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NAM Avenue Puzzle Pieces as Props

Started by PLT, October 10, 2009, 01:45:22 AM

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Hi Guys,

First of all, I would like to thank you for all the marvelous work you're doing here!
You are the ones who made this game even more interesting for me!  :thumbsup:

Now, I have a question/request:
For my new project, it would be handy for me to have the raised avenue puzzle pieces as props.
Would it be possible to convert these things into props, so I can use them in LE?
If this is not possible, then leave it, and remove this thread.  ;)

Thanks in advance, and good luck with your future projects,


It definitely can be done - that's how we got the El Rail over Road RTMT stations (which should be released imminently).  Basically, you create a prop exemplar that references the NAM model.  You may need a little modification due to shadows, though.



If you're referring to the shadows part, you may need someone who can BAT to help you out.  In our case, a single S3D entry was all it took.


No, I was refering to the prop exemplar and NAM model thigny.  ;)


To use NAM network models in a prop, you can use a standard prop exemplar except:

You should use the same resource key property as the one used in the NAM exemplar for the tile.  For the elevated avenue over blank terrain it is

Resource Key Type 0                        0x5AD0E817,0xBADB57F1,0x54260110

Unless "Resource Key Type 1" is used, you will need to add

kSC4BuildingModelRotationProperty     1   (True)
Is Ground Model                              0   (False)

Without "kSC4BuildingModelRotationProperty  True" you will always see the model from the same angle, even when you view it from different angles.

"Is Ground Model  False"  removes the shadows because the shadows do not work correctly for this kind of model.


Quote from: smoncrie on October 10, 2009, 01:35:30 PM
To use NAM network models in a prop, you can use a standard prop exemplar except:

You should use the same resource key property as the one used in the NAM exemplar for the tile.  For the elevated avenue over blank terrain it is

Resource Key Type 0                        0x5AD0E817,0xBADB57F1,0x54260110

Sorry guys, I'm still learning how to mod...  &ops  &ops
I understand what you are saying, but how do I make a new prop exemplar?

Do I have to extract the model and exemplar files out of NetworkAddonMod3.dat, because that is where I traced these files.
And then what?

I'm only looking for 3 puzzle pieces, the avenue ramp, avenue over blank terrain (if possible also without the pillars) and the T crossing...

Sorry for taking up your time...  :'(


Creating a new exemplar file always means to copy an existing one, edit the IDs and the properties. :)