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Does anyone recognize these "small parks?"

Started by keithsed, June 20, 2007, 03:41:24 PM

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Does anyone recognize these "small parks?"  I've tried to find the missing dependency and have come up with nothing.  I cannot identify the creator, the name or the download. 

I think the lot is looking for a park bench but who knows?  I've tried to delete from my plugin file any reference to small parks and still cannot get rid of the missing dependency.

Any help would be appreciated.



One post would be enough  ::) - jeronij


Does anyone recognize these small parks?  There are about five or six in the group and they all give me the same result.  I've tried to find the missing dependency and haven't had much luck.  I cannot find any reference to "Small Parks" in my plugin folder.  I can't identify the author, the plugin, or the required depencency.

I think it might be looking for park benches but I'm not sure.  I would be happy to just delete the whole plugin just to get rid of the @$*(! dependency.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.




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Keithsed you said you tried the sc4tool that could possibly help you find the missing devils  ;)

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