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BAT problem

Started by samu64, August 23, 2014, 07:05:17 AM

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After a break from Sim City 4 these days I started to experiment with the BAT ...
I created some small prop then I decided to do a big building but I'm having trouble .When I try to export it to see the redering only a part (and not in all four sides), then appeno open the lot editor I find the only a small part of the building visible only from one side, while from the other and everything faded. In SC4 Plug-in Manager from the card I noticed that the size of the prop are smaller (about 20x15) of the entire 3D model (about 60x60). It should be noted that the top two models have similar marker belonging 3d made ​​through the merge command.

I do not understand what can be
Please, some one help me  &mmm


As far as I know, this issue can be caused a few ways. However, an especially common (at least, in my experience) cause is using LODs that are off-center from the model or LODs which are too small. Additionally, I've experienced a similar problem when accidentally rendering something in HD that shouldn't be as such. Hopefully those tips help.  ;)


Bipin has some good point.

One thing worth trying is to merge the scene into a clean new scene. Redo the LODs and try do an export.

So are you using gmax or 3d Studio Max ?