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An unusual stage 15 R$$ development.

Started by Voj, January 06, 2008, 10:09:41 AM

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Hello everybody.

This is my first message in these boards, so I would first like to thank all creators from sc4d. As an old-timer sc player (since 1990), I came only recently to sc4 and wouldn't have been playing this game for so long (9 months now, most of you will find this funny) if it weren't for NAM, CAM and all the custom content I've found here.
I'm a pretty busy man so I'm not posting as much as I would like (and what would my posts really be worth in such an impressive community anyway) but a strange issue leads me out my lurker position.
To summarize it quickly, a R$$ stage 15 grew in one of my cities (in my CAM test region, still testing it as I don't have as much time to play as I'd like).  What bothers me is the unusual develloppment I encountered in a city. As far as I understand, my regional Residential Capacity is not high enough to even allow stage 15 develloppment (I use ploppables only as eye-candies and certainly not on a massive basis, don't know if it's relevant). 
A central city (of 35k inhabitants) had big troubles (Massilia on the map) and was basically crashing the game when I tried to open it. I therefore erased, and terraformed quickly a brand new one. After connecting it quickly and devellopping it for a few years, I switched back to the new city I was working on (Frais Vallon on the map). That city was 50kish with a lot of R$ stage 8 buildings (this city's really ugly but the purpose was to test somt quick suburb/ghetto develloppment). In a couple of months the city became unreckognizable. A few stage 9 R$ buildings grew quickly, followed by stage 11 R$$ buildings and then a stage 15 R$$ building. The main city of the region is actually in its stage 12 develloppment  for Residential and stage 13 for Commercial (though a Bank of America grew very recently, don't know if this is a stage 13 or 14 building). This looks really strange and I was wondering if this was normal or an unknown bug.
Here are a few screenshots :

First, the building itself :

And a view of the city :

A CAMeLot counter and the Census Report :


And a regional view (there's a small rural city in the right corner of the regional view):

basically, as far as I understand, the regional layout I made doesn't allow for eternal commuters for the moment (am I right or wrong ?). But stage 15 shouldn't appear right now, or may it ?
Anyway, I'm puzzled. Thanks for anyone trying to give an explanation of this phenomenon.
(And sorry for my English, only my third language)


Voj, welcome to SC4Devotion and thank you for an excellent report!

After checking the R§§15 Atricia we've found that it is indeed modded to be a stage 8 R§§. $%Grinno$%

A fix will soon be available! :thumbsup:


Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original


Thanks for the explanation   :)
And thanks for the really quick fix  :thumbsup:


Hi there.

I'm annoyed  &mmm

I've installed the patch yesterday and I don't know if I did something wrong (just ran the .exe file provided in the zip) but I encountered the same problem again.

Did i do something wrong or does the patch need to be repatched ?

Thanks again.


I have updated the patch but you need to find the file in \SimCity 4\Plugins\CAM\R$$ and move it to \SimCity 4\Plugins\CAM\Residentials to overwrite the original lot.

Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original


Hi everyone again. I've met the same problem  but with a ind lot this time.
Since the region is the same, and the problem is basically the same (a stage 9 $$$IND lot growing when it shouldn't theoretically AFAIK) i though maybe the solution might be also the same.

Census :

CAMeLot Counter :

And the guilty lot (or not ?  ()what())


I'll take a look and have an answer in a moment...

Good eye! I've attatched the corrected lot to this post. Should be a Stage 7.Of course you'll need to demolish both instances of this lot grown so far, in order to have the CAMelot counter count them correctly.


You will also need to remove the original lot from plugins once you have bulldozed as the filename has changed so this one will not overwrite the original.
Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original


Thanks a lot, your answers are really quick  ;)

BTW, I suppose there are several minor mistakes like that one in the various lots. After all I've managed to find two of those and I'm certainly not the person playing thhe more this game round there. If the fixes are spread all around the different posts they are easy  to miss. Will there be a centralized update of all these little relots ? In CAM 1.1 ?
Anyway, thanks again !


Quote from: Voj on January 31, 2008, 05:17:00 PM
Will there be a centralized update of all these little relots ? In CAM 1.1 ?

Since CAM 1.1 itself won't contain any custom buildings or lots (as little as CAM 1.0 does), the updates will not be included there.
Instead, all updates are being made / will be made to the relevant uploads on the LEX.
Thus it is easy for you to check your Download History on the LEX and redownload those that have been updated. :thumbsup: