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The 3 R's are causing me distress

Started by imaplaybaby, March 04, 2007, 06:11:14 PM

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Renamed, Repackaged and Replaced.  For the past month I have been trying to create order out of chaos (read plugins folder) and have been on a download spree.  As I truly LUV the work that all of you do, I just can't get enough, but it seems that I may have gotten too much.  I have discovered that alot of the files I already had have been been downloaded again, but they are wearing disguises.  One example is the Hedges by Caliban, I already had them from a Vlakhaas file and then unknowingly downloaded them again as a BSC Custodian file.  I just happened to catch this particular duplication, but I am worried about how many I may have missed.  I have found that for me the best way to organize my plugins is by creator, but that does allow for a greater chance of duplication.  Does anyone have a recommendation on how I can check for these double files (I once tried just extracting directly into the main folder and then sorting with alpha files but after a while that was a nightmare), so that I may download like a fiend and not worry about an "evil twin" causing the file not to show in the game?



...As for the the Replaced, I have also noticed that BSC Mega Pack cleanitol list says it needeth RT WFK Vol 02 and D66 Vol 08, while D66 and Remove list taketh away, I am assuming that the conflict of interest between these lists will not create a confict in the game (I am not all that fond of landing on my desktop)



I'm not a big fan of the auto-installer in general so what I've done is compromised. I do use SFBT and Peg installers because they both create directory structures similar to my own.  For the BSC, I let the props and textures installer put files wherever it wants.  However, for the lots, I organize them by creator.  For people like Simgoober, who routinely packages the same files with certain series (SG_queries.dat, SG_RLS_Props.dat, etc.), I make sure I put those files in the root of the creator directory.  After a while, you get to know which files those are and where they are installed, so hunting them down is much easier.  If it's a duplicate of what I already have, I keep the file with the most recent date/time stamp.

I also use Cleanitol, but I maintain my own cleanup list.  If I have any duplicate props or am missing a prop or two, I haven't noticed yet.

"It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit."     - Harry S. Truman


In the weeks to come lots of the MEGA Packs will be revisited and the Cleanitol application was written by Wouna specifically for us to be able to help you in the cleanup process.

With the move to the LEX we have bundled all the creators' old files together and that is why you got the Caliban hedges again. All Caliban's files are together ... we are also extracting models and desc files from individual lots and bundling them together into single MEGA Packs. This will mean the lots will be loose and can be removed if you dont like them without ending up with boxes on other lots that use the same buildings etc. Sandrasim is busy doing the Cerulean files and Barby is working on the Cobb files.

It is a lot of work and that is one of the reasons you dont see too many NEW things on the LEX ... we are first trying to sort the legacy stuff out.
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