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Best game ever!?

Started by mtg, June 26, 2008, 12:20:12 PM

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First of all, does anybody know a game played for this long by so many?? (except for pacman)
I think SC4 is a masterpiece and i don't blame anybody for not making a new SC game because this one is just good enough!! but then again it did needed some adustments witch can be found around all the sites we know so well!
But the question arrises what can be don more, new buildings and transportation mod are great, but is it possible to get down the core of the game and make some new stuff in the game? like making a "know where to go" (maybe something for the NAM team) this though is aboud making waysigns that could be near roundabouds etc. or unemployment dols, making the briefcases go away? i don't know if this is realy possible, but i do know you'll have ideas for further mods! maybe this is already posted somewhere sorry for that!


Quote from: mtg on June 26, 2008, 12:20:12 PM
or unemployment dols, making the briefcases go away?

Press Ctrl-X in the game and write tastyzots.
That'll cause all briefcases and no-car zots to disappear.


That's an option, but not what i meant. i was hoping on a mod that makes a difference not just to make the briefcase going away. and some input on making new stuff for the ultimate game


To get rid of the No Job zots, all you have to do is provide jobs within a reasonable distance for your Sims, or provide high speed transit so that they can travel longer distances in a reasonable amount of time. No mod needed.


I know but in real life that's not always possible isn't it, and SC4 is already an utopia that's getting better all the time why not creat a not so utopical feature?


Quote from: mtg on June 26, 2008, 12:20:12 PM
First of all, does anybody know a game played for this long by so many?? (except for pacman)
SC4 is only 5 year old. That's not that old for games that are still being played on a massive scale. Not if you compare to:
Starcraft (1998, still being played by millions especially in Korea)
Diablo 2 (2000, also still being played by quite a bunce of people.)
Transport Tycoon (1994, still being played, with a modern open-source remake OpenTTD still being actively developed.)

Compared to these veterans sc4 is a youngster. (Not that it is not a good game, but there just also others that are older and still more popular.)


QuoteTransport Tycoon (1994, still being played, with a modern open-source remake OpenTTD still being actively developed.)

I've played that game for a while. I got one time over 1 million pounds (which is quite a lot in that game)
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