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Sad news.

Started by joelyboy911, July 12, 2011, 09:06:02 PM

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That's horrible to hear, that so young (like many of us) people have to pass away...
Thank you for visiting Kolbrów, and for being for last ten years!


So sad!  ()sad()

My condolences to his family and friends.

Fresh Prince of SC4D

How unfortunate.... :(
Returning from Call of Duty . Must rebuilt what I destroyed....


Wow, as a former member of the SCAG, I gotten to know him and he was a very nice guy to know. Its such a shame a person with talent and a heart like his could be gone so soon. My consolidences to his friends and his family.
______ F L Y  S C A G J E T S ______
The Most Reliable, Helpful, Diverse SimCity Aerospace Group LOTs BATs and MODs

Tomas Neto

My condolences to family and friends!!!


May he rest in peace, and my sincerest condolences to you and his family.


I hope Adrian has found a better place in the other world :'( You'll be so sorely missed, buddy.

Rest in peace.


I didn't know him, but to die at such a young age is just terrible.  ()sad() RIP 


Man this sucks. A young boy passing away is one of the most sad news &mmm. Rest in peace our friend, we'll always remember you.
"The wisest men follow their own direction" Euripides
The Choice is Ours
Simtropolis Moderator here. Can I help? Oh, and you can call me Elias (my real name) if you wish.


Thanks everyone for your messages of condolence. I'm going to have this thread sent to Adrian's family and friends. He was many things to many people, and our community is just one group he touched.

It's still hard for me to believe that I'll never speak to him again. That we'll never work on another SCAG project together again. But the best tribute I can give him is to carry on his work. Nonetheless he leaves an unfillable hole in the world, in our team and in my heart.

His memory lives with us forever.

Thanks for your support.
SimCity Aviation Group
I miss you, Adrian


May his soul rest in peace. :wings:


Noooo, not Adrian. :(
He was the best of friends, always fun and happy to talk to. I will miss him! :'(