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School problem

Started by netmod, August 15, 2009, 05:38:24 PM

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Ive been building schools for a while im sc4d for like 2 years but once i got a city to 700k people and all my schools cant hold that many ppl and i hav built like 5000 schools and my large schools
only hold 300 student (idunno it cant go higher than that) and my normal schools ones have like 69k kids

my school teachers r striking like crazy
(i'm talking about elementary schools)

is there a way to fix tis or is it like that?


moin netmod,

i think you can easily change the values of your lot with the ilive LEProb



The in-game large elementary school has a capacity of 3,000 (not 300).
Sounds like you only need to increase the funding for your schools.
Teachers do go on strike if they don't get enough funding... ::)

Open the budget panel (§), select Health & Education, and drag the slider for Education to the right.

You can also increase the funding for each school individually by querying them one-by-one.


 ::) did'nt think of the in_game method ... thanx RippleJet!



thx for that but i meant the large schools hav a 3k cap but only 300 student go to that school

so any way i changed it to a 99999999 cap school and it works
