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Overview of (Mega) Prop Package contents

Started by Rady, September 07, 2009, 02:49:41 AM

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Last weekend I managed to create my first custom lot (a plaza tile) featuring a custom texture I created (a small step for most of you, but a giant leap for me .. ;D)

Now I would like to procceed and add some LOTS that featuree certain props like benches, people, ... Following the tutorilas and advises from this forum, I should only have those prop files in my plugins folder that I tend to use (in order to speed up LE and not getting lost amidst all these props).

So I wonder if there's an overview somwhere that shows the content of the different prop packs? Which prop pack should I load in order to have e.g. benches, trash bins, .. available? Or fences? Or ..? How do I know the content of e.g. "SG Mega Prop Pack VOl. 1" to "Vol. 10"?

Or are there some hours of trial-and-error (by browsing through all of the prop packs I have installed) lurking for me in the shadow?
If it's a good idea, go ahead and do it. It's much easier to apologize than it is to get permission.

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