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Vancouver, Natrual Growth

Started by marsh, February 26, 2010, 09:24:29 PM

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Tomas Neto


That was a very cool historical setup!



Quote from: nedalezz on March 20, 2010, 06:37:43 PM
Great historical update :) I think we can forgive a bit of plopping every now and then, especially when they deliver a quality update as the one you did :)

Thanks ;D And yea, I dont like to plop, but I did for just one update ()stsfd()

Quote from: canyonjumper on March 20, 2010, 08:00:04 PM
Great update! I'm just curious; in this alternate world, were cars invented in the 1700's? Cool ideas, Marsh!

              Your friend,
                             Jordan :thumbsup:

Lol, a person on EVERY website this is posted on has noticed that :P

Quote from: emgmod on March 20, 2010, 11:58:20 PM
Great job with the plop part. Is there any trace of the original settlement left?

Why yes, there is! Youll see in this update! And also once the Vancouver Historicle Society sets in (In bout 50 years ()stsfd() ) Theyl even rebuild part of the original settlement.

Quote from: Shilka on March 21, 2010, 01:15:39 AM
Very good idea to start of with a historical chapter like this, eventhough the settlement was abandoned. (I'm curious if there's any remains too)
Frankly I think there's nothing wrong with some plopping going on in a natural growth style journal, especially when it has the kind of historical logic your update has. Good start, and definately looking forward to the next update!

Thanks man! And again, yes ::)

Quote from: penguin007 on March 21, 2010, 07:56:55 AM
Nice historical introduction there can't wait for more


Thanks! ;D

Quote from: Tomas Neto on March 21, 2010, 11:51:20 AM
Very nice update again!!!  :thumbsup:

Thanx! ()stsfd()

Quote from: Battlecat on March 22, 2010, 09:32:00 AM
That was a very cool historical setup!




That mosaic looks even better without the white lines.


I have to agree with that! Great mosaic!

          -Jordan :thumbsup:
I'm the one who jumped across the Grand Canyon... and lived.


A veiw of the Reigion

And the Counties


Looks good!  That was quite the mosaic!


The region looks great!

          -Jordan :thumbsup:
I'm the one who jumped across the Grand Canyon... and lived.


It is always good to have some background information on the region. Oh and I like how you forrested the region.
My name is Raphael.
Visit my MD: Empire Bay (My old MD: Santa Barbara County)

Tomas Neto

Fantastic region, very nice!!!



Quote from: Battlecat on March 24, 2010, 08:15:20 AM
Looks good!  That was quite the mosaic!

Thanks! ;D

Quote from: RickD on March 25, 2010, 03:09:58 AM
It is always good to have some background information on the region. Oh and I like how you forrested the region.

THankS ;D

Quote from: Tomas Neto on March 25, 2010, 03:43:29 AM
Fantastic region, very nice!!!

And Thanx! ;D

Vancouver's a growing city. The Region itself has already over 10,000 people. And it is growing fast. The largest city is... Vancouver, of course. The second largest is the town of Nathrop, located right across the bay to the south.

Part of the settlement which exsisted in the 1700's still exists today including Fort Vancouver and two ships.

The ship, St. Dynamite, (renamed St. Dynamene in 1752), still survives. The western gold rush seekers found it drydocked when they first arrived at the abandoned village in the 1800's. There Gold quest however, failed in this region.

Nathrop's downtown is... well, the only real downtown. It only holds a few shops and diners. However it has the highest amount of comercial property in the entire region. Gould, to the south, comes in second.

Vancouvers first elementary school was recently finished last month. Now the cities children can be educated!

A corporation recently set up called Vancouver Energy Corp, or VEC. It is the reigions first power plant and provides power to all of Vancouver, Nathrop, Larimer, and may strech some powerlines off to Gould soon. Almost the entire region however, still is living in the dark ages.

In nearby Larimer, more and more industrial buildings have been being built recently. The buildings currently produce textiles. However, that may change if a more profitable meterial comes along. *hint*hint*

The Vancouver market is the largest "money maker" in all of Vancouver. A man named Blahbady Blah Blah the III had a briliant idea to buy crops from the local farmers for a lower price then the villagers would pay, but he would buy the ENTIRE years yeild. Then he would sell them to the villagers for more money that they originaly payed. The Villagers did'nt mind, because the food was delivered stright to there house so they didnt have to carrie more nececities. Blahbady III was the first "middle man" on the west coast.

And lastly, some slums on a peninsular.

Thats All For Today!!!


Good story. This is what makes those natural growth mds interesting.
Will there be rail in Vancouver?  :)
My name is Raphael.
Visit my MD: Empire Bay (My old MD: Santa Barbara County)


Cool update!  Your city is growing very quickly!

Tomas Neto


Looks great over here too!

       -Jordan :thumbsup:
I'm the one who jumped across the Grand Canyon... and lived.



Quote from: RickD on March 26, 2010, 02:27:48 AM
Good story. This is what makes those natural growth mds interesting.
Will there be rail in Vancouver?  :)

thanks. And yea, one is already set up. ;D

Quote from: Battlecat on March 26, 2010, 08:27:26 AM
Cool update!  Your city is growing very quickly!

Thanx! ;D Yea Vancouver itself is alredy at 15,000.

Quote from: Tomas Neto on March 26, 2010, 11:58:42 AM
Nice update again!!!  :thumbsup:

Thanks! ;D

Quote from: canyonjumper on March 26, 2010, 04:40:02 PM
Looks great over here too!

       -Jordan :thumbsup:

Thanks! ;D

Dear City Councill,

            I am Mr. Blahbady Blah the III. I am pleased with the new cause way you recently constructed to Agate Island where I curently live. It makes getting to work so much easier. I used to have to take a ferry to the mainland, (a whole 20 yards away), then walk all the way to the Vancouver Market. Now I can just drive there!

I want to thank you. This Causeway allowed me to more esily moniter the market, and now have moved it to a larger building! (Attatched is a picture of the new building)

However I am a bit displeased in letting that Pedriana fellow construct his plant next to my Grahm Grahm's House.

                                                                                                                              With Regards, Blahbady Blah Blah the III


Blahbady Blah Blah the III is going to win against Pedriana Farm Inc. I know it.

Also, at the distance the pontoos are from each other, could they connect and make a pontoon bridge?


Your region shot is quite spectacular! I also enjoyed the past couple of updates with the information tidbits :)


That was an interesting update.  A simple causeway like that is a great investment.  Certainly cheaper in the long run than a ferry service.


Great update marsh! Blahbady :D

       -Jordan :thumbsup:
I'm the one who jumped across the Grand Canyon... and lived.