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CAM - General Discussions

Started by RippleJet, May 01, 2007, 01:35:47 PM

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Quote from: 0rion79 on October 19, 2008, 02:07:20 AM
RJ, just to know... is it possible to "downgrade" a city from CAM to Vanilla game?

In theory, yes.
Any CAMeLots (stage 9 and above) that might already have grown would still be functional, even if you removed CAM.

However, I cannot predict how the RCI development simulator would work after that... ::)


I predict *BOOM* to the simulator. I probably wouldn't end well.

I noticed that the spell checker was in Spanish. Not surprising considering that the site admin lives in Spain, but since the rest of the site is in English....


I have tried to use the extra-cheats DLL to trigger an option called "plopAllBuildings" (or whatever) and I have seen that the game has placed all buildings, 1 x model, in my map. I have also seen that there are some brown boxes but that have the names of the landmarks available only on EA official forum.

The point is that I have a 2nd-hand copy of the game, that was already registered and I cannot re-register with my copy, even if I'm legally entitled to do so. Is there any way to get them legally? If no, I will survive to it :)

Also, I have seen that there is a set of other buildings, like "Log home - april" or "cradock", which are not landmarks but I have never seen in the game before. Are they required for using the CAM?



You can legally get the landmarks from zelgadis' site. The ST page to read is http://www.simtropolis.com/forum/messageview.cfm?catid=105&threadid=80054&enterthread=y
We are hoping to host the landmarks in the support section here but they have not been posted yet.
April Loghome and Craddock are growable lots from Colyn - CSX so you may see them in game at some point.
Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original


Hopefully someone can help me again. You all seem to be so knowledgable here. Anyway, I have all the CAM dependencies and everything grows in my city. The problem I have is that the 3 fountains that are supposed to become unlocked when I have 1 residential or commercial CAM, or 10 industrial CAMs won't become unlocked. I tested this on a new city, flat land, had 10k industrial and I counted atleast 20 ACME Pencil Factories but the reward fountains are still greyed out so I can't see the statistics.

Anyone know what might be wrong?


The ACME pencil factories are also available as stage 2 lots (I-D and I-M).
Thus, those are not CAMeLots.
I guess you'd still have to wait for the CAMeLot park a while longer... ;)


The test city has been running for a couple of hours now. I have lots of CAM lots up but still no counter. I have a 4 or 5 shiny towers called CO$$_11_(something)_Tower, A lot of ID Stage 6, and Stage 4 lots (yes their names have ID-Stage-4-ACME Oil Co. in it). Still no fountains unlocked. Also I have noticed that when I try to querry the buildings, I don't get a pop-up window, just the sound.



Quote from: Kracky on October 25, 2008, 12:08:34 PM
Also I have noticed that when I try to querry the buildings, I don't get a pop-up window, just the sound.

That means you haven't got BSC Essentials, which is also essential for CAMeLots to be counted. ;)

Note however, that once you've installed BSC Essentials, none of the existing CAMeLots will be counted.
Only those that grow after you install BSC Essentials will be counted.



Ok I've got a new problem with the farms. I cant seem to find this texture/prop anywhere (I've even tried google/yahoo).

This is from Betania Fruit Farm, I have downloaded all of the dependencies and everything except this are fine.


The item that appears to be missing is actually from the same prop family as the baskets of oranges on the right so if one is there then the other should be. I can only suggest you re-install BSC MEGA Props D66 Vol02
Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original


Nope, didn't help to redownload that. Also now theres another brown box next to it for the limes :P

EDIT:I re-downloaded BSC BAT Props - MBEAR Vol03 (don't remember why) and now the brown boxes have disappeared. Were the lemons and lime props there and not in MEGA Props D66 Vol02?


I noted that simgoober's W2W Chicago BSC pack has a few growth stage 8 lots.

It was updated a while ago, but he says that "The statistics have all been balanced using wouanagaine's X_Tool."

Does this mean it is CAMpatible?  Or, do I need to delete the growth stage 8 lots?



They are CAMpatible, as is everything available on the LEX. :thumbsup:


Quote from: RippleJet on November 04, 2008, 10:49:59 AM
They are CAMpatible, as is everything available on the LEX. :thumbsup:

Really?  Cool!!!  Thanks.


Hi, sorry that all I do is ask questions (I did answer one though ;D). This time I was wondering if there is an easy way to change the name of the CAM lots that grow. I have lots of buildings whos names ar R$$ Big Tower, or ID7 Large Factory, and the only way I can think of changing them to removed the R$$ or ID before there names is to use Lot Editor. Is there any other way?




which files should I be looking at to change the name of the CAM lots that grow?



If it's a single upload, the filename includes the name that appears in the game.
If it's included in a larger (starter/creator) pack, I'd recommend looking for it here.


I just happened upon it this afternoon, and this CAM business is making me drool.  ()stsfd() I'd like to start using it this evening, but I'm confused about the best way to handle my huuuuge existing plugins folder.

I will be getting rid of all the Stage 8 downloads I can identify (as recommended), but what about the Stages 1-7 buildings?  I've read that they should still work, but wouldn't their occupancy/jobs values cause possible demand problems too (since CAM readjusts these)?  And are the CAMified downloads here dependent on stuff from the original downloads from STEX/elsewhere?  Or is everything (like model files) included with the packs here?

The thought of starting over with just strictly CAM- and CAMpatible lots just about makes me cry, but I'm really tempted to gut everything and start fresh with ALL my downloads (perhaps just keeping civic buildings, parks, and recreation - and of course keep a backup in case I change my mind).  Is that what you experts would do?  Should I get rid of my dependency folders too?