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These Canal Bridges?

Started by simangel, December 06, 2014, 12:47:28 AM

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Hi i was wondering if these canal bridges had been released?, and if so where I could find them?
Thank you.


Don't recognize those canals or bridges so I guess they were not released. I'd love to stand corrected though.

edit: over at Simtrop Cyclone Boom solved the mystery: the canals were never finished / released:(
time flies like a bird
fruit flies like a banana


OMG! Those look awesome.. there has to be a way to get those.. or use what we have today to make something like that. For example, using xannepan seine walls, into canals, could that be possible? Also, now that we are talking about canals, Ive never seen canals with muddy river water, like in London. It would be awesome if someone could create a set of canals that look like the ones above, but with different water colors..  &hlp