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Rail stations not connecting to rail network

Started by jboofy98, November 25, 2008, 04:01:04 PM

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I seem to be getting this problem on all of my rail, monorail, elevated rail stations.  Both maxis standard and plugin stations.  Basically, I always lay my road and rail networks out first and then build around them.  When trying to plop a station onto my rail, the track breaks up either side of the station, and I cannot re-connect it.  It just goes red and says "cannot place here". 

This is not restricted to rail networks either.  I recently plopped some beaches that included car parks and a bit of street for me to connect to, but again, when trying to drag my streets either onto or from this piece again I get the same message.  Although, this happened on 4 out of 6 beaches.

Any help on this would be great.



Would it be possible to post a picture of the issue? It's strange to hear about the monrail and el-rail stations, but the rest just might be a matter of the lots not being transit enabled.


Nope.  Flat land.  In fact, on the beaches part I actually flattened out the ground using mayor modes ground leveller.  I've never downloaded a slope mod, and have hole digging lots that I've never used either.  

Although, as well as "cannot place here" I also get "to steep to place here" or some other message that relates to the ground level.

Could it be anything to do with the High Speed Rail that I have installed?


Quote from: jboofy98 on November 26, 2008, 09:57:50 AM
Could it be anything to do with the High Speed Rail that I have installed?

Not if you have the latest (April-08) version of NAM and HSR.
Older versions of HSR did reduce the maximum allowed slope of monorail from 25° to 4° though, which would often lead to the "too steep to place here" error.


It might be a short slope. I've had this problem, too. But when I plop a flattening piece, and than try again, it works. Try that.. ;)
You can call me Grif

--Currently out of the office, will resume SC4 7/19