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adding jobs

Started by oldrogue, December 15, 2007, 09:59:23 AM

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Well, what I want to do is this....I build lots of small fishing and beach villages...I love using the NOB sets with the fishing boats tied up to the  see wall....seems to me there should  be a way to make these functional as they would have the fishermen on them...that would make it a little more realistic to me....seeing how a small village would grow from fishing economy to mayber a larger town.....Keep in mind I have never used lot editor or the Bat tool... :'(....and have the attention span of a dead gnat when it comes to big projects...sigh....anyway, if someone could point me in right direction would be really gratefull. :)

Sometimes I go into my own little world....but it's ok, they know me there.


It can be done in iLive's Reader with care but you have to remember that if you add jobs to a lot it has to have road access and you can't satisfactorily make residential plops. simgoober wrote a tutorial that is in the Omnibus at ST on making a functional ploppable lot. I would recommend you read that and then ask specific questions.
Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original


Thank you so much Barby....I will now run hither and thither to ST...
Sometimes I go into my own little world....but it's ok, they know me there.