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Membership Integration

Started by Zane, August 12, 2007, 09:49:14 AM

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Excuse this poor soul if this suggestion has been asked before, but the membership and activity of this forum might become even higher if the exchange members and forum membership were integrated. More individuals who come here for custom content would get interested in the forums and some of them would contribute even further activity.

Whatever you do I'm sure you'll do it for a wise cause, :thumbsup:


I think we've all gone past the stage where high member numbers actually meant something.  As for higher activity on the forums, one doesn't necessarily follow the other, in that not all people wanting custom content want to participate in the forums...Also, the LEX security is stronger than the forums and there is no real way of integrating the two without significantly weakening it.  The Forum is an opensource package, whereas the LEX is a custom built from the ground up web application created by Colyn and ReLiC.
The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it


Thanks Zane for your idea  ;) and thanks Callagrafx for the technical explanation  :thumbsup:

I think having the users database separated allows us to see what percentage of members do only want to download, and how many do really want to participate in the community. It is an interesting statistic....  ;D

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LoL Jeroni do i dare to ask what the stats are lol

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Well go check it out. It's not hiden.

and the stats for the LEX, well its out in the open as well. You find the numbers in the column on the left.


Out of the over 7000 members of the LEX who aren't members of the forum, there might be at least 20 (if not much more) of them who would contribute to the forum if they joined. ;)

I see your opinion about the 'who wants to use the LEX' and 'who wants to use the forums' thing, but the number of downloaders and number of non-downloaders can be found out pretty easily if needed.

Security is tightened by this but it can be so tightened by coders if they integrate them with a mass permissions set.

All in all I see your opinions but still must disagree. Alas, life is life, this is this, and I still adore this site. Cheers! :thumbsup:


Can you say, Ouch?

Male to Female Ratio: 14.3:1

To bad this won't turn into a dating site anytime soon :-P
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The gender thing baffles me as well.

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I don't think the gender thing is really that inexplicable.

If this was a Sims 2 forum I'd expect it to be more equalised though.

Sorry, I can't provide you with a more technical and substantive response. :P
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Quote from: Zane on August 12, 2007, 03:14:31 PM
Out of the over 7000 members of the LEX who aren't members of the forum, there might be at least 20 (if not much more) of them who would contribute to the forum if they joined. ;)

I see your opinion about the 'who wants to use the LEX' and 'who wants to use the forums' thing, but the number of downloaders and number of non-downloaders can be found out pretty easily if needed.

Security is tightened by this but it can be so tightened by coders if they integrate them with a mass permissions set.

All in all I see your opinions but still must disagree. Alas, life is life, this is this, and I still adore this site. Cheers! :thumbsup:

it's not as if we're hiding the forums....If someone wants to join, they can.

And we need more women!!!
The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it


Well I'm female and I'm here :thumbsup:
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