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savefile question

Started by tamorr, May 09, 2009, 11:38:24 PM

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  I was wondering about the .sav files that are saved along with the lot files when modifying the lots. What are they and why do they appear after saving? I think it is in SCTool that does this, but not completely sure.

Also does it save the data in the lot as well? or is it just a duplicate to the lot as it has the lot name along with each file saved. I am soooo not sure of what it is for.

I thought things were saved directly to the Lot/Dat files directly when modified, am I wrong? I know it is not important for plugins since the game ignores such files. So anyone know?
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"Patience is a virtue."


Yes, these files are made by the SC4 Tool when opening saving a lot. I think they're not necessary so you can delete them after you close the SC4 tool.
Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November


  They are created by openning a lot? Didn't know that... I thought they were created when saved in the editor, but then again I never checked until I was done saving in the first place. However if that is the case as you say, it being made when it opens a lot, then it is safe to say that it is similar to a .tmp file as in a temporary file used by the program to do what it does and only when you save your lot is when the lot file is writen to.

Deductive reasoning based on how most/some programs work. I may not be a programmer, but I do know at least the basics. Too bad I didn't finish that course in college... Anyway so it is created when lots are opened, correct?

thank you for the reply.

I am always interested in knowing how certain things work, but more importantly what things are for.
Also if that is the case then the .sav file is indeed not important and probably should be deleted like most other temp files once in a while. That is if I am correct in my deduction.

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  "Knowledge may be Power, but it is how you use that Knowledge that makes One Powerful."
  "I am a Philosopher, Punnist, Poet, and Rambler so keep in mind I think ahead and backwards to point where communication is sometimes not completely understood, even if Enlish is my primary language, it doesn't mean I know it well N proper."
  "Always do your best to acheive your goals and Dreams one at a time."
"Patience is a virtue."


Oh, I'm sorry, I meant by saving a lot with the SC4 tool &blush
Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November


   That's why I said If. Hmmm.... Makes me wonder what the file is for then, cause I know it is not used for the game. That much I know. Also makes me wonder why it would make the file in the first place, when it obviously modifies the lot file you saved in the editor as well.

Can't help asking silly questions like these as it is a way to understand the modding enviroment, even if it is useless for that pupose. Whether or not it is, is beyond me... I am a collector of much information that I don't regularily use, and some useless facts as well. I guess it is just the way I think, but anyways If anyone else knows the purpose of the .sav file they are welcome to answer.

As for me I am going to retire for the night, and probably return tomorrow/today/this morning what ever, I need the rest anyway.

And thank you for the help even if it was only a small portion to what I was asking. Thanks anyway, and hopefully I will get the answer to more of my original questions. ()stsfd()

"Knowledge may be power, but it is how you use it that makes one powerful."
  "It is wiser to think about your actions before doing them, but be warned One must act quickly before another takes action for you."
  "Knowledge may be Power, but it is how you use that Knowledge that makes One Powerful."
  "I am a Philosopher, Punnist, Poet, and Rambler so keep in mind I think ahead and backwards to point where communication is sometimes not completely understood, even if Enlish is my primary language, it doesn't mean I know it well N proper."
  "Always do your best to acheive your goals and Dreams one at a time."
"Patience is a virtue."


The .sav file is a back up file made when you edit a lot in SC4Tool. Thus if your edits don't work you can rename the .sav to .SC4Lot or to .dat and go back to the original.
These .sav files should never be included in an upload as they are completely useless to anyone except the original creator.
Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original


What Barby said. You can disable the creation of those backup files in SC4Tool's options, though.


   Now that is what I wanted to know. Thanks bunches to all that answered. I think I'll keep that option left on for when I need it.

I never want to upload it with any that I would as per your guidelines for upload and cleaning the files, that and I've known they are useless for the game itself. And I said that in my prior post maybe not directly, but it is my way. Anything useless should never be uploaded with any creation.

Thank you again.
  "It is wiser to think about your actions before doing them, but be warned One must act quickly before another takes action for you."
  "Knowledge may be Power, but it is how you use that Knowledge that makes One Powerful."
  "I am a Philosopher, Punnist, Poet, and Rambler so keep in mind I think ahead and backwards to point where communication is sometimes not completely understood, even if Enlish is my primary language, it doesn't mean I know it well N proper."
  "Always do your best to acheive your goals and Dreams one at a time."
"Patience is a virtue."