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Edit Resource Key Type 1 in SC4Model?

Started by Delecto, December 31, 2009, 03:42:15 AM

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Hello Modding masters  ;)
I wonder if it's possible to change the Resource Key Type 1 in a SC4Model, for exemple in the Reader?

My file is currently named: DEL_Pearl_Red_00_-0x5ad0e817_0x36347309_0x60000.SC4Model, but I must make a new model render and I would keep the Resource Key Type 1, which is here: -0x5ad0e817_0x36347309_0x60000.
I've already tried to edit the XML file in the Reader, but it don't work.

Any help is welcome, thanks.  ::)


If your new model has the same size and orientation, just copy the new model ID and change the one in the ResourceKeyType1 property of your building exemplar file to the new one. The XML file won't do anything, it's only used to hand over certain properties to the next Maxis tool (BAT -> PIM, PIM -> LE).


Thanks Andreas, i'll try this method.
I can edit the ResourceKeyType1 property of the building exemplar even if it is in a DAT file?


As Andreas said, you can instead change the Resource Key Type X property so that it references (points to) the new model.

But if you wish to specify yourself the IDs BAT will generate, there are two ways:
- Don't install the "fixed" ModelNames.ms, in some aspects it's worse than the "old" script which is supposed to fix. The IDs to be generated are written in the Windows registry. So open the Registry Editor (in the taskbar select Start->Run and type-in regedit), and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\SimCity 4\Tools. The User Group ID entry specifies the group ID, while the Model ID entry the instance ID (both to be used in the next export). So just set Model ID to 60000 (hex). As these values are read during BAT startup, you have to close gmax/BAT and open it again, before rendering.
- Another way to specify the model IDs is by using the File->Properties command. See the pic below:

I think this is set after first exporting (not for a new scene). But it might be possible to enter them yourself, ie add a new custom property named Model ID, with a value like 0x5ad0e817_0x36347309_0x00060000.

More information on how to control IDs' generation (using the "old" ModelNames.ms) can be found in this post.

Hope this helps.


It does not make any difference where an exemplar file is located - the game will read them all, even if they have a completely different file extension. I guess *.dat was mainly chosen because Maxis used the same extension for their "collections" of models, textures, exemplar files and whatnot. I guess the only reason that there are other file extensions as well is that you can see what's inside more easily.


Thank you for these very useful infos Cogeo, I'll have a look at this.  :thumbsup:

Andreas, thank you. I'm sometimes afraid to use the Reader with DAT, but I should not  $%Grinno$%