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Strange issue started all of a sudden

Started by mike3775, April 06, 2009, 07:18:07 PM

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If I posted this in the wrong area, I apologize in advance

I just started having issues with the game when I am in god mode and try to terraform cities.  I will have water come up to the edge of the map, I save the city and open up the neighbor and do the reconciliation tool, and the land drops where the water is at, but the water does not show.  I end up having to flip the city to the side with the water and then use the tool again to get them to line up evenly between the two cities.

At first I thought maybe it was because I was editing some maps I got from here(and imported using the SC4Terraformer), so I tried it again on another region using the default maxis create region option and the same thing occured as well. 

And it isn't just water doing it either, if I create hills or mountains to the edge, and then go to the neighbor it will raise the land, and say it matches the other city, but on the region map, you can tell it is not even

Any help would be appreciated



Can you flick us some pics mate, I'm not sure what you mean.


Quote from: Diggis on April 07, 2009, 01:24:22 AM
Can you flick us some pics mate, I'm not sure what you mean.

Here are some screen shots.  This is the first time I have ever taken pics from the game so sorry if it seems to small.

Here you see that the land lowered to allow the river to go, but the water did not show up

Here you see that the river is indeed there, but if I were to try and do the river through this city, I need to do it from this side and then hope that they line up

Here you see that the river does not line up, yet if I use the reconciliation tool, it says the cities are equal, even though this picture shows the opposite

You can clearly see that the river does not line up, yet the game says they do


They line up because the last tile has been adjusted to the levels of the neghbouring city.  This is normally 4 or 5 tiles, so it is very weird.  I would suggest a reinstall, but otherwise it's got me beat.


yeah it is weird.  I will try the reinstall as soon as I back up the plug in folders since I have downloaded so many things from this place recently.

Thanks for the help