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Upgradeable seaport bug??

Started by kokkojambo, April 23, 2007, 07:07:52 AM

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I'm having a problem with the PEG CDK upgradeable seaport.
When the capacity of the port is exceeded, the game asks if i want to upgrade it. So far so good...
BUT! When i answer yes, the seaports graphic dissapear and the max capacity goes up to astronomical levels and in turn, so does the monthly cost... AAAgh! And i can't bulldoze it either!  ()what()

I'm not sure if this is the place to ask for help on this, but I hope someone has a solution...

And I just wanna say that this is one KICKASS site! Thanks!


I too have had this start recently. I have been able to delete the port by plopping the same lot around it (an old trick... I think) and deleting them all at the same time. This hasn't always worked the first time as one of the new lots wouldn't delete, but repeated tries have been successful.

As far as the graphics problem when the port is upgraded, I'm almost sure it's plugin related because the port has worked for me in the past, and I have recently installed some new plugins. I'm working my way through weeding out the possible plugins, but I haven't found a conflict yet. It's taking a while because the problem only occurs when the port asks to be upgraded. I'll post any results I find (if I find any) and I'll keep my eye on this thread to see if anyone else finds an answer.

More info:

If I'm understanding what I found on other forums correctly, the PEG CDK Seaport is not upgradeable. That seaport simply replaces the ingame seaport. The upgradeable seaport can be found on the STEX by MrTruesage. Also, it appears that the two can not be used together without conflicts which could be causing the trouble. However, mention is made of a fix by Swamper77 to allow different seaports to be compatable. So, it seems that only one seaport mod is allowed at a time unless the fix is used. Hope this helps.