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Updated Puzzle Piece Models

Started by smoncrie, September 30, 2009, 05:37:04 PM

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The new ERHW-style overpasses will be standard in NAM 30. Simoncre's overpasses will not be included in NAM 30 and they'll most likely end up as a separate cosmetic mod.

"We're making SimCity, not some dopey casual game." -Ocean Quigley


Thank you everyone!  I am glad that you like my models.

I have made almost all the models that cross Maxis traffic networks, and that cross GLR.  I am part way through creating the diagonal to ground model.   I have not started the diagonal to orthogonal model.  I plan to use a small MORPH curve for that.  I have not yet made any avenue models.

For the most part I could not use the textures from the original models (they are very old),  but when I could, I used other existing textures so that texture mods, such as the euro road textures mod, would work correctly, without any need for an update.

The arrow textures on the one-way models are very similar to the Maxis arrow textures, and like the Maxis arrows, they change with zoom level.  They can also be modded in a similar way.  This means that it is easy to change the shape of the arrows on ALL the models (and on the one-way bridges I have been working on).  The arrows can also be completely removed.  There is an additional set of arrows that can only be seen when you plop the puzzle piece or when you hover query over it.  This means that you can find the orientation of the one-way puzzle pieces, even when the visible arrows are removed.

In this picture I have replaced some of the one way puzzle pieces with road puzzle pieces, and I have added the euro road textures mod.  Notice how the texture mod has also changed the crosswalks on the one-way intersection.  The picture also shows how you can find the orientation of a puzzle piece using a hover query.


Looking good! I don't remember if straight to diagonal pieces existed when your mod debuted, but what's it like to make curved guard rails following in the shape of the proposed straight avenue to diagonal avenue piece or straight OWR to diagonal OWR piece? From the game shot, it looks like the rails are full cylinder or is that some sort of illusion?


Hi j-dub,

The NAM did not have a straight to diagonal piece when I first released the first version of this mod.

The railings are hexagonal cylinders and they use a texture created with GIMP.  For the straight to diagonal models, the spread sheet formulas used to curve them shouldn't be too complicated, but I won't know until I try.

I have not yet created any avenue models.


Hello Smoncrie,

first off, thanks a lot for your continued work & efforts on this project, I've just recently started modding & playing this game again and was quite impressed - fascinated even,.. to see how an "aging" software title still receives so much love & support from a team of dedicated modders and a vibrant community around it.

Just a couple questions regarding your mod...

1) I was wondering if you would consider it to be safe using the addon at this point, along with the latest NAM and other commonly-used, transit-related plugins (namely SAM, CAM, RHW, NWM, SFBT Euro Textures, Marrast's Avenue Dividers & Marrast's Ave. Underpasses/Overpasses) ?

2) Where are you at in terms of development? I've read through this thread and noticed your comment regarding avenues..is there any (other) vital part of the MOD still missing, or under construction? I'm currently playing catch-up and in the process of downloading/installing a whole bunch of plugins..2 Gigabytes & 541 plugins installed so far, a couple hundred more to go.. *wipes sweat off forehead*...Considering the amount and speed at which I'm proceeding, I'd hate to install something bugged or broken in between, because it would be tough to find the cause later on.

3) The attachment added to the first posting in this thread is the most current version available, yes?

respectfully submitted,


Hi thoffman,

I have not tested the version I posted at the beginning of this thread with the latest versions of the NAM, etc.  But it should be safe, and it should work with the latest texture mods.  At worst the models may look wrong, or have coloured checkerboards for missing textures.  In any case removing the mod makes the models revert to their original form, so there should be no need to re-do your work.

That attachment is the only version I have released so far, but I plan to release a much more complete version when I have made two more models:   The orthogonal to diagonal transition, and the diagonal to ground.  These models are more complicated than most, but hopefully it won't take too long.  I have just made the MORPH curve for the orthogonal to diagonal transition.

The new version will not include models for most optional parts of the NAM, such as RHW, cannels, etc. These missing models will be added later.  Avenue models will probably be added last.


I have installed your new models viaduct.
Beautiful, perfect structure and texture.
I was hoping to find in NAM30, big disappointment, there are not.
I'd be very happy if you could continue your project, at least for the roads ( most important the ramp).

Thanks and many compliments for your work!