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Whale's Christchurch --- I love Ellesmere

Started by fighter_jingyu, May 23, 2010, 07:07:33 AM

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你好 everyone and Welcome to the Whale's Christchurch ;D
The city was built in the Christchurch region, which was created by the NHP team and i have made some modification.

yeah.. you see i just take advantage of the terrain of real world Christchurch, and the city in game, was totally depended on my willing.

This project was probably started in Sep. 2008, when i just leart how to work out my custom plugins by LE.
and thanks to my laziness and lack of ideas, the construction of Christchurch comes slooooowly during these years.
but i always wanna share my best pics to everyone who loves this game, and can't wait to upload when i found a nice one in my city.

As the downtown area of whale's christchurch "Ellesmere" is nearly 80% complete and my chosen image hosting website deleted almost all my upload pics (a 100 days storage limited, not metioned in their policy), i want to get a new fresh start here and collect all my released pics together.
so i decide to start my MD.

The first upload is a district named "Ellesmere" -- the heart of Whale's Christchurch, major habitation and commercial area of this city.
you may see some w2w buildings, small apartment blocks, parks, colleage and a railway system.

tip: all the pics you saw are the resized version. friends who saw my pics before would know, that i prefer huge size mosaics.
i will put the link of the original pic below the resize one, you can see more details from the original.
all the pieces of mosaics were captured at zoom 4, and the full resolution come up to thousands x thousands(the same level or even larger).
and because of my lack at lauguage, i can't give full description for each pic or city's history, or bad gramma makes words twist.
all you can do is see the photos, and ignore what i said %confuso

#1 will become the content for further developments and updating below, the city's pics were posted from 2#.

So let's begin the journey in the Christchurch, Ellesmere. and wish everybody just enjoy my pics.
Please be free to post your reply, if you like them, come up with suggestion, or criticism..

~Whale's Christchurch~ a place nearby


so let's start at Christchurch's central railway station.
the central railway station was a heavy-rail terminal and a transfer metro station.
the platforms of station were underground and trains turnover through some tunnels.
the pic was captured in Sep. 2009, when the city's heavy-rail system have not been electrified yet.
click here for full resolution.

and a night shot, too.

full resolution

~Whale's Christchurch~ a place nearby


full resolution
besides the central railway station, there is a elevated terminal. yeah.. i like its lovely yellow light.

full resolution
those old w2w buildings... late at night, no passerby, just disconsolate lights.

full resolution
hotel hilton near the rail station and the passenger port.

~Whale's Christchurch~ a place nearby



full resolution
another view of the elevated terminal. see the big guy at right side? it's Christchurch museum. you can pay a visit there to find the city's history.
but i haven't been there yet :-[

full resolution
old w2w buildings behind a office dom

full resolution
an "airscape" night shot of the area metioned before.

now it turned a daytime.

full resolution
a shot of railyard behind the central staion. you can see there was no electrization on the railway. but a year later, you'll find catenaries are set.

now this is today, and come back tomorrow.
thanks for your patience to see these pics, and if you like them, or any suggestion please post some words to let me know.

on schedule, tomorrow it will come up with some looong mosaics.

~Whale's Christchurch~ a place nearby

Tomas Neto

Awesome start, really fantastic!!!  &apls &apls &apls


I am liking the look of this a lot...your commercial heart is really good! It just seems to work. Well done!


Really fantastic work here, Whale. I've seen tidbits of your work before in other threads, but now that you have a full blown MD, I can't wait to see some more pictures.

Great work here, my friend.

Ethan :)


     Wow, this a simply amazing MD!  &aplsIt looks fantastic! I hope this last a long time! I cant wait for more! :thumbsup:

,marsh  :thumbsup:


This is great! I love Ellesmere! Where did you get the elevated rail station? It looks so cool!

              -Jordan :thumbsup:
I'm the one who jumped across the Grand Canyon... and lived.


Whoa, fantastic start! I'll be keeping my eye on this one!


some reply first:
Quote from: Tomas Neto on May 23, 2010, 08:23:38 AM
Awesome start, really fantastic!!!  &apls &apls &apls

Quote from: wallasey on May 23, 2010, 11:00:06 AM
I am liking the look of this a lot...your commercial heart is really good! It just seems to work. Well done!
Quote from: ecoba on May 23, 2010, 12:23:17 PM
Really fantastic work here, Whale. I've seen tidbits of your work before in other threads, but now that you have a full blown MD, I can't wait to see some more pictures.
Great work here, my friend.
Ethan :)
well thank you man~
@ecoba: yeah you're right, since i said at 1#, these pics once released in "show us your..." threads,
but now they're already not avaliable.
and you know, all those pics above were taken in 2009, and addon my poor photoshopping skill... so,... they look strange somehow..
those pics below will be much better i think :D

Quote from: marsh on May 23, 2010, 05:32:58 PM
Wow, this a simply amazing MD!  &aplsIt looks fantastic! I hope this last a long time! I cant wait for more! :thumbsup:
,marsh  :thumbsup:
Quote from: canyonjumper on May 23, 2010, 09:46:21 PM
This is great! I love Ellesmere! Where did you get the elevated rail station? It looks so cool!

              -Jordan :thumbsup:
Quote from: Haljackey on May 23, 2010, 10:50:25 PM
Whoa, fantastic start! I'll be keeping my eye on this one!
yeah.. i hope the MD will last a long time. but i'm not quite sure about this july, that because i will graduate from my university and move forward to my job.
so i have no idea whether i get free to make some update at that time.

@jumper: well, you can get the elevated station with some other great stuff here. good luck my friend :thumbsup:

thanks alot for your replies :thumbsup: and wish you love these following pics :thumbsup:

~Whale's Christchurch~ a place nearby



semi resolution
The photo was taken in Jan. 2010. and you can get a overview of ellesmere that time. full resolution is 5300x6860, i'm afraid the hosting website would refuse the request.

full resolution
do you like the shoreline?
someone said the beach seems from another world :D :D

~Whale's Christchurch~ a place nearby


full resolution
a statue of christchurch. mother russian? probable.. the season was winter.. leaves left on the groud..

full resolution
a birdview of R$ apartments, which located at the foot of the moutain.

~Whale's Christchurch~ a place nearby


A few of these shots seem quite familiar (picture competition ::)) But that's no problem since their quality is so high I'm quite simply staggered. Your other shots are also of a very high level. And, I don't know wether you've ever been to Europe, but it comes very close to a real European city.
Take care and I can't wait to see more!


PS: I'm actually quite glad you started an MD here.
RIP Adrian (adroman), you were a great friend

My LOT thread                                    

SCAG BAe146/Avro RJ Project

Aaron Graham

-Simcity4fan12/Sgt Pepper -Kryptowhite -Jumpthefence -beutelschlurf -Hanson784 -Gwail -Don Miguel -Seraf -Kelistmac -Glenni -Aaron Graham -Vlasky -PBGV103 -Darknono35 -Evillions -lucky7- Parisian- Jackreid -GuerrilaWarfare -Sim Fox -un1 -Heblem -AlexandrosB13 -Anotn -SimHoTToDDy


Quote from: WC_EEND on May 24, 2010, 04:34:36 AM
A few of these shots seem quite familiar (picture competition ::)) But that's no problem since their quality is so high I'm quite simply staggered. Your other shots are also of a very high level. And, I don't know wether you've ever been to Europe, but it comes very close to a real European city.
Take care and I can't wait to see more!


PS: I'm actually quite glad you started an MD here.
thanks xander :thumbsup:
come back after dinner :D
yep, those pics were released and whale wanna thank you again that you still remember my pics far away from nowaday..
and among your words i read you had a little disappointment about those familiar.. nevermind
new photos come out right now :thumbsup:

this one is a total overview of ellesmere. sorry for my poor PS skill, some tall buildings seemed toppling down :-[
well i just want to make a perspective effect, it looks well at first sight, but you cannot observe this one for a long time, cuz it lost so many details :thumbsdown:

~Whale's Christchurch~ a place nearby


full resolution
well this one.
you can see the tall building which i considered the city gov. edifice, and the city hall sit beside him.
stanples center? yeah you're right, the mayor is a LA Laker's fun and he wish the team can play a game at Christchurch with his locale team :D
well that's the first mosaic

full resolution
the second one~
you'll see lots of familiar stuff in old pics.
but feel new and fresh, isn't it?
cuz it's summer time :D

~Whale's Christchurch~ a place nearby


full resolution
the third one~
from the top down you can see the old Christchurch university, Christchurch central library and central plaza, the so called CBD area and some bridges.

full resolution
a small lake, an unique roundabout, and a railway system~

~Whale's Christchurch~ a place nearby


I just had dinner, and here are some more great pictures.  I don't know why, but your Md always seems to inspire me to build cities in a way that had never crossed my mind before (like using that suspension bridge in that way). Also, those are some of the most realistic mosaics I've ever seen. Looking at those pictures, I can alsmost feel the atmosphere of a real city.
On a side note: instead of posting after yourself, you could also use the "edit" button.

take care

RIP Adrian (adroman), you were a great friend

My LOT thread                                    

SCAG BAe146/Avro RJ Project

Tomas Neto