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Non-Professional SimCity SC4D

Started by may1919, January 17, 2012, 03:19:43 PM

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Hi. My name is Emir. I have a diary on Simtropolis with the same name, and my username there is ggamgus. I decided to start a diary here on SC4 Devotion to be available to the viewers here. The content of the diary on Simtropolis and here will be completely the same, except the reply to viewers' comments and such smaller details.

Hope you enjoy it!

Here's the link to my diary on Simtropolis:



Hi, everyone. This is my first diary entry on SC4D. Those who have seen my diary on Simtropolis know the story. But that's only a minority of the users on SC4D. So, let me tell you the story. THIS WILL BE THE 133RD ENTRY ON THE SIMTROPOLIS DIARY.

In 2011, a cataclysmic plague killed most of the world's population. The plague caused so much destruction that by now, in 2562, the world has just managed to recover. Due to the plague, life in 2562 is exactly the same as 2011, only the date is different.

Premier-Bayburg is a sprawling metropolis that is the capital of the Cardinalsburgate Principality with nearly 23 million inhabitants. It has three counties, Westborough County (the westernmost county), Gateway County (the central county and the home of the city's financial district), and Eastborough County (the easternmost county).

Premier-Bayburg is home to many low-rises. This is because most citizens cannot afford to live in high-rises in Gateway County, and have to resort to living in low-rise apartment projects, or rooftop housing, a recently-legalized practice of building homes on the rooves of apartments and residential properties. The government had to legalize this to make room for more citizens.

This has resulted in a mixture of high-rise and low-rise properties in the suburban areas of Premier-Bayburg. Due to extremely low building standards of residential properties in the city, scientists and the city council cannot imagine the aftermath of a major earthquake taking place here.

Westborough County has a major sports and entertainment venue that is the home of the Westborough Wolves, a professional basketball team.

The New Anfield Stadium, north of the previously-mentioned sports venue, is home to the Westborough United, a professional football team. Every county in the city has its own professional basketball and football team. Meaning, the city has six sports stadiums.

The Port of Premier-Bayburg is the busiest in the Principality. The port extends from the Durham River all the way to Interstate-CP8. The port occupies 10% of the entire area of Westborough County.

Here is the jewel of Westborough County. The Riverside International Business Center has three five-star hotels, headquarters of five corporations, the workplace of 56,000 people, and is adjacent to the city's port.

Eastborough County, however, has the Premier-Bayburg City University, Estadio Azteca (with a seating capacity of 110,000), and the Eastborough County Hall, one of the tallest government buildings in the Principality.

All right, guys. Thanks for viewing the first NPS entry on SC4 Devotion. See you guys next time!


Huh? No comment?  ??? I think your pictures are too good for this. I am just wondering if you are missing some dependencies for the waterfront warehouses? The lots look empty.
My name is Raphael.
Visit my MD: Empire Bay (My old MD: Santa Barbara County)


Looks pretty professional to me  :D

Keep it up and thanks for sharing with us at SC4D  :thumbsup:  Welcome, by the way!


Fantastic start.  Your city looks very interesting.

When you have a chance, please have a look at the MD rules and change your pictures from png to jpg as soon as possible.  They take forever to load, you'll end up loosing alot of viewers.

Robin :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


Hi, Emir.  I'll echo Robin (rooker1) about the indiscriminate use of PNGs- they are about three or four times the size of JPGs for comparable SC4 in-game pics, and as many as you are putting up in your first update will take some folks quite a while to view.  We don't outright limit the use of PNGs, which in fact can be smaller than JPGs for some graphics and for others can help preserve fine detail, but you'll get a sense over time of when it is appropriate to use them.

That said, welcome to SC4D with your long-running CJ.  Thanks for sharing your work with us.

D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


Sorry that I haven't been active for so long. After some time with no comments, I began to think that a diary here would be futile. Now, I'm extremely glad to see comments.

Also sorry that I created a .PNG fiasco... I think I lost those pictures on my computer, but I'll make sure to put .JPG pics in the next entry.



Hi, guys! Today, I will show you my previous AIN application for my East Asian nation, Hiyokuna, which is the phonetic word for "fertile" in Japanese. This application failed because I was already a member of USNW when I applied, and I thought that membership depended on the nation, not the user.

Disclaimer: This is a modified version of the application, and is not the same as the application itself.


The flag:

The national coat of arms:

The location:

Full Official Name: The Federal Mainland Republic of Hiyokuna

Short Name: Hiyokuna

Population: 15,047,898


The island of Hiyokuna was inhabited for as long as five thousand
years. For thousands of years, Japan and other nations had equal status
with Hiyokuna, until the 1800s. In 1821, a volcano erupted in northern
Hiyokuna, decimating Hiyokuna City (the capital) and killing tens of
thousands. The Japanese took advantage of the fall of the Hiyokunese
capital and invaded Hiyokuna two months after the eruption. Hiyokunese
government officials were executed and most citizens were imprisoned,
then tortured to death. Some were enslaved, and forced to work for the
Japanese nobles moving to Hiyokuna. By 1822, Hiyokuna was officially
Japanese territory.
In 1847, thousands of slaves escaped and freed as many as eight
thousand prisoners, who then joined to revolt against the Imperial
Government. The Japanese officially liberated all Hiyokunese citizens,
but refused to end Japanese rule.
By 1900s, multiple fundamentalist Islamic groups formed and committed
acts of violence throughout Hiyokuna. The fundamentalist groups united
and forcibly ended the Japanese rule in 1913. Islam spread throughout
Hiyokuna and became the majority religion in 1916, with 61 percent of
the citizens being Muslim.
Hiyokuna remains an Islamic nation, but is also secular and tolerates
other religions. The nation has freedom of speech and freedom of
religion, now.

1: The Hiyokuna City Central Business District

2: City Hall near the CBD in Hiyokuna City

3: Active volcano in rural Hiyokuna

4: Forests in the Northwestern Coast

5: Traditional Japanese houses

6: High school outside Hiyokuna City


Hi, guys! Emir here. I thought that this would be a landmark entry on my Simtropolis CJ and I decided to put it here, as well. If you hang out on Simtropolis, you'll see this entry very soon. This is a full history of the nation and might help answer some questions. Enjoy!


The Burgathian Revolution was a series of armed conflicts in the Biluari Empire that began in March of 2433 and ended in July of 2434. An underground opposition group called the Burgathian Democratic Resistance fought the Biluari Imperial Army in numerous battles throughout the empire, with the eventual victory of the BDR. The revolution then escalated into the First Bilu-Cicitic War in 2434 with the creation of the unofficial Republic of Cicitia.

1. The Very Beginning and the Causes

In 2326, the Biluari Empire, under the absolute rule of Leonardo I, attacked the Brinland Empire, another absolute monarchy adjacent to the Biluari Empire. The Biluari Navy, having one of the largest and most experienced fleets in the world at the time, was feared by many people and many countries. Many kings and emperors surrendered before the ships began their attack. Brinland Empire, however, was a major rival and a match to the Biluari Empire. Both monarchies had approximately the same number of ships and both monarchies had almost the same amount of territory. Yet, most of the territory in Brinland Empire was uninhabited tundra, meaning the majority of Brinland soil had no value. Despite this, the Biluari Empire was interested in this territory. As a result, after five years of planning and preparing, the Biluari Empire launched a massive attack on the Brinland Empire, determined to annex it.

On 29 October 2326, the Biluari Navy bombarded Filograd, a major port city in the Brinland Empire, with two hundred thousand inhabitants. The surprise attack resulted in 50,000 to 70,000 deaths and the destruction of up to 500 buildings near the port of Filograd. After bombing the Brinland coast, the Biluari Empire invaded its neighbor via land. Larkow, the capital city, was invaded and Emperor Tetrell IV was taken prisoner, then executed. The Brinland Empire surrendered and was officially annexed at 6:40 PM on 4 September 2326.

The Biluari Empire was not to be criticized and anyone accused of plotting against Leonardo I, the government, or simply criticizing the authority could be executed. Between 2326 and 2433, anywhere from 100,000 to 300,000 citizens were executed, some without a trial or even on the day of arrest.

The middle and lower-class population, the majority, was often ridiculed and became the laughingstock of the nobility. The social system in the Biluari Empire was well established. At the top were the government officials, religious leaders and the philosophers. Second to top were the middle class, full "Biluari-blood" citizens (meaning, they and their ancestors were born in Biluari Empire). Lower-class peasants, or partial "Biluari-blood" (those who either weren't born in Biluari Empire or didn't have Biluarian ancestors) were the second to bottom. Finally, at the bottom, were the "Brinland-blood" citizens (those who were Brinland citizens before the annexation and had Brinland ancestry) and anyone who migrated to the Biluari Empire.

Nobles and officials had their own ways of making fun of those below them in the social system. Some would offer the poor or "Brinland-blood" citizens money or bread to come into a dinner party and be humiliated by the guests, who would throw wine at, insult, or even spit on them. Some would throw food into mud or puddles of water and watch the poor eat the food.

Former Brinland cities such as Filograd and Larkow, which were both abandoned after the annexation, were burnt down by the Biluari Imperial Army. It was common for soldiers to enter houses, take jewelry, gunpowder or anything they found, then light the houses on fire. Larkow, which had almost half a million inhabitants in its peak, ceased to exist after the intentional destruction of Brinland cities by the Biluari forces.

In 2402, a heat wave killed 3,300 people in the Biluari Empire, followed by a drought that killed up to 40% of the crops, which triggered a nationwide famine. The number of people starved is unknown, yet the peasants, the nobility and the bourgeoisie were all affected. Taxes on the lower classes increased, and up to 10,000 people were accused of witchcraft and executed. In 2403, the Brinlander Democratic Resistance, an underground group planning to revolt against the government, was formed by Charles Mystic, a lawyer with Brinland ancestry persecuted in the past. The BDR had only 18 members when it was founded in the spring of 2403. By the summer of 2404, the group had almost 3,000 members. As the number of members reached 5,000 in 2405, the BDR became too large to stay underground and also too large to be unnoticed. Emperor Winnipeg I, great-grandson of Leonardo I, planned to have all members arrested, but fearing that it may backfire due to the amount of members, decided not to do so.

The Emperor, instead, ordered agents from the newly-formed Imperial Governmental Policing Agency (now the Biluari National Intelligence Service) to spy on Charles Mystic and other high-ranking members of the BDR for a reason to arrest them and shut down the group. When the agents found nothing after almost three months, the Emperor simply decided to arrest the members anyway under false charges. Mystic, along with 12 other members, was executed on August of 2405.

Unfortunately for Winnipeg I, this resulted in violence towards the nobility and the government. Members of the BDR murdered 42 upper-class government officials between 2405 and 2407. Agents from the IGPA evacuated Winnipeg I from the capital city, Centralingrad, to a small mansion near the destroyed city of Larkow, fearing that the Emperor was now a target for the underground resistance group, which had up to 15,000 members by the end of 2407. On 6 January 2408, the BDR invaded the mansion where Winnipeg I was hiding. Winnipeg I, along with his wife Amelisa I, daughter Amelisa II, and six government agents were killed. Winnipeg was decapitated afterwards and members of the BDR took the head outside to show the citizens.

Mercer de Montgomery, an upper-class scholar who was a friend of Winnipeg I, became the new emperor on 1 February 2408, and was now Montgomery I. For the next five years, Montgomery I and the BDR tolerated one another. However in 2413, Montgomery I, wanting no potential threats, ordered the execution of all members of BDR and anyone associated with BDR. The BDR, all 27,000 members, fought back against the orders, and on 7 July 2413, stormed the Imperial Palace, murdering Montgomery I and burning the palace down.

2. The Beginning of the Revolution

The BDR ended the Biluari monarchy, and put the new leader of the group, Jacques London, in power. The Biluari Empire became the First Biluari Democratic Republic, and Jacques London became "The Great President" with a life tenure. London ruled for nine years with relatively tolerant policies. In 2422, protests took place in Centralingrad for workers' rights and raises for people working in industrial fields. The protests continued for three days and workers refused to work. A group of industrialists paid President London 500 Biluari pounds (almost 70,000 USD today) to end the protests. London accepted the offer and ordered the National Police to arrest the protesters. The protesters refused and continued to protest in the city's Liberty Square.

In the second attempt to arrest the protesters, a riot broke out. The National Police shot and killed all but two of the protesters, in what is now known to many people as the 2422 Liberty Square Anarchy. In 2424, London ordered the destruction of a village that was believed to be home to a rebel underground resistance group, similar to what the BDR was when it began. The National Police, however, unintentionally burned and destroyed a town with 3,400 people adjacent to the target village. The deaths of 3,400 innocent people resulted in the further dislike of President London. The "last straw" took place in Malvore in December 2424, when a family of seven was executed under treason without any evidence.

In February 2425, the Biluari Parliament executed President London and declared all members of the BDR enemies of the state. Sir Adrian Wilson, a member of the Imperial Conservative Party, was put in charge as Emperor Adrian I, and the 12-year Republic had officially ended.

The return of the monarchy brought joy to many citizens, but angered some. For those, while the BDR was "too extreme", the republic was working. Some believed that it was time for an actual revolution. The BDR, despite being outlawed once again, believed that now, the entire government had to be overthrown. There were talks of a full revolution, now, and the BDR no longer sympathized with the Parliament, as it did during the republic from 2413 to 2425.

However, nothing happened. The government continued unopposed until 2427, when the BDR began to threaten the government for the second time. The Londonian administration, named after Jacques London, was still in place until August 2426. Then, Olympa Napanz, a high-ranking member, became the head of the BDR. Napanz strongly disagreed with London on many issues, and created the very different Napantic ideology. Under the new, Napantic administration, the members of the Parliament were targeted. Lynchings, bombings, and abductions of government officials lasted until 2429, when Napanz decided to begin training the BDR members for a revolution.

In 2430, the BDR acquired 4,600 rifles, pistols, and grenades from a military facility in Linford, a city two hundred miles from Centralingrad. With these weapons, the highest-ranking members were trained to become experts on using them, their mechanics, fighting, swimming, and climbing. Two years later, the BDR formed a rebel army called the NFA, the National Freedom Army. The NFA soon became the most important and the largest body of the BDR, with one-fifth of all of the group's members.

The year 2433 began bloodily. Six hundred members of the NFA attacked the palace of the Governor of the West Biluari province. Two hundred people in the palace were executed, five hundred members of the Biluari Army were wounded, and the governor's corpse was decapitated. The next day, 2 January 2433, a moving speech was made in the Biluari Parliament. James D. Darwin, the head of the Parliament, compared the BDR to a fire, and also to waves. The speech lasted only five minutes, however resulted in the promotion of Darwin to the Chief Advisor of the Emperor. On 5 January 2433, Darwin was stabbed to death by a member of the BDR.

3. The End and the Consequences

On 1 March 2433, the BDR sent a telegraph to the Parliament Building in Centralingrad, ordering all members of the Parliament to resign before the end of the day. Two hours later, the Parliament responded to the telegraph, telling the BDR that the Parliament would not yield. Over one thousand NFA members began a three-day march to Centralingrad in midnight, with the objective of destroying the Parliament and executing all of the members, in Operation Cesspool. With "Cesspool", the Burgathian Revolution began at midnight of 2 March 2433. The NFA reached the Parliament in the afternoon of 5 March, standing in front of the building with rifles, cannons, and grenades. The NFA offered to let the Parliament members leave the building alive if they officially surrendered. Instead, the new head of the Parliament ordered soldiers to barricade the building, beginning the Battle of Centralingrad.

The battle lasted five hours, with the eventual victory of the NFA. The NFA killed most of the Parliament members and soldiers, seized the weapons and gunpowder in the building, and finally left the building after setting it on fire. The safe house where Emperor Adrian I hid was infiltrated as well, with the immolation of the emperor. The remaining branches of the government, the Biluari forces, and the nobility "declared war" against the BDR and all of its bodies.

Sixteen battles took place in the Metropolitan Conurbation of Centralingrad. All but two of the battles happened in the core city. Due to most of the battles taking place in the city, much of the fighting was considered urban warfare. Battle of Capitol Hill, Battle of Churchtop, and Battle of Crystal City, all of which took place less than a mile away from the Imperial Capitol Building, all ended with NFA victory. NFA managed to earn decisive victories in the next four battles, as well. However, the frontlines soon moved east. While the NFA won these battles and managed to continue to have no defeats, the battles became more and more difficult for them to win. The NFA base was located west of the city and soldiers attacked the city from the west on the fifth of March. As a result, NFA soldiers were familiar with the territory west of Centralingrad. However, they were not familiar with the territory to the east, and the territory in East Centralingrad was very different.

East Centralingrad was home to the base of the Biluari Imperial Army, where heavy amounts of gunpowder and artillery was being kept. Until May, the NFA had been slowly pursuing the Imperial Army into East Centralingrad. On 7 May, the NFA actually chased the BIA into the city, which escalated into the Battle of White Hill. The BIA base had been informed and had prepared the artillery. Chasing the BIA infantry, the NFA soldiers inadvertently ran into the line of heavy artillery waiting for them. The battle ended with 70 to 80 percent NFA casualties, an unthinkable loss for the NFA and the BDR.

The BIA defeated the NFA in the next five battles following the disaster in East Centralingrad. In June 2433, general William Fayette became the head of the BDR, who created a different strategy for the NFA. Fayette drew the BIA back into the city and then to the western portion of the conurbation. There, the BIA was tricked into chasing "retreating" NFA soldiers into a forest that was familiar to Fayette's division, beginning the Battle of Burgundy Forest. BIA lost disastrously to the NFA with up to 65 percent casualties.

After 15 months of battles with heavy casualties, the BIA surrendered and agreed to the NFA's terms. The government was overthrown and became the Biluari Republic. Unlike events such as the American Revolution where the United States was not an independent nation before the revolution, in the Burgathian Revolution, the BDR was fighting for the re-independence of an annexed nation. The territory that was the Brinland Empire was afterwards ceded by the Republic, which became the Cardinalsburgate Principality. In 2434, a portion of the principality seceded and became the Cicitia Republic, resulting in heavy tensions between the Biluaris, the Burgathians, and the Cicitics. The First Bilu-Cicitic War began in 2434 and ended in 2436 with Cicitic victory. The Second Bilu-Cicitic War lasted from 2436 to 2439, where the Cicitics prevailed again. The Third Bilu-Cicitic War began in late 2439 and ended 122 years later in 2561, with Biluari victory and the end of the Cicitia Republic, which continues to exist as a state unrecognized by any other nation.

The Biluari Republic is now a unitary democracy. The President is elected by the people, but has a life tenure. Elections take place after the death of the President and anyone 28 or older is qualified to be the President. The capital city, Centralingrad, was renamed New Toronto in 2550 and many Biluari cities with Slavic names were renamed by the orders of President Roland Arking.

In 2563, a coup d'etat resulted in the overthrowing of the Burgathian government. The Principality ended and became the Imperial Federation. The federation is now a sovereignty made up of ten provinces each with independent governments that claim to be sovereign and consuls as leaders. The Cardinalsburgate Provincial Monetary Fund was renamed the Federation Financial Fund and became a more powerful body in the nation's economy. Admiral Bartol Rodriguez, leader of the coup, wrote the National Objectives for the Provinces, a 50-page book describing the powers and responsibilities of the Federation. In page 29, the Economical and Financial Objectives of the State states, "The biggest economical objective that [the Federation] has is to aid any province in case of an emergency. It should be compulsory for all countries to allow their subdivisions to be politically semi-independent, while it should also be mandatory for a national government to assist the said subdivisions in the event of a declared financial, criminal, political, or international emergency. However, a country must have a strict treasury to allow bailouts and emergency financial aids to its subdivisions while avoiding bankruptcy and be in need of bailout itself. The lack of money in the event of a major emergency would only exacerbate the situation and increase tensions in the government, inadvertently creating a ripple effect." This statement shows one of the economic benefits of the forming of the Federation and the financial purpose under which it was created.

-- THE END --


Very violent bit of history, but interesting nonetheless.

Call me Robin, please.