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Three Rivers Region

Started by dedgren, December 20, 2006, 07:57:49 PM

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Welcome to page 300! ;)

Congrats on 2 years of 3RR at sc4devotion, David!

And nice new pictures of your work!


Hey David,
First let me say Happy Birthday 3RR! Since I pretty much just woke up , quick report on the newest pieces: the Ram/STR stuff worked perfectly.I love the new bridges!
There is a bug (at least for me) with the 45 degree to FAR curve road piece. :1: In order to place it , you actually have to place it to the left of where it needs to go.
:2: Its in there twice (once before the country roads , then after them). Once I get up and around I'll mess with them some more!

Happy Birthday to me this morning!


EDITJayson, these are all already fixed and a beta update will be emailed later this morning to all.  Thanks so much for the input, as we're really on a, er... fast track here. -DE


Happy Birthday 3RR!  Has it really been two whole years?  Time flies by eh?




I apologize that my first two beta testing pics are not positive, but I am reporting two problems.


The FAR/FARR neighbor connections, that I mentioned in the previous beta test, can no longer be made in the way that I described.  Of course, we were probably not intended to be able to do this anyway, so this is a minor thing.


IMHO, this is a much more serious problem, and it seems to be a conflict.  Except for RHW-2 and the basic RHW-4 starter piece, the RHW no longer works properly, and the only thing I have done is install the new files.  Does anyone know why this message might appear?  It appears for every RHW puzzle piece except for the RHW-4 starter, and the puzzle piece cannot be placed as a result.

I will post some more "real" pics later, but I feel that this second issue is quite important.
Find my power line BAT thread here.
Check out the Noro Cooperative.  What are you waiting for?  It even has electricity.
Want more? Try here.  For even more electrical goodies, look here.
Here are some rural power lines.



The NAM controller included is written for RHW 3.0, Tram-in-Road, and modular underpasses, all which will be features in the next NAM. For the majority of STR-FAR-FARR testers, you'll have to choose between testing David's new creations or having the RHW.



Happy Birthday &apls

Great pictures, and great work on the puzzle pieces :thumbsup:

Metarvo, number 1 is because the pieces were modified so that when you bullodzed a when piece it didn't destroy the surrounding pieces, but it seems that has caused the nieghbour connection to not work anymore.



I was actually here to report the same thing as Metarvo, as well as the fact that the STR/diagonal road crossing has textures but no paths. Other than those 2 issues, I've found no problems with the STR.

Though I think that I would choose RHW and the turning lanes plugin over STR, for right now at least. Sorry David.
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores


Just finished testing them. Nothing wrong with mine, except for the intersection error. Mainly because I don't have the new NAM.
Since the pictures are huge I will link them for you.
Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3
Paths Picture

I also tested the UDI, it works fine, although the game picks which track you take at the separations, but it is smart at choosing what track to take going on to the two track section.



Quote from: BigSlark on December 20, 2008, 08:50:17 AM
For the majority of STR-FAR-FARR testers, you'll have to choose between testing David's new creations or having the RHW.

Some "growing pains" are to be expected when something so revolutionary and wonderful is created, I suppose.  $%Grinno$%

No problem, though.  :)  I'll start a specialized RHW-free region to continue the test.
Find my power line BAT thread here.
Check out the Noro Cooperative.  What are you waiting for?  It even has electricity.
Want more? Try here.  For even more electrical goodies, look here.
Here are some rural power lines.


I've found a few minor issues with the STR. The dual rail to STR 45 degree switch is missing one rotation and has one rotation replaced with a 90 degree switch piece:

The only other issues I've had with the STR so far is that the STR-Diagonal Road intersection and Elevated Highway over STR don't have paths, and an avenue can be dragged across the STR but it doesn't have paths or textures.


Bug Update-

The following issues with the beta STR and other stuff sent out yesterday have already been corrected and new files sent out to the testers:

STR001 - STR to parallel STR switch (thundercrack 3RR#5974) - IDs itself in game as "Double Track to Parallel STR Switch" - Fixed

FAR001 - diagonal to FAR transition (sithlrd98 3RR#5981) - puzzle piece placement outline is offset - Fixed
FAR002 - diagonal to FAR transition (sithlrd98 3RR#5981) - puzzle piece appears twice in rotation - Fixed

There's also a number of minor bug fixes in these files, and diagonal STR textures are added in preparation for draggable diagonal STR.

Here's two I've spotted with the STR

There is no dual rail/STR crossover automatically created.

STR002 - draggable STR (dedgren 3RR#5988) - no dual rail/STR crossover automatically created - Open

Ortho road crossing over ortho STR lacks crossing gates.

STR003 - draggable STR (dedgren 3RR#5988) - ortho road crossing over ortho STR lacks crossing gates - Open

Other bugs that are still open.

FAR003 - All FAR puzzle pieces (metarvo 3RR#5983) - neighbor connections no longer created - Open

STR004 - draggable STR (deathtopumpkins 3RR#5986) - diagonal road crossing over ortho STR lacks paths - Open
STR005 - dual rail to STR switch (RustyXL#5989) - dual rail to STR 45 degree switch missing one rotation - Open
STR006 - dual rail to STR switch (RustyXL#5989) - one rotation replaced with a 90 degree switch piece - Open
STR007 - draggable STR (RustyXL#5989) - elevated highway over ortho STR lacks paths - Open
STR008 - draggable STR (RustyXL#5989) - avenue crossing over ortho STR lacks paths and textures - Open

The incompatibility of the STR beta with the RHW, as reported by our friend metarvo, is not a bug.  This will be addressed in the NAM release, so it shouldn't be a problem for more than...

...oops, phone's ringing again- gotta go!

Keep those reports and pics coming, folks.  We'll probably be doing revs to the files every day or so through Christmas.



D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


Hey... look at that, page 300

no SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

I guess its a time for bug fixing then...

Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


Haven't been able to do any major testing yet, but I have some initial impressions from the hour I got to play with them last night.  

First of all, the textures are fantastic.  The detail on the switches is an incredible improvement on what was in the game originally, and I can't wait to see the same level of detail on those game switch replacements.   :thumbsup:

It's a little irritating that the STR curve, switches, and double track transition don't act as starter pieces.  It isn't that hard to fix (just one more plop and a bulldoze), but I can imagine it getting a little tedious doing it for every curve and switch.  
I also noticed that there aren't textures for the Avenue Crossing, and the crossing diagonal double rail over STR causes the STR to revert to double rail. 

I have a couple of issues with the STR diagonals, but since they will be made draggable by the full release/next beta, i won't worry about that.  

I've noticed that both the FAR-diagonal road transition, and the Rural Road Straight section plop one tile offset from where the "ghost preview" shows.  This is less of a problem on the rural roads, since they're 1x1 and always plop where the cursor was, and I was mostly plopping them on top of existing road sections, but I found my self having to bulldoze and replop the FAR-diagonal transition several times.  

Speaking of Rural Roads, in the short time I had them in use, they were used as a main way out of town for freight trucks, so they work.  

Hopefully, I'll be able to do some more in-depth testing, with pics, later today. 

EDIT:I see that while I was typing I missed several posts, and a couple of the issues I brought up have been/are being addressed. 


I haven't had a chance to test the STR yet, but thanks for sending it to me. I have only one email from you in my Inbox - I emptied it yesterday, and the one I have in it says it was received on Fri 12/19/08 at 9:14 PM. I'm not sure what time zone is being shown there, but it's probably not Alaska time, I hope it's Eastern time cause that's where I am... Anyway, I'd like to just confirm whether or not it contains the newer STR version with fewer problems? Thanks in advance.

EDITYou've got the right one, my friend.  There are two more files in your email inbox today- make sure you install the one from yesterday first, then do the changes noted in today's email.  Good luck! -DE

Thank you, David - I'll be leaving on Monday to visit my uncle so I won't be able to test any more until after the beta test ends, so I'll have to do all the testing that i can this weekend...
My days here are numbered. It's been great and I've had a lot of fun, but I've moved on to bigger and better things.
Glory be unto the modder and unto the fun and unto the city game!


Testing's in full force here, David! That's a great sight to see!

I'll be doing some more playing around later on tonight, I'll see what I can break!



OK , gotta little problem now. First , I deleted the first beta and installed the second. Now , I have a terrible "lag"when placing various pieces and , although  I thought it was fixed , the 45 to FAR piece is still in twice and now  the country roads are in twice. None of the other pieces are doubled so I don't think its me.

As a side note , if anyone is using the Rail Catenaries mod , you may feel the Y stack to be a little cantanerie heavy...at least I did. I have had no other issues , yet but I've only been able to mess with it for a short period as the wife and kids are feeling ignored...boo hoo.JK I'll try and post pics later.



The slowness would be because I forgot to copy the path files from the first beta to the second one &ops, I'm ust doing it now, as well as pathing a few more.



hey... to mention this. but I think that STR-road intersections look swish without barriers... maybe the low wealth versions can be barrierless?

Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


I haven't even done much of any testing at all with the STR yet, but in several various puzzle piece and interchange tab-loops, I have  noticed that at the end of the loops there are new empty slots that lack anything ploppable.
I haven't checked the FAR tab ring yet so that doesn't count...
My days here are numbered. It's been great and I've had a lot of fun, but I've moved on to bigger and better things.
Glory be unto the modder and unto the fun and unto the city game!


How dare you Jonathan...sleeping on the job are we? :D

Nerdly: I haven't encountered that one yet.

Overall , the FAR/FARR/STR is awesome! Thanks to everyone involved!
