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Converting Landmarks Into Ploppables

Started by woodb3kmaster, May 23, 2009, 01:23:53 PM

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I know SimGoober wrote a tutorial for turning a growable lot into a functional ploppable, but I can't seem to find any information on how to turn a (non-functional) landmark into a functional ploppable. I imagine it would involve something like copying and pasting properties from an existing functional ploppable, but I don't know which properties to move or exactly from where. Can someone tell me?

I should mention that some of the landmarks I want to convert are Maxis-made. I'm aware that there is a functional Maxis landmarks mod on the STEX, but IIRC, it had issues with landmarks growing on lots that were too small for them and causing CTDs. Obviously, I want to avoid that problem.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Feel brand new. Be inspired.
Nuclear City - 5/8


 I know this may not be what you are asking, but it may help a little bit... It is a link to Landmarks to look out for that have a habit of growing in game as well a way to fix such.. Well similar anyhow.


   So I hope that helps.
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"Patience is a virtue."


The thread that tamorr linked you to, is the one you do not want to end up in... ::)

To convert a non-functional custom landmark (one that comes with a batted model) into a functional one,
you can still follow the tutorial written by SimGoober, Making A Functional Landmark Lot.

First, with Maxis' PluginManager, create a growable lot's desc file from the custom landmark's model.
Then, just follow SimGoober's tutorial.

In addition to those properties that SimGoober asks you to delete from the landmark,
there are a few additional ones that might have been added by the creator of the landmark you want to convert.
At least these should normally be deleted as well:

  • Demand Satisified
  • Demand Created
  • Park Effect

Good luck, and ask if you need more help! :thumbsup:


Thanks! I think I did exactly what the tutorial told me to do, so my custom functional landmarks should work. As for the Maxis landmarks, I have Toroca's Functional Landmarks Complete Set mod, which seems to have been made in such a way as to prevent the blank growing lots problem I mentioned. However, I'm not sure. If it's not too much trouble, could you please check it out and let me know if I need to modify it in any way? I'd greatly appreciate it.

Feel brand new. Be inspired.
Nuclear City - 5/8


Quote from: woodb3kmaster on May 24, 2009, 10:58:49 PM
I have Toroca's Functional Landmarks Complete Set mod, which seems to have been made in such a way as to prevent the blank growing lots problem I mentioned. However, I'm not sure. If it's not too much trouble, could you please check it out and let me know if I need to modify it in any way? I'd greatly appreciate it.

Yes, Toroca's functional landmarks are well modded and do not grow on empty lots. ;)


QuoteTo convert a non-functional custom landmark (one that comes with a batted model) into a functional one,
you can still follow the tutorial written by SimGoober, Making A Functional Landmark Lot

Wow, time flies by.  I had completely forgotten I wrote that tutorial.  Funny, as I haven't used the Maxis Plugin Manager in ages. The new PIM-X program makes that whole process much easier.
When life just blows ... Fukitol!


Great to know. Thanks, Tage!

Sounds like an interesting program, SG. I'll have to look into it myself...

Feel brand new. Be inspired.
Nuclear City - 5/8