippie!  %BUd% %BUd% %BUd%
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 14: a tribute to the NAM team
Post by: canyonjumper on May 28, 2010, 04:12:18 PM
Great update Rady! Where did you get the walls on in the second pic near the MAVE-4 on the left-hand side?

                         -Jordan :thumbsup:
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 14: a tribute to the NAM team
Post by: Rady on May 29, 2010, 08:02:35 AM
Quote from: canyonjumper on May 28, 2010, 04:12:18 PM
Great update Rady! Where did you get the walls on in the second pic near the MAVE-4 on the left-hand side?

                         -Jordan :thumbsup:

That's the "Red Brick Plaza" that I found here:
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 14: a tribute to the NAM team
Post by: canyonjumper on May 29, 2010, 09:20:31 AM
Thanks Rady! Exactly what I needed!

              -Jordan :thumbsup:
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 14: a tribute to the NAM team
Post by: Tomas Neto on May 31, 2010, 07:47:57 PM
Another great update, Rady!!! Awesome!!!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 14: a tribute to the NAM team
Post by: rooker1 on June 01, 2010, 03:32:07 AM
It gives me great pleasure to move your MD to the OSITM this month.
Your MD has been great so far and I'm sure everyone looks forward to spending a special month with you.


Congrats from The SC4D Staff and myself.   &apls

Robin  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 14: a tribute to the NAM team
Post by: Rady on June 01, 2010, 04:55:55 AM
Thank's, rooker, the next update is just lurking around the corner ...  ;)
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 15: Go East, young man!
Post by: Rady on June 01, 2010, 11:37:55 AM

First of all, as you can see I have been choosen to be worthy contributing to the OSITM section of the Mayor's Diaries. I'm somewhat surprised and thought there might be better MDs out there - however I'm honoured and will try to add some extra work to my MD (at least for the time beeing in the OSITM) ...
First, as you possibly already have recognized, I changed the way of presenting my images to what I would say is a more professional way - I hope you like it.
Second, I designed a little logo that will accompany my MD as long as I'm in the OSITM section, just to pep it up a little.


@ Cyclone1001: Thanks for stopping by regularly! Hope you already found that wonderful retaining wall / plaza.

@ RickD: Yes, unfortunately politics ruled over economics (once again, I do have to say ...)

@ canyonjumper: Thanks! Looking forward to discover the Red Brick Plaza in your MD!

@ Tomas Neto: Thank you. And sorry for me beeing somewhat lazy at posting at your MD - I'll promise to improve!


As we have seen in recent updates, the colony developed a major plan for further expansion that in general constitutes of pushing the colony's border further east. So the first thing to be undertaken - beside solving more urgent, every-day-business topics as we have seen - is to build the traffic network that will be inevitable for further success in the east. Let's first have a look at what the administration named <span style="color: #0000FF">Trendale County</span>. The proposed route wil be somewhere in the northernmost parts of this region.


Despite the fact that the UAV recon mission provided some terrain information, a ground operation was neccessary to obtain detailed information of the possibilities for laying out the traffic network. So a Geological Survey Team (GST) of the Armed Forces was sent out to gather information on the ground. To cross the river that led out to <span style="color: #0000FF">Wildbank</span>, Army Engineers attached to the GST built a provisional bridge.




After some weeks of hard field work, the engineers provided a detailed plan for the future road and rail line:


The western end of the new highway would merge into a giant intersection that was planned to be one of the main hubs in that area. It would later connect <span style="color: #0000FF">Ashville</span> and <span style="color: #0000FF">Bonham Commercial Center</span> in the north with future developments in the south, as well of course with the new Interstate 65 leading to the east. We can clearly see that the avenue coming from <span style="color: #0000FF">Ashville</span> is planned to intersect the Central Eastern Railway by means of a tunnel in order to merge with the other main avenues and highways south of the rail line.


Knowing that much of a work lay ahead, the construction companies started their work ...



Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 15: Go East, young man!
Post by: ecoba on June 01, 2010, 11:53:45 AM
Congragulations, my friend. And a wonderful update to start off your month. :)

Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 15: Go East, young man!
Post by: Cyclone1001 on June 01, 2010, 03:04:41 PM
Nice, nice. I like the military's activity in the growth of the colony. Keep it up.
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 15: Go East, young man!
Post by: RickD on June 02, 2010, 04:07:54 AM
Congrats on the OSITM, Rady! The construction shots are excellent.

I am not sure about the route of Interstate 65 and the rail line, though. They appear to run very close to the border of the tile and head back into the tile they came from. From a technical point of view with the traffic simulator in mind it should be better to have them more in the middle and leading into another city tile. But maybe I am wrong because I don't see the big picture.
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 15: Go East, young man!
Post by: Rady on June 02, 2010, 07:12:57 AM
Quote from: RickD on June 02, 2010, 04:07:54 AM
I am not sure about the route of Interstate 65 and the rail line, though. They appear to run very close to the border of the tile and head back into the tile they came from. From a technical point of view with the traffic simulator in mind it should be better to have them more in the middle and leading into another city tile. But maybe I am wrong because I don't see the big picture.

Your observation is right. The network is planned to cut through the corner of that tile (without the possibility of leaving the road / rail, since that part of the tile is the agricultural part. So basically it just crosses that tile. Do you mean that there could be a simulation problem with the traffic simulator?
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 15: Go East, young man!
Post by: RickD on June 02, 2010, 08:06:32 AM
Ah, I see. That explains it. If you had put a bigger city in the tile it would have been better to choose another route because the Sims had to drive very long on normal roads before they reach the highway. Not a problem with the traffic simulator but the benefit of the interstate and rail line for the commute time would have been low.
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 15: Go East, young man!
Post by: Rady on June 02, 2010, 10:24:58 AM
Quote from: RickD on June 02, 2010, 08:06:32 AM
Ah, I see. That explains it. If you had put a bigger city in the tile it would have been better to choose another route because the Sims had to drive very long on normal roads before they reach the highway. Not a problem with the traffic simulator but the benefit of the interstate and rail line for the commute time would have been low.

Hi RickD, you might just have a look at this post (

where you can see the overall situation. The "corner" we are talking about is just where the "d" from ".../Railroad" is located. You can see the agricultural area above that is intersected by the network for a few miles, and then the road / rail stretches out to the  areas to be developed in the east.

However, thanks for sharing your thoughts on that idea!! I really do appreciate that!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 15: Go East, young man!
Post by: Nardo69 on June 02, 2010, 12:56:15 PM
Congratulation for being OSITM!

Nice map. I like the rivers joining there and that there will be a railway  ()stsfd(). Any chance for a small railway line, too, branching off from the central eastern line for a better connection for the locals?

Take care!

Bernhard  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 15: Go East, young man!
Post by: Tomas Neto on June 03, 2010, 09:58:39 AM
Hi my friend!!! Congratulations on OSITM!!!  :thumbsup:

Awesome update again, great work!!!  &apls
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 15: Go East, young man!
Post by: Scarton on June 03, 2010, 04:36:11 PM
I don't recall ever stopping in here to look at your cities.   ???  You do a great job! Your work clearly deserves an Of Special Interest This Month. You did great with the nature in the last update.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 15: Go East, young man!
Post by: Cidwm on June 05, 2010, 11:04:37 AM
Nice MD  &apls

Being a military guy i would like to know where you got the Stryker models.
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 15: Go East, young man!
Post by: Rady on June 05, 2010, 11:20:11 AM
Quote from: Cidwm on June 05, 2010, 11:04:37 AM
Nice MD  &apls

Being a military guy i would like to know where you got the Stryker models.

I think I got them from the SC4Devotion CD that I bought last year .. I just installed anything from SNM.

I'm a military guy too ... in addition to my civil job ... which branch are you in?
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 15: Go East, young man!
Post by: Cidwm on June 05, 2010, 11:39:33 AM
Active duty Army.
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 15: Go East, young man!
Post by: Rady on June 20, 2010, 11:57:50 AM


@ ecoba: Thank you!

@ Cyclone1001: Thank you! So far the military's role in the developement wasn't important, but whon knows what dangers might lay ahead. So it's always good to be on the safe side, isn't int?

@ RickD: Thank you - we already exchange some thoughts!

@ Nardo69: I'll keep your wish in mind ... just watch my MD, and we'll see what will develope in that matter ..  ;D

@ Tomas Neto: Thank you!

@ citycapitalizer: Thanks for stopping over - I hope you will enjoy my furhter updates!

@ Cidwm: Thank you!


So, finally the administration started moving out to new areas. In order to orientate, let's have a look at the whole map:


The starting point is the new intersection of the I65 that so far connects Bonham and Ashville but is prepared to be expanded as the region will develop.


The I65 strechtes through wide areas of untouched wilderness. Along it's path some service stations developed, mostly accompanied by a small (and unauthorized!) settlement. However, the administrations arm is weak in this lonesome areas ...


After rideing the I65 for some boring hours, we arrive at Welldeer Coast. As we can see, the city has quite developed so far.


Let's just share some impressions:

Eliahs bay is a favorite hot spot for residentials of any age.

When arriving from the Central Eastern Railway, one steps out onto Time Plaza:

Sad, but true - crime started to rise in that distant corner of the colony, so a federal prison was inevitabely. On the other hand the residents love this area for it's clean streets ...

As a OSITM bonus pleas enjoy a small (sorry: small wasn't meant to describe the file size, but only the part of the city covered within! The mosaic has some 3 GB. Thanks RickD for mentioning that!) mosaic (click thumbnail for full resoultion version) (and sorry if anyone encountered problems while loading that pic!)

( (
(Sorry, it seems I never can get those thumbnails to work  :'( )
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 16: A new settlement in the east
Post by: Cyclone1001 on June 21, 2010, 08:34:45 AM
Ooh, pretty
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 16: A new settlement in the east
Post by: RickD on June 21, 2010, 02:11:04 PM
Uh-Oh, unauthorized settlements!  $%Grinno$% It is interesting how you let the freeway end in Welldeer Coast by transforming it to an avenue.
The mosaic is well done. I wouldn't call it "small", though. I am visiting my parents at the moment and they only have a 384 kbit connection. It took a while to load on that. ;) Anyway, I'll have to learn how to make mosaics some time.
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 16: A new settlement in the east
Post by: Cidwm on June 28, 2010, 04:23:39 PM
I like the interchange and service station next I65, looks like a nice place for a stop along the highway.


You think your parents internet is slow try internet in afghanistan. Internet is slow here almost dail-up speed.  :P
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 16: A new settlement in the east
Post by: Tomas Neto on July 02, 2010, 06:27:27 AM
Very nice update again my friend!!!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 16: A new settlement in the east
Post by: Rady on July 10, 2011, 02:46:49 PM
Ok, so after some lengthy absence from my MD (but fortunately not from SC4 at all), I try to return to my MD. Hopefully I will be able to update it on a more or less regular basis ....

For those who stop over for the first time, it might be a good idea to have a brief look on thefirst post of my MD as to understand what's going on.

Having said that, let's start over again!


Having left behind his colony for quiet a long time, the return of the beloved governor made the headlines of the newspapers around.


A lot of changes had taken place in the one year of his absence, so the first thing Gov. Durham ordered was an overview map of the colony's territory.


The colony seemed to drift apart, and many things needed to be done. However, since he left a late-night space jump, Gov. Durham went to his house to relax first. So all we are left at the moment with are a few pictures (taken by an UAV some days ago) of the easternmost metropolis - Welldeer Coast.



Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 17: The Governor returns!
Post by: Tomas Neto on July 13, 2011, 04:49:43 PM
Great update!!! Very nice!!!   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 17: The Governor returns!
Post by: bat on July 17, 2011, 07:13:40 AM
Great updates there!
Looking forward to more...
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 17: The Governor returns!
Post by: Terring7 on July 18, 2011, 03:31:10 AM
Very interesting :)
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 17: The Governor returns!
Post by: supremec on July 18, 2011, 04:53:50 AM
Fabulous city  &apls
And I love the newspaper  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 17: The Governor returns!
Post by: noahclem on July 18, 2011, 11:11:55 AM
Nice update! I especially like the overview and newspaper  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 17: The Governor returns!
Post by: RickD on July 19, 2011, 02:24:58 AM
Welcome back! I'm looking forward to many new updates. :)
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 17: The Governor returns!
Post by: Skimbo on July 19, 2011, 03:44:22 AM
Oh... nice :)
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 17: The Governor returns!
Post by: ricardomiranda on August 22, 2011, 04:55:22 PM
Welcome again , great update !
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 17: The Governor returns!
Post by: dedgren on August 27, 2011, 06:41:53 PM
Wow!  Back after a year off.  Reminds me of someone else I know. 

I'm going to read from the beginning based on your nicely done recent pics and other content.  I bet I like what I see.

Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 17: The Governor returns!
Post by: Rady on September 05, 2011, 02:36:53 PM


First of all, sorry for beeing lazy on my updates. I played along quite some time, but couldn't find the time to prepare the update. After all, having a 13-month-old daughter is far more time-consuming then one would expect ... so hopefully you will like my little teaser, and I promise to work hard to provide an update every month!

@ Tomas: Glad you didn't loose interest in my MD after one year's absence of mine ..! I still admire your work in Vale Paulista!

@ bat: Thank you! Glad you like it!

@ Terring: Thanks for stopping over! I'm also following your BAT thread, since I started out to BAT a little on my own ...

@ Supremec: Wow! One of the master BATers stoppping over ...!

@ noah clem: Thank you -  I hope you will like the little teaser ..!

@ Rick D: Welcome back also to my MD!

@ Skimbo: A new one on my MD -  that's nice!

@ ricardomiranda: Thank you!

@ dedgren: Thank's for reading the whole MD .. I hope I will be able to keep up with it without too many lags ...


Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 18: Teaser!
Post by: apeguy on September 05, 2011, 05:00:59 PM
How have I missed this MD in the past? ()what() A very interesting story and excellent city development. :thumbsup: it's good to see MDs that aren't always Earth-based. I look forward to seeing more. ;D
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 18: Teaser!
Post by: Tomas Neto on September 06, 2011, 06:43:00 AM
Wow..., fantastic rural area, and very nice small town!!!  &apls
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 18: Teaser!
Post by: Terring7 on September 11, 2011, 12:12:00 AM
I don't have a BAT topic, only a Lot and a MD topics ;D
Nice picture, keep it up :)
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 18: Teaser!
Post by: Rady on September 11, 2011, 12:28:48 AM
Quote from: Terring7 on September 11, 2011, 12:12:00 AM
I don't have a BAT topic, only a Lot and a MD topics ;D
Nice picture, keep it up :)


Ah, well, ... yes ... it was the LOT thread of course that I head in my mind ...
Title: Re: The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 18: Teaser!
Post by: ricardomiranda on October 17, 2011, 05:11:55 PM
Very nice update !