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buzzits power project

Started by Buzzit, August 10, 2010, 02:52:23 AM

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Wow nice result.
For the isolators. I would make the texture a bit darker. they look so bright  &mmm
Not sure about it



Quote from: peter007 on June 14, 2011, 12:18:26 PM
Wow nice result.
For the isolators. I would make the texture a bit darker. they look so bright  &mmm
Not sure about it

now you say it.. they accually are.

so i worked on that
but thats not all i also improved the insulators them selves
i also made the texture transparant(its more transparant now than on this picture)
i feel stupid that i didn't came up with that idea before but thanks to you i suddenly was thinking about it
they look pretty much identical now RL ones:

on a pylon:

i will implement these new insulators to my pylons as these will now be the standard insulators for all sets.

i also rewired the rivercrossingpylon its still a bit blocky but far less than the older one.

i will also start wiring the diagonals and the corner pylons!
so i have a lot of work to do! :)



I would say that they're fine in perspective view, but on the render they still look a bit small. Maybe you could try to scale them a bit on the
X- & Y-axis. I think they will look a bit better then ;)

Fresh Prince of SC4D

Quote from: Buzzit on June 13, 2011, 01:39:34 PM

Edit: ups! what i  forgot! this switch pylon is based on my imagination! :)

(my god these sets are getting really big now!)

Not completely, look at this. http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&ie=UTF8&layer=c&cbll=51.4972,7.289239&panoid=aPK9veXogPzO0azLV7Cl4w&cbp=12,168.43,,2,-10.39&ll=51.497309,7.289236&spn=0,0.006856&z=17

The only real difference is your 2nd tier is lower than the rl version. Also the rl version is strangely combine to a 3 tiered power line set on the same powerline.

Returning from Call of Duty . Must rebuilt what I destroyed....


Quote from: Fresh Prince of SC4D on June 15, 2011, 06:29:04 PM
Not completely, look at this. http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&ie=UTF8&layer=c&cbll=51.4972,7.289239&panoid=aPK9veXogPzO0azLV7Cl4w&cbp=12,168.43,,2,-10.39&ll=51.497309,7.289236&spn=0,0.006856&z=17

The only real difference is your 2nd tier is lower than the rl version. Also the rl version is strangely combine to a 3 tiered power line set on the same power.

there is however a diffrence between that one and mine because the one in google maps is a T-junction and mine a switch pylon.
but what i mented was that i didnt use any samples for this switchpylon :)


it seems i have a problem that i can't solve..
i made custom LODS for this pylon but it doesnt seem to change anything(i watched metarvo's topic if i could solve it wich suggested custom lods)
this is what i mean

this is how i made my LODS maybe one of the more experience batters can spot a problem ?

in the pim-x i also changed the size nummers so it fits in 1 tile maybe this is the problem?

could someone please help me? because i really want to release this set as it goes really well with the modeling now :(


Well, try to render the wires and the pylon seprately and combine them later in the LOT Editor. I'm quite sure that will help...
Lurk mode: ACTIVE


Quote from: mrtnrln on June 18, 2011, 08:01:08 AM
Well, try to render the wires and the pylon seprately and combine them later in the LOT Editor. I'm quite sure that will help...
i tryed that in the pim-x lot editor but my wires arent showing up in the lot-option. and i don't know how to get them in the powermenu in the other lot editor  ()what()


Assign the wires as props, not as buildings. And make the occupant size a bit smaller than 16x16m
Lurk mode: ACTIVE

Aaron Graham

-Simcity4fan12/Sgt Pepper -Kryptowhite -Jumpthefence -beutelschlurf -Hanson784 -Gwail -Don Miguel -Seraf -Kelistmac -Glenni -Aaron Graham -Vlasky -PBGV103 -Darknono35 -Evillions -lucky7- Parisian- Jackreid -GuerrilaWarfare -Sim Fox -un1 -Heblem -AlexandrosB13 -Anotn -SimHoTToDDy


sigh.. i dont get it anymore
it all is getting really confusing now
it seems that i need to learn alot more about batting and lotting
but i'm getting really frustrated now so i called a quit today.
i will dig deeper in the stuff tomorrow

Aaron Graham

It's going to be ok, maybe a small brake can help you out on some ideas on fixing the issue. :)
-Simcity4fan12/Sgt Pepper -Kryptowhite -Jumpthefence -beutelschlurf -Hanson784 -Gwail -Don Miguel -Seraf -Kelistmac -Glenni -Aaron Graham -Vlasky -PBGV103 -Darknono35 -Evillions -lucky7- Parisian- Jackreid -GuerrilaWarfare -Sim Fox -un1 -Heblem -AlexandrosB13 -Anotn -SimHoTToDDy


hi there people! :)

i see that alot of things changed over here hehe  :D

anyways i didnt showed any updates for a while now
but i didnt sit still at all!
i made HUGE! progress fixing 2 of the glitches and got atleast 40% of the set ingame and working now!

here are some pictures :):

2 substationpylons:

2 straight pylons upclose:


90 degree corner(the ground texture is removed now!) and a switchpylon.:

and the fixed bug i had before:

i'm glad to say im back in action :)

you can count an new updates these upcomming weeks!



L'atelier d'architecture
* * * * * Longwy * * * * *


Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November

Fresh Prince of SC4D

Returning from Call of Duty . Must rebuilt what I destroyed....

Aaron Graham

-Simcity4fan12/Sgt Pepper -Kryptowhite -Jumpthefence -beutelschlurf -Hanson784 -Gwail -Don Miguel -Seraf -Kelistmac -Glenni -Aaron Graham -Vlasky -PBGV103 -Darknono35 -Evillions -lucky7- Parisian- Jackreid -GuerrilaWarfare -Sim Fox -un1 -Heblem -AlexandrosB13 -Anotn -SimHoTToDDy


I really like how you BAT unique items that are a rarity in SC4!  :thumbsup:


i still have issues with the error 6 in BAT..
i cant render my diagonal and my rivercrossing ones
i still dont know waht this error 6 is

could someone please specify this error?
i really need to sort this one out.

im willing to try anything.
somebody maybe knows if this error doesnt come with 3dsmax?


looks like i may have  a short and quick solution ;)

it seems my own pc doesnt have enough memory to handle it.
my dads laptop is twice as fast(quadcore) and has twice the memory.
so i try it here untill i baught better memory(wich needed to be replaced anyways)

you will here more updates in time!
