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The Prestine Landscape (Terrain Works)

Started by Lowkee33, September 14, 2010, 08:37:29 AM

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Thanks for the compliments.  Nice to see you here Robin, feel free to call me Carl.  Welcome to the terrain works Bud, it's nice to see someone who I've never met come back. :)
Good to know I can post a PNG if I need to.  I am at the low end of the bandwidth spectrum, and I try to keep the images under 100kb.  But I think I'm going to break that rule this time (and my resolution rule).  We're close to the end of this page anyway. A good way to start a page.  :D

So, this water texture has no color.  By adjusting that one pixel you can get a pretty wide range of hues/saturation/brightness (brightness being the smallest range).

I think that about does it:


                                              Introducing the Appalachian Terrain Mod!

The Controller:

Windows - Link
Max       - Link


LK Terrain Textures 01  - Link

Highly Recommended Beach/Cliff/Water Mod:

LK_StarterSet - Link

You must be logged into the LEX to see the download button.

Feel free to ask me any questions to help.

Let me know if everything works before I get sick  :D


Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


Look great. Thank you very much for sharing your amazing work!  :thumbsup:


Finally here, amazing jon  &apls &apls &apls

still discovering the baby and trying to get snow on my mountains ^^
The Floraler

This is the end, hold your breath and count to ten, feel the earth move, and then...

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *    *   *   *   *   *    * 


Amazing work! I'm trying out all the different possibilities.  &apls


You cannot imagine my surprise when I log onto the LEX to grab a dependency and I see this!

AMAZING work lowkee! I'm so happy this is out!   &dance



Thanks everybody.  I can't believe it either Marsh, what has it been, a year and a half?

There may be an issue with the water on a Mac.  If anybody has a Mac can they please give this a run?


Fantastic work Carl! I just tested it in the game and it is amazing.

The only thing that puzzles me is the  "LK_WeatherTuning_Stagnant.dat" file.
You mention in the readme it is optional. But I can't see a difference throughout the year when I remove it..... ( Not sure what I'd be looking for either :P)



Like John Lennon said...

...instant karma's gonna get you...

Yeah, a year and a half long instant.  Great work, Carl!

D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


Thanks for the KP David. :)

Quote from: xannepan on February 04, 2012, 10:21:51 PM
The only thing that puzzles me is the  "LK_WeatherTuning_Stagnant.dat" file.
You mention in the readme it is optional. But I can't see a difference throughout the year when I remove it..... ( Not sure what I'd be looking for either :P)

Admittedly, the mod does very little.  You will notice it the most if you go to a relatively sloped area in January, then cheetah to July and change zooms.  You should notice a difference in the terrain.  This mod will make the terrain change less during the year.

Tree controllers also use moisture and I didn't want to break CycleDogg's, so the moisture level for the mod is the same as the default January.  Maybe a better way to test the mod would be to god mode trees in July (post mayor-mode), remove the mod, and god mode trees again.  You should plant different trees.

Having this mod in should make the tiles in region view match up better no matter what month you save them in.

I used this mod the whole time I made the terrain.  My original intent was to not even include it with the release.  However, when I took it out, things weren't working quite perfectly anymore.  I thought just to be safe I should keep it in.


Just to let you know, Carl, that I'm enjoying a lot your terrain mod.

I must have to say, my game runs smoother than with the previous one I had, and in fact, the textures you used match what I was looking for desperately.

So thank you, thank you, and again thank you for this extremely great mod.  :)
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Thanks Art :).  Feel free to post pictures here (that goes for anyone else to).


Hi Carl,

This sounds beautiful.

Too bad I have no time to play the game. Just lotting and modding.... But maybe next year?


I would really try your fantastic terrain mod in the game but...the game loads correctly to the region shot..then when i load a city tile,just before opening the tile,the game crashes...can you help me?
I had the meadowshire terrain mod installed...I removed the meadowshire terrain texture but didn't remove cp's tree controller...
help me please because i really want to enjoy your amazing work


Frank, next year?  That's a lot of lotting.

@Gugu3.  You either still have another terrain mod in your plugin folder or you didn't install mine correctly.  Search for the word "terrain" in your plugin folder, and remove the files that aren't part of this set.  Look at the files you have installed an compare them to the image in the Readme.


Thank you!I will check all the files as soon as I can :P


Quote from: Lowkee33 on February 08, 2012, 09:07:07 AM
Frank, next year?  That's a lot of lotting.
Maybe he's making lots and lots of parking lot lots :p
Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


Quote from: Lowkee33 on February 07, 2012, 03:22:04 PM
Thanks Art :).  Feel free to post pictures here (that goes for anyone else to).

Alrighty   :thumbsup:

The detail in the terrain textures is simply outstanding.  Back with meadowshire I would just about have to cover every square millimeter of ground with MMP's to achieve the depth of texture I wanted.  Lowkee's terrain blends with MMPs so well that now I don't have to use several layers of miscellaneous junk to blend in my Large MMPs to the terrain.  In fact, now there's all kinds of blank space that still looks great.    ;D


Copperminds and Cuddleswarms