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Beautiful dexterous highway curves

Started by Pythias900KMB, July 13, 2016, 10:53:31 PM

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Many salutations, everybody!  I have been moving right along when it comes to making use of the RHW.  I have even gotten the hang of dragging bridges to the point where it is not the end of the world when I choose the wrong bridge and have to revise my handiwork; still, the one thing that drives me batty is that the RHW curve pieces do not want to cooperate when I wish to avail them for a curvy highway.  Is there a mouse drawn alternative I can avail?  If so, what is it and how is it done?


At the moment smooth curves can only be made using puzzle pieces but given the trend toward draggable I'd imagine plans for them exist.

What problems are you having using the puzzle pieces? Getting used to placing them can be tricky, especially if slopes are involved, as the puzzle pieces may not be able to handle the slope and the previews can be hidden in hilly areas. With practice I'm sure you'll get the hang of it, though you may want to start with a flat area as you learn. Best of luck :)

EDIT:  :facepalm:


With the narrower RHW networks (RHW-2, MIS, RHW-4, and RHW-6S), the Multi-Radius Curve (MRC) system does in fact have draggable and FLEX options.  The MIS, RHW-4, and RHW-6S also support MRCs at L1 and L2 elevation (and possibly L3 and L4, if we implemented the code).


If you're trying to build curves on an RHW-3, RHW-6C, RHW-8C, RHW-8S, or RHW-10S, however, you're going to have to use the puzzle pieces, as Noah described above.  There's no MRC support for those networks.  The L1 and L2 RHW-2 have no curves at all.
