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Erzei's little cave

Started by Erzei, February 08, 2009, 10:39:41 AM

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Well... after playing for two years SC4, and after the last version of NAM, i'm very excited with many of the new transportation networks, like the GLR On Road.

So, i've decided to model some stations, because i feel that the SC4 Players need more variety of them.

Here is my first work in progress: A 8x1 El-Rail Terminus.

The gray plane is where the rail is supossed to pass. I'm thinking how to finish it, hopefully, the station model will be ended the next week.

I'm using Blender, because i'm more familiarized with this program than Gmax. I discovered howto export the model to .3ds So i'll need to manipulate Gmax after all  :P

Well. I'm waiting for your suggestions, comments, anything.

See you later

PD: As you can realize, i'm not a good english speaker/writer, so, corrections of my grammar are also welcome  :D


well done!  &apls go on working on this good start! :thumbsup:
H I S T O R I S C H E S   B E R L I N


no problems with your english at there Erzei... Sorry for not noticing your thread sooner and your work is looking real good, hope to see an update soon!!!

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