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Pics of.............Yourself

Started by NASCAR_Guy, April 29, 2007, 09:00:23 AM

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Me inspecting the fridge :P

Nice gf Josef :)


I got a new passion, which is wearing bandanas around my neck. Just gotta love it  ;D


LoL Lars looking pretty evil there in that pic with the red eyes  :D   But good pic none the less......

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I'm unsure how allowed this is, but gimme a PM if it isn't, or (if you have the rights) pull the image.
The following image is about 7 weeks old, just got a hold of it myself from a comrade-in-arms, rather self explanatory, but this is me firing a KSP58B, which is a variant of the Belgian FN MAG, A rather brutal machine-gun. threw out about 1500 live rounds, a quarter of which were tracers that day, quite joyfully actually, though its got a sweet recoil. I only got to fire some 200 rounds from the rail-mounted gun though, the one in the picture, which is what we have on our ships, the other 1300 or so rounds were fired from the same way infantrymen would have, but we have a cooler(and lot less camouflaged) uniform :D
I hope to be able to show some more pictures from the Navy as the year goes by, i've uploaded one picture to Wikipedia, on the Stockholm class corvette, and actually started to correct information on the Swedish Navy and bring it up to date, so if you like navy ships, check those entries out in the near future.

Sorry its taken from my back, but for safety reasons we couldn't stand in front of the machine-gun when we were firing ^__^



wonderfull pic Xiziz wow the Swedish Navy's Reg's are loose look at how long your hair is I know when I was in service the longest I could keep mine was almost bald length.


Xiziz that is a sweet pic and well its kinda of a duh moment that we wouldnt expect a frontal pic of you while firing the gun lol  :D   I truely cant belive as canuck pointed out how relax the Swed's are about hair lengths lol...

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Quote from: canuck3360 on May 01, 2008, 01:45:11 PM
wow the Swedish Navy's Reg's are loose look at how long your hair is

Quote from: Pat on May 01, 2008, 03:24:57 PM
I truely cant belive as canuck pointed out how relax the Swed's are about hair lengths lol...

That is because we in Europe want our soldiers and marines to look good  ;)

Great picture Xiziz! It will probably show up in the picture war thread as well....
Check my MD:               



LoL Sebes, I thought that the bald look and a funky uni would get a woman going though?

szymcar looking good there!! BTW in the second pic are you in a shop by a chance?

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


I don't like having my picture taken,  ()sad() 
but these were taken on a boat trip around Wellington Harbour in New Zealand,
as I was in charge of the boat at the time, I couldn't avoid the camera.

Hopefully I have got the linking right and

yes I am standing on a box so I can see where I am steering the boat  :D

I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" DEATH thought about it. "CATS," he said eventually, "CATS ARE NICE.


Quote from: Pat on May 01, 2008, 06:20:57 PM
LoL Sebes, I thought that the bald look and a funky uni would get a woman going though?

szymcar looking good there!! BTW in the second pic are you in a shop by a chance?

The photo was made from the stand in the locomotive shed of the narrow-gauge railway. ;)


Well heres a few pics of me on my trip to Gold Coast, Australia last year.

These 2 pictures are of me on "The Claw", one of my favourite rides at Dreamworld.
Basically its like a swinging ship, except you rock up to 9 stories high while the seating spins around.

In this one I am in the seat beside the empty one (the empty one had a broken buckle, so I wouldnt want to ride that one)

This one was taken by my dad after me and my mum rode the log ride at Dreamworld and got completely soaked...

And this one was on the "Flowrider" at Dreamworld, which was an awesome ride that you body board on (or surf on if you pay extra and stay after closing time on Friday nights)

And last but not least Im in the second car on "Superman Escape", an awesome rollercoaster which launches you from 0-100kmh in just 2 seconds!


Cameron, sometimes people warn before posting pictures  -  I think you should too... my stomach is turning when seeing that "Claw" in the air...  ()sick()

Catty : why you don't like pictures? You look cool on that box  :thumbsup:

Check my MD:               


Quote from: sebes on May 02, 2008, 03:45:23 AM
Cameron, sometimes people warn before posting pictures  -  I think you should too... my stomach is turning when seeing that "Claw" in the air...  ()sick()

lol the claw was one of my favourite rides! (superman escape was my favourite) It looks scary and sickening but it really isnt! Its not like those swinging ships where all you have is a lap restraint (that doesnt work if you sit next to a rather large person) and lets you slide round the plastic benches.
As you can see in the picture it has rollercoaster-type restraint that are comfortable and feel very safe!. Its a very smooth ride also, it doesnt jerk you around at all, and the view from the top of its swing.... is just jawdropping! You can see everything within about 60km!  ;D


Quote from: cameron1991 on May 02, 2008, 04:12:06 AM
As you can see in the picture it has rollercoaster-type restraint that are comfortable and feel very safe!. Its a very smooth ride also, it doesnt jerk you around at all, and the view from the top of its swing.... is just jawdropping! You can see everything within about 60km!  ;D

If you can open your eyes that is.


szymcar that is soo cool!!!! 

Cathy I think that is soo cool that you got to pilot a boat!!!  :thumbsup:

Sebes too funnie my friend way too funnie about the warning lol....

Cameron that park reminds me of 6 Flags Great America here in the states...

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


Quote from: sebes on May 02, 2008, 03:45:23 AM
Catty : why you don't like pictures? You look cool on that box  :thumbsup:

I always feel like a rabbit in the car headlights  :o and also &blush, this could explain my tendency to lurk, I like the  8) shadows  ;D

Cameron your pictures of the "Claw" were awesome, but I think I would look like this after trying it ?=mad)=


Hi Pat, yes it was great fun and I was sorry when I had to give the wheel back to the boat's Captain.

And of course the Official Tea Maker will be pleased to know that when we anchored the boat at mid-day it was for that most important of occasions - a good strong cup of tea
I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" DEATH thought about it. "CATS," he said eventually, "CATS ARE NICE.


It's been a while since I've rendered this thread unviewable $%Grinno$%, so:

One of the most recent picture of myself -

Me at a Tea Shop; late Dec '07 -

My friend, her little sister and I at the Tea Shop -

Disclaimer - I'm not paying for your corrective eye surgery ;)
(Under Construction)


Ow my eyes...  $%Grinno$%

Nice Pictures Masochist! And, knowing that you don't go into a Coffeeshop in Holland to get coffee: what do you get in a Teashop?
Check my MD:               


heres a more recent one of me about 3 weeks old....

and this was a fun evening (im on the far right, doing the patriot thing in cardiff (it was an "S- party")

NAM + CAM + RAM + SAM, that's how I roll....