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Help with creating foundation

Started by sithlrd98, January 19, 2009, 05:51:54 PM

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After coming across this article awhile back , I decided to try to create my own foundation. Of course I have Zero BAT skill but decide to try anyway. Problem is , where the tutorial says to extrude to -55 , I can't choose the extrude option in G-max nor MAX8.

So I decide instead to make a box 16x16x-55 and texture it with a texture I lifted off a model(I really liked it) , and finish the tutorial. Make a lot and use my new foundation. Problem is this is what I see....

Not very pretty, so I decide to make a texture prop and apply it over the base texture of said lot...

I still get the same result.
What am I doing wrong?How can I texture the sides of my box and not the top? I am stuck.



Did you ever figure this out?  I am having the same problem.


Nope , and since I'm not a BATter , the terms that float around go so far over my head! I did get a PM from Xyloxadoria over at ST:

QuoteYou will need to make a mesh with a muti material on it Ill make a short tutorial you or other people can beifit form it. Serch for muti material in the tutorials, if one is alrdy there tell me so i dont make anohter.        
Old Private Message    sithlrd98    Yeah , I tried the UVW map (I think that was what it was ) and , looked through the Bat tutorial and still am lost. I will try to change to mesh , but I really don't know what I'm doing!
You Will most likley have to use a UVW map if you havent done that alredy, if that doesnt work you will have to convert it into a mesh and change material IDs.

I have no clue still on how to do it , although I read some of the info on Multi-materials , I just can't seem to BAT myself into or out of a box! ;D



Ah... using that information I spent 20 minutes banging my head against a brick wall trying to figure out how to apply textures to individual faces before stumbling across a much easier way to do it.

1. Make a box.
2. Add UV map  (Modifiers -> UV Coordinates -> UV map)
3. Apply your texture and select box from the UVW mapping parameters.
4. Modifiers -> Mesh Editing -> Edit mesh.
5. Click on the red square to select polygon editing.
6. Select the upward facing surface of the box and press delete.
7. Render as foundation.


And also... moving the box down by 0.2 stops the edges showing through the base texture.


I shall try that...thanks!
