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Rosebarb- Odd Behavior?

Started by SC4BOY, February 08, 2008, 04:40:27 AM

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Not likely, though I suppose it's possible. To be certain though, put the patch into a z_ folder in your Plugins.


I can only echo xxdita's suggestion but it did remind me that I hadn't updated the file on the LEX. I have done that now so thanks for reminding me.
Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original


hmmm.. thanks for your notes.. I did a smidge more investigating this morning

I found that no cleanitol had moved it (ie no upgrade replacement)

I found that the original file is STILL THERE!?.. the same file I dl'd before and still dated Feb 10 '08

We tested this before, but when  the COM grew beside it, it once again turned into an immortal.. any thoughts on this? It seems that I didn't test the patch adequately before?.. I'm sorry that I deleted and overwrote the lot in the city tile.. now it isn't there to look at again.. sorry


I'll try and have another look and I'm sure RippleJet will too when he sees this.
Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original


I have checked the file that Ripplejet posted and have used that to update the lot on the LEX. I have tested it in similar circumstances to the scenario you show but have no problem bulldozing or querying either the Rosebarb Farm or the growable commercials ajacent to the farm.
I can only suggest that it is in the savegame for the city and you may need to demolish the farm and all the buildings around it and clear that area. Save the game and exit. Then check that you do not still have a copy of the old farm lot lurking somewhere in your plugins folder or in the dats you may have made. If you are quite sure that you have no possible instances of the old lot then put the new lot in plugins and return to the afflicted city. Try plopping the farm again and grow some commercial as before and see what happens then.
Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original


Quote from: BarbyW on May 03, 2008, 10:15:24 AM
I'll try and have another look and I'm sure RippleJet will too when he sees this.


Quote from: SC4BOY on May 03, 2008, 04:15:20 AM
While playing through my cities last night, I came through the city that was discussed above (with the rosebarb lot).. When we last discussed this (some time ago) I dl'd the patch (noted above) that you supplied me, checked it out, then went merrily about my bizwax.. then when I was "running up" my cities to allow even development, I noted that AGAIN the COM lot next to ROSEBARB had again gone "overhang".. I  have not rebuilt the lot since the last discussion, but just a bit of fooling with it indicated that it was indeed "immortal" again..

Since the Rosebarb is a ploppable, replacing the SC4Lot file in your plugins won't correct those that are already plopped.
Plopped buildings are saved in the Saved Game file and needs to be bulldozed and replopped to correspond to the updated version.


Thanks to the both of you for looking at it.. and that may have been the problem.. I had deleted and replaced the file before, but possibly not DELETE, SAVE, OPEN, PLOP, SAVE'd it.. I have done that now (not really by plan, but that was the consequence of my changing it the last time around.. hehe) so I expect the issue is closed now.. sorry to re-open a solved issue.. I thought that I had just not tested it well enough before... you know what they say about growing older.. the memory is the second thing to go ;)