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NAM RHW Poll - Please Vote!

Started by Tarkus, August 20, 2009, 01:10:00 AM

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Do you use the RHW (formerly Rural Highway Mod)?



^^ I'll second that. It was mainly the NAM/RHW that reinvigorated an intense interest in the game for me after a 5+ year break. While I'm far deeper into custom content now, I wouldn't be here at all if not for the NAM and a couple other cool things that sparked my interest.


Of course I m using RHW. Although I wish I could see it in the region transportation map.
And sometimes I think the interchanges claims too much space... specially for Urban use....


I use RHW.

Quote from: awake_78 on February 01, 2010, 03:49:45 AM
Of course I m using RHW. Although I wish I could see it in the region transportation map.
And sometimes I think the interchanges claims too much space... specially for Urban use....

Well unfortunately having it show up on the transport map is simply not possible without modding the EXE.

You may think the RHW interchanges take up too much space, but actually its a lot more realistic.  The ultra-compact ground/elevated highway interchanges Maxis made can fool you into thinking that RHW junctions are mammoth in size.


Yes, I use the RHW.  Am doing so more and more.  Sometimes spend more game time figuring out routes and getting interchanges/connections done near bridges and rails than actually building cities in region but getting better with time. Am looking forward to further development from a talented team.
;) :thumbsup:


I have two definite issues with RHW.

1) It doesn't show up on the regional transportation map.
2) Interchanges just don't look clean enough for me. The manner in which they currently are constructed is cludgy at best. I'll be far more likely to use them if/when an actually cloverleaf and T-intersection puzzle piece are available.

Both of these issues are keeping me from using the RHW in my current project since I'm tired of constantly trying to construct cloverleafs or trumpets while the standard maxis highways already have them. I'm trying to integrate an extensive set of transport systems and the regional transport map would simply look awkward without the highways showing up.


Quote from: SeanSC4 on February 01, 2010, 07:26:10 PM
1) It doesn't show up on the regional transportation map.

I've heard this many times before in the forums, but for some reason all my RHW networks have always shown up in all my region maps.  Am I referring to the wrong view???  I'm talking about the view you see before you select which city you wish to work with.  If that's not what you're talking about, then I'm going to feel like a complete idiot after all these years, but so be it: I'ts always better to learn from your mistakes than be right!

Lemme know!

Quote from: SeanSC4 on February 01, 2010, 07:26:10 PM
2) Interchanges just don't look clean enough for me. The manner in which they currently are constructed is cludgy at best.

No, they aren't clean.  But, given enough mod pieces, I'll bet they could be more than cool looking, and they aren't currently any more "cludgy" than the original Maxis street or avenue models. I hate the Maxis HW and it's interchanges mostly because they're simply not realistic enough to model anything remotely close to real cities (at least those near where where I live).  RHW offers the possibility to at least logistically replicate reality quite a bit more, and with the level of enthusiasm the NAM team has towards quality mods, I'll be much more realism will be available in the near future.

Best Regards!


To bypass RHW not showing up on my Region View, I edit it in using the Gimp. If you know Photoshop or another program like it, it's pretty easy. As for the difficult interchanges, they are rewarding in the end, after you add everything.


Quote from: SeanSC4 on February 01, 2010, 07:26:10 PM
1) It doesn't show up on the regional transportation map.
Quote from: cwhtly on February 01, 2010, 11:46:59 PM
I've heard this many times before in the forums, but for some reason all my RHW networks have always shown up in all my region maps.  Am I referring to the wrong view???  I'm talking about the view you see before you select which city you wish to work with.  If that's not what you're talking about, then I'm going to feel like a complete idiot after all these years, but so be it: I'ts always better to learn from your mistakes than be right!

Lemme know!

OK- Yes - I am in fact an idiot  ;D


Quote from: Haljackey on February 01, 2010, 01:14:04 PM
I use RHW.

Well unfortunately having it show up on the transport map is simply not possible without modding the EXE.

You may think the RHW interchanges take up too much space, but actually its a lot more realistic.  The ultra-compact ground/elevated highway interchanges Maxis made can fool you into thinking that RHW junctions are mammoth in size.
Yes I know that you have to mod the EXE (forbiden) but it's still annoying.
Definetelly the RHW projects is more realistic then Maxis Highways. (At least in Europe) But there are some occasions when you need less space for an intersection and you don't have it, even though in real life there are intersections with much less space....
Any way another point is even though Cities XL is on the market a lot of people ( specially because of RHW and NAM) still getting envolved with SC4...
This is beautiful isn't it???


Well, the whole "You gotta pay MMO fees if you want full features" kinda helps push people back towards SC4 too  ::)
Visit my MD Respublikii Anaksii , or the reboot CJ "Kara`i Shores" since the region wiped, at http://www.simtropolis.com/cityjournals/?p=toc&id=919 !
All comments are welcome! (Hopefully someday I can re-splice 'em together, but we'll see)


Quote from: emgmod on February 02, 2010, 12:12:22 AM
To bypass RHW not showing up on my Region View, I edit it in using the Gimp. If you know Photoshop or another program like it, it's pretty easy. As for the difficult interchanges, they are rewarding in the end, after you add everything.
I know enough Phtoshop to easily do this if I really wanted to. I suppose I'm on the fence about the regional transport map already since the ferry routes are both 1) too hard to see and 2) show far too many connections as it is.

Designing an interchange using the RHW can be rewarding to be sure. It's just not where I'm finding myself spending my game time. This should in no way detract from the great work that everyone has done on the RHW project. I earnestly await the next release of it.


Quote from: SeanSC4 on February 01, 2010, 07:26:10 PM
2) Interchanges just don't look clean enough for me. The manner in which they currently are constructed is cludgy at best. I'll be far more likely to use them if/when an actually cloverleaf and T-intersection puzzle piece are available.

Check the RHW interchange Guide (link in my signature) for help and examples of how to construct the simplest, cleanest looking interchanges for the RHW network.

With each and every release of the RHW, the mod becomes cleaner and more complete.  This motto goes with just about every NAM component and even the NAM itself.


Quote from: awake_78 on February 02, 2010, 12:54:58 AM
Definetelly the RHW projects is more realistic then Maxis Highways. (At least in Europe) But there are some occasions when you need less space for an intersection and you don't have it, even though in real life there are intersections with much less space....

My biggest grumble here is not being able to place angled underpasses or overpasses, not having elevated 6+ RHW, and having only one option for elevated transitions: the RHW4/MIS elevated piece.  I understand some of these are in the works for the next version thoug  :D.  Can't wait!


I did go and make a nice trumpet intersection yesterday so maybe there is hope for me yet!  :D

Ryuji Long

I love the RHW. As most people have already pointed out it looks great and using the MHW in the mountains for example always made me feel "dirty" because of the often times necessary (often times can't be helped) flattening and clear cutting of the mountain side just to get the MHW in. I like how you can neatly tuck the RHW-2 into the natural gaps and curves of the mountain side.
I think the wish for better/smaller/more convenient interchanges/intersections comes from the lack there of even when you switch to the MHW. I like to use the RHW in urban settings as well. In California (where I'm from), if a RHW goes into the city it becomes an avenue with a high speed limit. I also use the RHW like this and I will use avenue pieces for intersections.
What I really wish for is for the RHW to be able to interact with HSRP. The fact that the two can't cross each other has really  :angrymore:ed up some critical areas of my cities. same goes for HSRP+GLR, but that's for another thread. The other thing is diagonal cross over capability both with MIS and RHW-4, which would make interchange construction much easier. But all said really it's so perfect now that I'm excited to see what's coming next! Compatibility with MIS<->TLUPS (if it's released) is the only other thing I could really want.

Thank you everyone for your hard work.


Yes.  I do use the RHW.  Currently am using more mixed with Maxis highways and avenues in region already under construction when downloaded. Next region will be have more pre-planned transportation systems especially including the RHW.
