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Highway transitions

Started by v299992, February 16, 2016, 11:07:59 AM

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I'm starting a neighbor city that has 3 Maxis highway connections into it. I want to use the RHW (for the 1st time) for the new city but cannot find a way to transition from the Maxis highway to the RHW. Can this even be done?


To my knowledge there is no direct transition to RHW. But if you transition the MHW to Avenue, that will the transition to RHW-4 cleanly.


If you use the Maxis Highway Override, you can connect directly between the two. It's an overhaul of the Maxis highway to better match the RHW specs.



Swordmaster, you took the words right from my fingertips!!!  If you connect the RHW-4 carriageways to the Maxis Highway with that override, you can make a direct connection that way.  Still, for the long haul, it is better to bite the bullet and go all in for the RHW exclusively for all of your cities.


I would caution you, that whilst I agree that MHO is great and use it myself, I refrained from advising that path, since it pretty much changes how the interchanges are built from static one plop pieces, to using the Modular Interchange System (MIS) from the RHW. Not that it's a bad thing, but you might find it hard to convert existing highways since the inevitably take up more space.

Nothing wrong either with using both MHO and RHW together, they compliment each other well. In many respects MHO can be considered "My first RHW", since it simplifies the RHW greatly whilst introducing the concepts of RHW for interchanges.


Thanks for the suggestions. What I have going is one major city of 618k and two adjoining industrial cities. I want to build a recreation city of parks, rivers, lakes, with hotels, casinos, shopping malls, etc. I want to use the NAM for the first time but I have these 3 Maxis highways coming in. When I downloaded the newest NAM I did not check the MHO because I didn't understand it. Will it change my existing highways in my main city? If so I'll skip it. Thanks again for your replies.


It will cause a change, but all in the better. Think about the MHO as Maxis highways with better capacity, darker pavement (depending on certain plugins), etc. How they function, overall, is the same. How to actually use them is basically the same. Intersect 2 of them, the cloverleaf even works.

I have it installed, very seldom use it though. It is great for having a simpler to use highway for quick projects. Later on, I always replace them with the RHW though. Much more flexibility with the RHW.
Everyone has something to offer, most do not possess the courage to offer it.


It is technically possible to hook a non-MHO into an RHW, but the only combination that works is L0 RHW-4 into Ground MHW.  It's a draggable transition, and has been around since the very first RHW release in 2005 (though its paths were broken for some time). 
